Congo Free State
The Congo Free State, also known as the Independent State of Congo, was a large state in Central Africa from 1885 to 1908. News about abuses and atrocities on the private domains of the king inside the Free State (The Infamous Domaine de la Couronne, literally, "fief of the crown") led to the end of the absolutist rule of Leopold II and to the passing of a law by the Belgian parliament to annex the Congo Free State as a colony of the Belgian Colonial Empire. After that it became known as Belgian Congo in 1908.
[edit]- The interaction of economic and political institutions five hundred years ago is still relevant for understanding why the modern state of Congo is still miserably poor today. The advent of European rule in this area, and deeper into the basin of the River Congo at the time of the “scramble for Africa” in the late nineteenth century, led to an insecurity of human and property rights even more egregious than that which characterized the precolonial Kongo. In addition, it reproduced the pattern of extractive institutions and political absolutism that empowered and enriched a few at the expense of the masses, though the few now were Belgian colonialists, most notably King Leopold II.
- Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Poverty, Power, and Prosperity (2012)
- We do not have the figures of the Congolese population nor before naked after the rubber regime. So, we can say that two thirds of people have disappeared… or 10%. This is all out of control.
- When the State of Congo was called to economic life by the King of the Belgians, trade was only possible on the ribs. Now, thanks to the activity of His Majesty, he is done safely above the cataracts. This is the result of the peace and order which were introduced by the King of the Belgians incountries where no white merchant could have shown himself before.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 6) Lord Wolseley in The Times, 1890.
- I found the ardor with which honorable Members sought toto establish that the only motives are the purest and the noblest, the interest of humanity; here is their wordorder. But the heart of all this talk has been trade. It is a thing worth noting, that the progress of this conspiracy to discredit the Congo, parallels the increase in the budget of the Congo. I also believe that it is my duty to state categorically that the question religion plays a role in the current debate. Belgium is a Catholic country and the testimonies in subject of the alleged atrocities are mainly those of Baptist missionaries, men andwomen.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 7) John Campbell, MP for South Armagh, before the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, Bulletin of the Colonial Studies Society, March 1904
- When we travel to the Congo and involuntarily make the comparison between the old state thatwe know from the accounts or descriptions of the explorers, and the current state, the impressionholds admiration, wonder. In these regions where the tribes decimated by the raids of Arab traffickers were engaged in fighting without truce and without mercy […] in this sinister and mysterious continent, a State was constituted andorganized with marvelous rapidity, bringing to the heart of Africa the benefits ofcivilization. Today, security reigns in this immense territory.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 12) Congo Commission, 1905.
- In some cases, the worker has to walk one or two days every fort night, and sometimes more, to get to the place of the forest, where it can be found in rather great abundance, the rubbery lianas. There, the collector leads, for a certain number of days, an existence wretched. He must build himself an improvised shelter, which obviously cannot replace his hut, he does not havenot the food to which he is accustomed, he is deprived of his wife, exposed to the elements of the airand the attacks of wild beasts. His harvest, he must bring it to the post of the State or the Company, and it is only after that, that he returns to his village, where he can hardly stay for more than two or three days, because the new deadline presses him. As a result, whatever his activity in the forest rubber, the native, due to the many displacements which are imposed on him, sees the major part of his time absorbed by the rubber harvest.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 12-13) Congo Commission, 1905.
- Following the report of the commission of inquiry, the King had promised reforms. What would he could have done other? A train of no less than twenty-four decrees was announced in June 1906. On two points, they even went beyond the recommendations of the commission-investigation. Thus, the concessionaire companies could no longer levy taxes, which were hence forth the exclusive competence of the State; on the other hand, instead of being counted in hours of labor, taxes were now fixed currency.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 13) English historian, Barbara Emerson. Leopold II, the Kingdom and the Empire, pp 253 and 254, Duculot
- The white man has never inflicted or caused to be inflicted, as a punishment, for breach ofbenefits or for any other cause, such mutilations to living natives. Facts of this kind have not been brought to our attention by any witnesses and, despite all our investigations, we have not discovered any.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 14) Congo Commission, 1905.
