Emily et. al – I am so glad that I stubbled across your blog! I have DID and have never felt like I belonged or was understood by anyone. Most of your writings feel like they could have been said by me. I have so much identification with most of what you are saying. It’s AMAZING! You are an extremely intellegent and thoughtful (and thought-provoking) individual(s). The hope that your writings have instilled in me cannot be properly verbalized. I am voraciously reading everything that I can that you have written about. The thouroughness that you give to your posts is phenominal. I myself love researching and learning about, well pretty much everything, and to know that there is someone out there who I can completely identify with just blows my mind. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Your writing and views make me think again. The laugh factor is appreciated. Thanks for the share.