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Uploads by Dragons flight

This special page shows all files uploaded to the English Wikipedia. (See also the list for Wikimedia Commons.) By default, the last uploaded files are shown at top of the list, but clicking on a column header will change the sorting.

Deleted files are not shown here but are included in the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
21:32, 30 June 2015 FOP Banner Too Tall.jpg (file) 210 KB Screenshot of Wikipedia Banner
23:26, 23 April 2015 Returning Enwiki Editors.png (file) 66 KB Rough summary of "returning" editors on the English Wikipedia after 1 month as estimated by the fraction of active editors in each month that were also active in the previous month. This is based on data from http://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/TablesWikipe...
00:23, 4 December 2013 Berkeley Earth logo.jpg (file) 26 KB Update to Current Logo
04:09, 9 July 2013 Transclusion helper mess.png (file) 51 KB Example of the mess created by the transclusion guide Self-made. {{wikipedia-screenshot|logo=no}}
19:53, 23 March 2012 Climate scientist opinion.png (file) 44 KB larger labels
11:41, 19 March 2011 Fukushima 137Cs distribution from ZAMG.png (file) 35 KB ZAMG modeled the radiation plume from Fukushima Daiichi, reporting their results as an animation [http://www.zamg.ac.at/pict/aktuell/20110318_fuku_Cs-137-glob_logo.gif] (current as of 3-18-11). Their model shows 137-Cs moving across the Pacific. Thi
05:00, 4 November 2007 New banner problem.png (file) 10 KB Screenshot of Wikipedia's new banner, showing cropped "You" on IE 7. {{PD-self}} I'm assuming that if the design is public domain then a screenshot can be too.
19:27, 23 October 2007 DF big banner1.png (file) 30 KB {{Non-free Wikimedia logo}}
18:23, 23 October 2007 Donation Meter.png (file) 1 KB Static copy of the 2007 donation meter for design testing. {{Non-free Wikimedia logo}} Not really a logo, but I can't find a more appropriate tag.
16:17, 12 October 2007 GvDF Comparison.png (file) 12 KB Comparison of Gmaxwell's and DF's edit counts {{attribution|User:Dragons_flight|Robert A. Rohde}}
20:06, 9 October 2007 Wikipedia Edits Per Article.png (file) 33 KB Shows the cumulative number of edits per Wikipedia article as a function of time, based of a 6% sample of Wikipedia article edit histories. The red line is a correction after removing edits labeled as reverts or that were reverted. {{attribution|User:Dr
18:38, 9 October 2007 Wikipedia Protections.png (file) 45 KB History of protections and unprotections based on Wikipedia logs in September 2007. {{attribution|User:Dragons flight|Robert A. Rohde}}
18:24, 9 October 2007 Wikipedia Uploads.png (file) 49 KB History of image uploads and deletions based on Wikipedia logs in September 2007. {{attribution|User:Dragons flight|Robert A. Rohde}}
18:21, 9 October 2007 Wikipedia Blocks.png (file) 36 KB History of blocks and unblocks on Wikipedia derived from Wikipedia logs in September 2007. {{attribution|User:Dragons flight|Robert A. Rohde}}
18:18, 9 October 2007 Wikipedia Cumulative Edit Frequency.png (file) 46 KB Total edits per Wikipedia article vs the fraction of articles having at least that many articles based on a 6% sample of all Wikipedia articles taken in late September 2007. This sample does not include articles created after September 5th, 2007, and con
18:03, 9 October 2007 Wikipedia Edit Frequency.png (file) 33 KB Total edits per Wikipedia article vs the frequency of occurrence from a 6% sample of all Wikipedia articles taken in late September 2007. This sample does not include articles created after September 5th, 2007, and consequently will slightly overestimate
17:48, 9 October 2007 Wikipedia Article Creation.png (file) 60 KB Rate of article creation on Wikipedia based on a 6% sample of all articles. These rates exclude articles that were deleted prior to late September 2007. The large spikes early in Wikipedia's history are generated by bots (e.g. User:Rambot) used to c
17:26, 9 October 2007 Wikipedia Article Edits.png (file) 53 KB Edit rate history for articles on Wikipedia based on a ~6% sample of all articles. Note: "Administrator" and "Bot" edits are defined as ''all'' edits made by accounts that had this status as of September 25, 2007. This includes edits made before the acc
16:43, 31 January 2007 CSD.png (file) 20 KB History of speedy deletion requests witnessed by the Category Tracker.