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Orders, decorations, and medals of Kelantan

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The following is the orders, decorations, and medals given by Sultan of Kelantan. When applicable, post-nominal letters and non-hereditary titles are indicated.[1]

Order of precedence for the wearing of order insignias, decorations, and medals



1. Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat Di-Hormati (Al-Yunusi) D.K. --
2. Darjah Seri Paduka Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Muhammadi I) S.P.M.K. Dato'
3. Darjah Seri Paduka Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Ismaili I) S.J.M.K. Dato'
4. Darjah Seri Paduka Kesateria Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Yahyawi I) S.P.K.K. Dato'
5. Darjah Seri Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Ibrahimi I) S.P.S.K. Dato'
6. Darjah Seri Paduka Jasa Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Petrawi I) S.P.J.K. Dato'
7. Darjah Pahlawan Yang Amat Gagah Perkasa P.Y.G.P. --
8. Darjah Dato' Paduka Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Muhammadi II) D.P.M.K. Dato’
9. Darjah Dato' Paduka Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Ismaili II) D.J.M.K. Dato’
10. Darjah Dato' Paduka Kesateria Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Yahyawi II) D.P.K.K. Dato’
11. Darjah Dato' Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Ibrahimi II) D.P.S.K. Dato’
12. Darjah Dato' Paduka Jasa Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Petrawi II) D.P.J.K. Dato’
13. Paduka Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Muhammadi III) P.M.K. --
14. Setia Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Ismaili III) J.M.K. --
15. Paduka Kesateria Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Yahyawi III) P.K.K. --
16. Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Ibrahimi III) P.S.K. --
17. Paduka Jasa Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Petrawi III) P.J.K. --
18. Bentara Setia Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Ibrahimi IV) B.S.K. --
19. Bentara Jasa Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Petrawi IV) B.J.K. --
20. Ahli Setia Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Ibrahimi V) A.S.K. --
21. Ahli Jasa Mahkota Kelantan (Al-Petrawi V) A.J.K. --
22. Seri Mahkota Kelantan S.M.K. --
23. Seri Kelantan S.K. --
24. Ahli Kelantan A.K. --
25. Jaksa Pendamai J.P. --
26. Pingat Bakti P.B. --
27. Pingat Setia Mahkota Kelantan P.S. --
28. Pingat Taat P.T. --
29. Pingat Perangai Baik P.P.B. --

Orders, decorations, and medals


The Most Esteemed Royal Family Order of Kelantan or the Star of Yunus - Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat Dihormati (Bintang al-Yunusi)

  • Founded by Sultan Muhammad IV in honour of Long Yunus on 9 August 1916.
  • Awarded in a single class (D.K.), limited to 25 recipients at any one time and reserved for members of the royal families and state dignitaries.
  • The sash of the order is worn from the left shoulder to the right hip.

The Most Illustrious Order of the Crown of Kelantan, or the Star of Muhammad - Darjah Kebesaran Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Mulia (Bintang al-Muhammadi)

  • Founded by Sultan Muhammad IV in honour of Sultan Muhammad I on 9 August 1916.
  • Awarded in three classes :
    • 1. Knight Grand Commander or Dato’ Paduka - limited to 40 recipients - S.P.M.K.
    • 2. Knight Commander or Dato’ Paduka - limited to 60 recipients - D.P.M.K.
    • 3. Commander or Paduka - P.M.K.
    • see also The Crown of Kelantan Decoration - Sri Mahkota Kelantan (S.M.K.)
    • see also The Sri Kelantan Decoration - Sri Kelantan (S.K.)

The Most Illustrious Order of the Life of the Crown of Kelantan or the Star of Ismail - Darjah Kebesaran Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Mulia (Bintang al-Ismaili)

  • Founded by Sultan Ismail on 21 July 1925.
  • Awarded in three classes :
    • 1. Knight Grand Commander or Dato’ Paduka - limited to 50 recipients - S.J.M.K.
    • 2. Knight Commander or Dato’ Paduka - limited to 75 recipients - D.J.M.K.
    • 3. Companion or Setia - J.M.K.
    • see also The Ahli Kelantan Decoration - Ahli Kelantan (A.K.)

The Most Valiant Order of the Noble Crown of Kelantan or the Star of Yahya - Darjah Kebesaran Kesateria Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Perkasa (Bintang al-Yahyawi)

  • Founded by Sultan Ismail Petra in honour of Sultan Yahya Petra on 29 March 1988.
  • Awarded in three classes :
    • 1. Knight Grand Commander or Dato’ Paduka - limited to 40 recipients - S.P.K.K.
    • 2. Knight Commander or Dato’ Paduka - limited to 60 recipients - D.P.K.K.
    • 3. Commander or Paduka - P.K.K.