- Having seen all that I have seen, it would not be fairon my part to keep quiet, because my silence could be misinterpreted. We had occasions exceptional to study the influence of the Belgian administration on the natives. We spent a yearin the rubber region, most often in remote districts, living side by side with the native. Conversing with the heads of villages through which we passed, we never heard of a single case of atrocity.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 14) English lieutenant Alexander Boyd in 1907.
- When the Belgium captured the Congo in 1908, 250 tribes had been united into a nation which was beginning to takea wareness of its unity. A territory as large as eighty times Belgium had been gathered, the borders were drawn and guarded, the administrations, the transport and the Post office functioned in these vast expanses, the country was endowed with a solid economic infrastructure, and countless religious missions provided education and medical care everywhere.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 17) EO. Libotte, former Managing Director of the Urome.
- To my beginnings in colonial life, almost forty years ago, I found my first major lesson in studying the work of King Leopold II in the Congo: model of creation, practical organization and director, broad and liberal initiative, understanding the material, moral and social needs of natives, from whom all colonial works should be inspired and which, for so many years and over so many points, served as a guide.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 18) Marshal Lyautey, In a letter addressed to Count Carton de Wiart in 1930.
- I do not believe in the accusations made in England against King Leopold II, the Congo and I do not share the feelings of those who inspire them. No state would be willing to spend the money spent by the King of the Belgians and Belgium in the most dark places of darkest Africa. When I consider the few years that have passed since the Congo became a state, I believe that the work accomplished is a great honor to Belgium. You can be sure that the King of the Belgians is interested in every detail of his administration. I do not claim that he can monitor all the actions of each individual, what Government could? The stories of the atrocities that have been spread are almost all gossip. The English note of month of August is based on biased reports. I am convinced that Leopold II has been doing his best to prevent any crime in the Congo, he is not responsible for the crimes anymore that could be committed there than those that are sometimes committed in Belgium. The reason of all these slanders? Jealousy! The Congo is doing better than any other African state. Those stories of atrocities will not stop, they will persist with the little basis they had, this was never anything but pure invention.
- Pierre Vercauteren: A king unjustly maligned. (Page 19) Sir Henry Morton Stanley in an interview given to Petit Bleu on November 13, 1903.
- The Congo was a sovereign State before the Berlin Conference was thought of. The first official acknowledgment of the new State came from the United States in the spring of 1884. It was afterwards formally recognised by other nations, and it entered the Berlin Conference on equality with the other Powers. It has never placed itself under the guardianship of any Power or collection of Powers. It has no connection with Belgium except that King Leopold II happens to be king of each of them.
- There have been cases in which the natives have been maltreated by minor officials, but these are isolated cases, and are severely punished by the authorities. Such cases have occurred in all public services where an attempt has been made to govern inferior races. Such things have happened in the Philippines, in British Africa, and in India. No colonising nation can cast a stone at King Leopold on that score. Among a large number of officials scattered over a vast territory there will often be one or two wicked stewards who despitefully use the natives. All that any State can do is to keep vigilant watch and to punish the wrongdoers, and this the Congo State has done. It has even established a Commission for the protection of the natives. By the decree of 1896, this Commission consisted of seven members, three being Catholic priests and four Protestant missionaries.
- The committee is to travel throughout the country into all the districts covered by Mr Casement in his recent tour of inspection, besides visiting many places Mr Casement never saw. In brief, the committee is to hold inquiry wherever evidence can be obtained. Where native witnesses give evidence of a nature prejudicial to white men, the committee will see that such witnesses are protected from the possibility of suffering at the hands of officials against whom they may bear witness. The Government of the Congo holds itself responsible for the safety and well-being of such witnesses. On the latter point King Leopold has expressed himself in the strongest possible terms.
- There were severed hands in the Congo, at the time of the Independent State... by the Officers of the Force Publique, to prevent the waste of ammunition to which their soldiers willingly let go, demanded that they provide proof that they had used their cartridges correctly. The proof was the severed hand of the killed enemy ... Severed hands, it will be noted, never constituted a form of punishment. ... By emphasizing, as they did, on the theme of severed hands - a theme which, we realize, easily provoked emotion -, Morel and his friends gave birth to the ambiguity which finally spread and lasted until our days: the idea that Leopold II had his hands cut off in the Congo, that it was a question of torture inflicted on the population, and even of torture most characteristic of the regime.
