Wikipedia is operated by the Wikipedia Foundation, which has a list of policies. Everybody has to follow the following policies and standards to publish: - Avoid platitudes and generalities. - Be as concise as possible because direct writing is clearer than rambling examples, clear ,direct ,specific and unambiguous. - Anything posted has to be original and it can’t be researched previously in another web. - The text written can’t have points of view, it must be neutral in that sense. - The post has to have verifiability. Also, for respect it’s requested to post responsible and educated texts and comments, it’s a wiki (means that anyone can share their information and opinion) but it’s a web that explains the history, characteristics and meaning of things. No bad or stupid posts have to be written because that post will be read by many people and it´s meant to be a reliable encyclopedia.
The policies are accepted by the editors and are some rules that all users should follow.
Guidelines may be helpful if you want to understand better how wikipedia works and you should use it to make a better use of the webpage.
Essays are opinions or advice from an editor or from a group of editors. Essays may be written without the approval of all the community members and may be written without permission.
The rules must be followed and anyone who violates them will have consequences.
There are some rules that have exceptions but it is not normal.
Changes to descriptions and policies are determined by the community.
These changes are discussed first on the talk page, but only if it is a major policy change.
This page uses shortcuts to refer to policies and conventions.
For example, WP:NFP, WP:PVN, and WP:P.
Wikipedia is similar to other social interactions. If a user commits or violates the established rules, other users will be able to persuade him not to do it again and to adhere to the rules. Over time, more drastic decisions are made, such as the actions of the delegate or administrator. In the case of more serious violations, quicker actions are taken than usual. In the event that a user has clearly violated the rules on purpose and several times, an administrator can remove the account temporarily or indefinitely. In the event that this has not been effective, you can enter the Arbitration Committee.
Wikipedia pages should respect these policies and guidelines:
- Emphasize the spirit of the rule. Writers and editors must use common sense to make the spirit of the rule clearer.
- Maintain scope and avoid redundancy.
- Avoid overlinking. There are cases in which policies contain links to pages and articles because it's needed. But in other cases links should be posted only if needed.
- Not contradict each other. If discrepancies arise between editor pages, they and their affected pages should discuss how to represent the current position of the community to reflect the opinion of the community. This discussion leads to a page specifically made for that, yet corrections may contradict each other.
Policy and guideline pages are somehow established without precedent and always require strong community support. Policies and guidelines can be established through reorganizations and new proposals on these, through divisioning and merging. You can find policy and guideline proposals in Category:Wikipedia proposals, and failed proposals can be found in Category:Wikipedia failed proposals. Any editor is free to comment on these proposals.
Basically Wikipedia has many policies and guidelines related to enciclopedic content. This content must be trustworthy, objective and must be respectful.
The policies and guidelines are not considered enciclopedic content and it does respect all the policies because they’re written by Wikipedia’s administration.