The Most Distinguished Order of the Loyalty to the Crown of Kelantan or the Star of Ibrahim - Darjah Kebesaran Setia Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Terbilang (Bintang al-Ibrahimi)

  • Founded by Sultan Yahya Petra in honour of Sultan Ibrahim on 10 December 1967.
  • Awarded in five classes :
    • 1. Knight Grand Commander or Dato’ Paduka - limited to 50 recipients - S.P.S.K.
    • 2. Knight Commander or Dato’ Paduka - limited to 75 recipients - D.P.S.K.
    • 3. Commander or Paduka - P.S.K.
    • 4. Officer or Bentara - B.S.K.
    • 5. Member or Ahli - A.S.K.
    • and a medal of merit (Pingat Setia Mahkota Kelantan) - P.S.

The Most Loyal Order of the Services to the Crown of Kelantan or the Star of Petra - Darjah Kebesaran Jasa Mahkota Kelantan (Bintang al-Petrawi)

  • Founded by Sultan Muhammad V in honour of Sultan Ismail Petra on 15 May 2016.
  • Awarded in five classes :
    • 1. Knight Grand Commander or Dato’ Paduka - S.P.J.K.
    • 2. Knight Commander or Dato’ Paduka - D.P.J.K.
    • 3. Commander or Paduka - P.J.K.
    • 4. Officer or Bentara - B.J.K.
    • 5. Member or Ahli - A.J.K.

The Order of the Most Distinguished and Most Valiant Warrior - Darjah Pahlawan Yang Amat Gagah Perkasa Yang Amat Mulia

  • Founded by Sultan Muhammad IV on 9 August 1919 as a reward for individual acts of supreme gallantry and valour.
  • Awarded in one class (P.Y.G.P.)

Crown of Kelantan Decoration - Sri Mahkota Kelantan

  • Instituted by Sultan Muhammad IV in 1916 as a reward for those whose civil services do not qualify for the ordinary classes of the Order of the Crown of Kelantan.
  • Awarded in a single class (S.M.K.)
  • In reality this decoration functions as the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Kelantan.

Sri Kelantan Decoration - Sri Kelantan

  • Instituted by Sultan Muhammad IV in 1916 as a reward for those whose services do not qualify for the ordinary classes of the Order of the Crown of Kelantan.
  • Awarded in a single class (S.K.)
  • Originally a military decoration which now functions essentially as the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Kelantan.

Ahli Kelantan Decoration - Ahli Kelantan

  • Instituted by Sultan Ismail in 1925 as a reward for those whose services do not qualify for the ordinary classes of the Order of the Life of the Crown of Kelantan.
  • Awarded in a single class (A.K.)
  • In reality this decoration functions as the fourth class of the Order of the Life of the Crown of Kelantan.

Meritorious Service Medal - Pingat Bakti

  • Instituted by Sultan Ismail in 1925 as a reward for general service and awarded principally to military officers.
  • Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P.B.)

Medal of Loyalty to the Crown of Kelantan - Pingat Setia Mahkota Kelantan

  • Instituted by Sultan Yahya Petra in 1967 as a reward for civil servants.
  • Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P.S.)
  • In reality this decoration functions as the sixth class of the Order of the Loyalty to the Crown of Kelantan.

Loyal Service Medal - Pingat Taat

  • Instituted by Sultan Ismail in 1925 as a reward for long service awarded principally to military personnel.
  • Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P.T.)

Good Conduct Medal - Pingat Perangai Baik

  • Instituted by Sultan Ismail in 1939 to reward long service and good conduct in government service.
  • Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P.P.B.)

State Council Opening Commemorative Medal 1939 - Pingat Peringatan Pembukaan Dewan Tinggi 1939

  • Instituted by Sultan Muhammad IV to commemorate the opening of the inauguration of the first Kelantan State Council in 1939.
  • Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P.P.M.)

Sultan Ibrahim Coronation Medal - Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ibrahim

  • Instituted by Sultan Ibrahim to commemorate his Coronation on 25 October 1944.
  • Awarded in a single class, a silver medal.

Sultan Yahya Petra Coronation Medal - Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Yahya Petra

  • Instituted by Sultan Yahya Petra on 17 July 1961 to commemorate his Coronation.
  • Awarded in two classes :
    • 1. Gold - for rulers
    • 2. Silver - for ordinary recipients.

Sultan Ismail Petra Coronation Medal - Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ismail Petra

  • Instituted by Sultan Ismail Petra to commemorate his Coronation on 30 March 1980.
  • Awarded in two classes :
    • 1. Gold - for rulers
    • 2. Silver - for ordinary recipients.

Silver Jubilee Medal - Pingat Jubli Perak

  • Instituted by Sultan Ismail Petra to commemorate his Silver Jubilee on 30 March 2004.
  • Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P.J.P.)

See also



  1. ^ a b Colecciones Militares, Ribbons of Kelantan 1 Archived 2019-09-24 at the Wayback Machine & 2 Archived 2019-09-24 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ "Susunan Keutamaan Darjah Kebesaran, Bintang dan Pingat Kelantan". Archived from the original on 2017-05-10. Retrieved 2016-06-11.