- I did not fail to refer to the "abuses and other undeniable deficiencies that this report rightly stigmatizes. Leopold II, of course, also carefully read this report. He reacted to it very quickly, with an honesty, insight and efficiency worthy of this visionary King. Despite the damning conclusions, he did not hesitate to have it published - in extenso - in the Official Journal of the EIC (Independent State of Congo). He had the perpetrators of the abuses prosecuted and, above all, taken a series of radical measures to put an end to them, by issuing no less than 24 Decrees to this effect.
- I accuse Leopold's officials of tyranny, i accuse Leopold's government of excessive cruelty, ox chains eaten to the necks of prisoners and produce sores about which flies circle, the courts are aborted unjust and delinquent, not one state official knows the language of the natives, your majesties' government is engaged in slave trade, wholesale and retail.
- King Leopold's Ghost George Washington Williams, Open letter to H.M.S. King Leopold II, 1890.
- Leopold's Congo state is guilty of crimes against humanity.
- King Leopold's Ghost George Washington Williams, Open letter to U.S secretary of state James G. Blaine, 1890
- Several of the little girls were so sickly on their arrival that our good sisters wouldn't save them, but all had the happiness of receiving holy baptism, they are now little angels in heaven who are praying for our great king.
- King Leopold's Ghost Mother Superior, letter to Congo Official, 1895
- Using the word genocide in Congo is absolutely unacceptable, nor appropriate! Colonization was not a silly undertaking. And yes, it was perhaps rather dominate, discovery and even acquire pure power. But at a certain point civilization did come.
- When up in those lonely Congo forests where I found Leopold I also found myself – the incorrigible Irishman.
- Botofé bo le iwa! Rubber is death!
- Every proposition having for its object the establishment of trade in Africa and the improvement of the black race, said Sir Samuel Baker, will remain Utopian as long as the slave-trade exists
- In the west much has been done of late years to bring about a more rational and humane state of things; but in the east the Arab advances continually followed by a procession of misery and desolation and growing stronger from day to-day to the detriment of the natives. How long will Europe permit this shame, how long will she be fooled by these scoundrels?
- The first step towards the regeneration of the black man is the destruction of the destroyer of the African race, of the adventurer whose power daily increases, in a word, of the Arab.
- As long as Europe is not strong enough to follow up the results already obtained by her voyages of discovery, the explorer can never be satisfied with his work; it will have injured rather than benefited the native races. People hesitate before resorting to extreme measures, but they lose sight of the fact that, if their efforts were concentrated on a single object, more would be done in a day for the real welfare of Africa than has been accomplished in past decades, nay even in past-centuries.
- The change which has occurred in the political condition of the African Coast, today calls for common action on the part of the Powers responsible for the control of that Coast. That action should tend to close all foreign slave markets and should also result in putting down slave hunting in the interior. The great work undertaken by the King of the Belgians, in the constitution of the Congo State, and the lively interest taken by His Majesty in all questions affecting the welfare of the African races, lead Her Majesty's Government to hope that Belgium will be disposed to take the initiative in inviting the Powers to meet in Conference at Brussels, in order to consider the best means of attaining the gradual suppression of the slave-trade on the Continent of Africa and the immediate closing of all the outside markets which the slave-trade daily continues to supply.
- New Africa; an essay on government civilization in new countries, and on the foundation, organization and administration of the Congo Free State, THE BRUSSELS CONFERENCE, Page 141. British Minister to the Belgian Court On September 17, 1888.
- As to the question whether this modification is opportune, the fact must not be lost sight of that the Berlin Conference never intended to fix unalterably the economic system of the Free State, which, as was already then foreseen, would undergo radical modifications under the influence of progress, nor of establishing for an indefinite period regulations which may hinder, check, and even arrest its development. Provision was wisely made for the probability of future changes, which would require a certain latitude in economic matters in order to secure their easy realization... The moment has now come when the marvellous progress made by the infant State is creating fresh needs, when it would be only in accordance with wisdom and foresight to revise an economic system primarily adapted to a creative and transitional period. Can we blame the infant State for a progress which, in its rapidity, has surpassed the most optimistic forecasts? Can we hinder and arrest this progress in refusing her the means necessary for her development? Can we condemn the Sovereign who has already made such great sacrifices to support for an indefinite period a burden which daily becomes heavier, and at the same time impose upon him new and heavy expenses necessitated by the suppression of the slave-trade? We are convinced that there will be but one answer to these questions.
- New Africa; an essay on government civilization in new countries, and on the foundation, organization and administration of the Congo Free State, NEW HONOURS FOR THE FREE STATE, Page 144. Lord Vivian, the British Minister at meeting of the Brussels Conference Act on May 10, 1890.
- The state of Congo is no colonized state, barely a state at all but a financial enterprise.
- The Case for Colonialism: A Response to My Critics, Page 4 Cattier, 1906, p. 341
- This much i can speak of with certainty and emphasis : that from the British frontier hear Fort George to the limit of my journeys into the Mbuba country of the Congo Free State, up and down the Semliki, the natives appear to be prosperous and happy... The extent to which they were building their villages and cultivating their plantations within the precincts of Fort Mbeni showed that they had no fear of the Belgians.
- Casement Report, Page 5. information given, by Sir Harry Johnston to Casement.
- The prevailing opinion at court was that the founding of a colony was beyond the strength of the Sovereign of a small state and that he would swallow up his private fortune, unable to create anything lasting. The King sought for the execution of his designs collaborators possessed of the faith which he himself had and which lifts mountains.
- All the King's Men' A search for the colonial ideas of some advisers and "accomplices" of Leopold II (1853-1892). (Hannes Vanhauwaert), 8. The Short Colonial Careers of Jules Greindl, Eugène père Beyens, Eugène Napoléon Beyens and Maximilien Strauch, Eugène Napoléon Beyens (1855-1934) Eugène Napoléon Beyens himself had a modest share in the creation of the Congo Free State. Shortly after 1883 he was in charge of private correspondence about the Congo. As a youngster he received this assignment, perhaps because Leopold II realized that the advisers associated with his 'Maison Civile' had little interest in those adventures. “Souvenirs sur Léopold II et la cour de Belgique.”, 545.
- But it would not be reckless to say that from the start the King dreamed of founding a Belgian colony. Many times I have heard him say, when the Independent State emerged from its swaddling clothes like a newborn baby trying to walk: "I work there for Belgium".
- All the King's Men' A search for the colonial ideas of some advisers and "accomplices" of Leopold II (1853-1892). (Hannes Vanhauwaert), 8. The Short Colonial Careers of Jules Greindl, Eugène père Beyens, Eugène Napoléon Beyens and Maximilien Strauch, Eugène Napoléon Beyens (1855-1934) BEYENS, E. “Souvenirs sur Léopold II et la cour de Belgique”, 713-714.
- By the end of 1892, all the King's collaborators during the first and second phases of Belgian work in the Congo had therefore ceased to participate. M. van Eetvelde, who had increasingly isolated himself from them, remained alone in possession of the sovereign's confidence, with the sole program of being the passive instrument of his designs. This third phase of the administration of the state of Congo affected all signs of impending dissolution.
- All the King's Men' A search for the colonial ideas of some advisers and "accomplices" of Leopold II (1853-1892). (Hannes Vanhauwaert), 9. Boycott! The story of Edmond Stanislas van Eetvelde (1852-1925) With this quote from a frustrated Emile Banning, the last chapter of the corpus of this treatise gets underway, which breaks through the 1890-1892 barrier in search of the other wind that would then blow in the colonial court of Leopold II. This third phase was not only characterized by a fragmentation in the administration of the EIC, but also by a new relationship between the king and his assistants. ARAB. Banning Papers, nr. 152, The Independent State of Congo and the Société Anonyme Belge pour le Commerce du Haut-Congo. Conflict over freedom of trade. Important later note from Banning, 5.
- In ten years or so, when rubber starts to decline, it will be agriculture that will have to ensure our public income and our trade.
- All the King's Men' A search for the colonial ideas of some advisers and "accomplices" of Leopold II (1853-1892). (Hannes Vanhauwaert), 9. Boycott! The story of Edmond Stanislas van Eetvelde (1852-1925) A chaotic and multifaceted colonial career after 1890 The State Secretary for Finance of the Congo Free State always tried to promote its introduction and development by generously subsidizing initiatives by local state agents for the production of coffee, cocoa, cotton, rubber and tobacco. Even after 1895, when the rubber boom caused the Congolese treasury to overflow, van Eetvelde continued his plantation policy because he believed in the undeniable long-term benefits as opposed to the plucking of wild rubber that resulted from the Leopoldian domanial system. STENGERS, J. “Eetvelde (Van), Edmond”, o.c., 336.
- By blowing up the isolated facts, the British sought to cover up their territorial greed under the guise of philanthropy.
- All the King's Men' A search for the colonial ideas of some advisers and "accomplices" of Leopold II (1853-1892). (Hannes Vanhauwaert), 9. Boycott! The story of Edmond Stanislas van Eetvelde (1852-1925) A chaotic and multifaceted colonial career after 1890 Van Eetvelde in an interview in 1897, Edmond van Eetvelde initially saw the many campaigns in the British press highlighting the horror of the Leopoldian regime as an attack on the Congo Free State to discredit it. STENGERS, J. “Eetvelde (Van), Edmond”, o.c., 342.
- It would be difficult to imagine a more centralized organization than that which has been achieved in the central government of the Independent State of Congo. The Secretary of State is its absolute head, although he himself remains in the most absolute dependence of the Sovereign.
- All the King's Men' A search for the colonial ideas of some advisers and "accomplices" of Leopold II (1853-1892). (Hannes Vanhauwaert), 9. Boycott! The story of Edmond Stanislas van Eetvelde (1852-1925) The Remarkable Resignation Soap CATTIER, F. Law and administration of the Independent State of Congo. Brussel, 1898, 201.
- The mission which the agents of the State in Congo must fulfill is noble and of high purpose. Their task is to develop the work of civilization. They must gradually contain the primitive wildness, the bloodthirsty habits of thousands of years. They must subject the population to new laws. among which the most urgent and the most beneficial is undoubtedly that of labour.
- Inculturation of Christian marriage in the Belgian Congo. 1919-1950. The Policy Making of the Mission Superiors on Polygamy; their directives to the missionaries and influence on the policy of the State. (Betty Eggermont) CHAPTER 3. THE COLONIZING GOVERNMENT. NECKERS (J.) and FOUTRY (V.), Like a world so big where your flag is planted. Congo 1885-1960., Brussels, BRT-Instructional Broadcasting Service, 1986, p.39.
- Ever since Stanley and the first pioneers entered the Congo Basin, the Flemish and Walloons have used their best efforts to give the country a modern economic structure and a higher civilization for the people. Mistakes have been made in this respect, but the closing balance is very positive. Despite the taunts in the UN guardianship council and sometimes even in Belgium, it is an achievement that all of black Africa looks up to with awe.
- Manu Ruys' far-reaching view of Congo over the period 1958-2000. (Lore Bertrem) 4.1: the pre-colonial period - Leopold II - Belgian Congo NZIEM, Histoire du Zaïre. De l’héritage ancien à l’âge contemporain, blz. 287.
- Leopold II was able to push through his imperial wish and obtained that the fate of what would then be called the Congo Free State was linked to his own. He gave Congo its shape and dimensions, as well as a financial-capitalist structure. However, the debt burden that had become too heavy meant that the king handed over his colony to Belgium, a gift that the parliament was hesitant about but did not dare to refuse.
- In many ways a model colony was realized after 1908. A handful of whites turned the wheels in Congo and laid the foundations of the modern state structure. Remarkable achievements were made in the field of education, the traffic network, health care and development in general. This was made possible by the cooperation between the three pillars on which the entire colonial system rested, in particular the interaction between the firm civil administration, the extensive mission network and the powerful colonial private sector. However, there were also dark sides, but no looting was committed. Unfortunately, the former colonials do not receive the appreciation and prestige to which they are entitled. Belgium need not be ashamed of its colonial period, certainly not in view of the failed decolonization.
- Manu Ruys' far-reaching view of Congo over the period 1958-2000. (Lore Bertrem) 4.1: the pre-colonial period - Leopold II - Belgian Congo STENGERS, Congo. Myths and Realities. 100 years of history, blz. 168-176.
- In 1885, the whole of Africa was colonized or placed under trusteeship, but Congo climbed to the podium of the three existing sovereign countries. The borders that have been, since 1894, the crucible of Congolese identity were acquired, by treaty, by Leopold II. Thus, Congo has absolutely no debt to Belgium for its international existence. Later, it was through a bilateral treaty, between two sovereign states, regularly ratified, that the Kingdom of Belgium became the metropolis of the Belgian Congo (1908-1960). The little-known truth is that in 1960, Belgium did not grant Congolese independence, but it returned it.
- Congo is the oldest independent country in Africa, after Ethiopia (800 BC) and Liberia (1847). The only country that was not colonized in Berlin!
- This heroism was also that of the first missionaries. They had a life expectancy of about 5 years in Congo, and some were given extremely anointing at the time of their journey to Africa. There were many young idealists. Their graves are still lined up in the Mpala locality, which overlooks Lake Tanganyika. The Catholic mission was a fort where people who fled slavers and brutality took refuge.
- Congo reformers like Morel, much to the annoyance of Hochschild, advocated either German or British colonization of the area (Congo). Morel’s view, according to Hochschild, speaking ex cathedra from the hallowed seat of modern California, “seems surprising to us today” and was among his “faults” and “political limitations.” Quite the opposite. The moment the Belgians colonized the Congo in 1908, a miraculous improvement was noted on all fronts. Seeking to debunk colonialism, Hochschild’s book demonstrates the opposite. This is the first and biggest lie at the heart of King Leopold’s Ghost.
- By 1891, six years into the attempt to build the EIC, the whole project was on the verge of bankruptcy. It would have been easy for Léopold to raise revenues by sanctioning imports of liquor that could be taxed or by levying fees on the number of huts in each village, both of which would have caused harm to the native population. A truly “greedy” king, as Hochschild repeatedly calls him, had many fiscal options that Léopold did not exercise.
- The rubber quotas imposed on natives in this 15 percent of the territory were enforced by native soldiers working for the companies or for the EIC itself. In many areas, the rubber came with ease and the natives prospered. The rubber station at Irengi, for instance, was known for its bulging stores and hospitable locals, whose women spent a lot of time making bracelets and where “no one ever misses a meal,” noted the EIC soldier George Bricusse in his memoirs. Elsewhere, however, absent direct supervision, and with the difficulties of meeting quotas greater, some native soldiers engaged in abusive behavior to force the collection. Bricusse noted these areas as well, especially where locals had sabotaged rubber stations and then fled to the French Congo to the north. In rare cases, native soldiers kidnapped women or killed men to exact revenge. When they fell into skirmishes, they sometimes followed long-standing Arab and African traditions by cutting off the hands or feet of the fallen as trophies, or to show that the bullets they fired had been used in battle. How many locals died in these frays is unclear, but the confirmed cases might put the figure at about 10,000, a terrible number.
- The abuses were first reported by an American missionary in The Times of London in 1895 and quickly brought Léopold’s censure: “If there are these abuses in the Congo, we must stop them,” he warned EIC officials in 1896. “If they continue, it will be the end of the state.” For the next ten years, reforming the Congo’s rubber industry absorbed an inordinate amount of attention in the British and American press and legislatures, not to mention within Belgium and the EIC itself, leading to formal Belgian colonization in 1908. Hochschild thus takes a very limited, unintentional, unforeseen, and perhaps unavoidable problem of native-on-native conflict over rubber harvesting and blows it up into a “forgotten Holocaust” to quote the subtitle given to the French edition of his book. Inside this great invention are many more perfidious Russian dolls.
- Even taking Sanderson’s pessimistic estimate as correct, does this mean that Léopold’s rule “killed” 500,000 people? Of course not, because, in addition to the misplaced personalization of long-term population changes, the rubber regions, as mentioned, experienced both population increases and declines. Even in the latter, such as the rubber-producing Bolobo area in the lower reaches of the Congo river, population decline was a result of the brutalities of freelance native chiefs and ended with the arrival of an EIC officer. More generally, the stability and enforced peace of the EIC caused birth rates to rise near EIC centers, such as at the Catholic mission under EIC protection at Baudouinville (today’s Kirungu). Population declines were in areas outside of effective EIC control. The modest population gains caused by EIC interventions were overwhelmed by a range of wholly separate factors, which in order of importance were: the slave trade, sleeping sickness, inter-tribal warfare, other endemic diseases (smallpox, beriberi, influenza, yellow fever, pneumonia, dysentery, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and venereal disease), cannibalism, and human sacrifice.
See also
[edit]External links
[edit]Congo Free State travel guide from Wikivoyage
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