The Business Impact

Understand how emotional analysis impact your business

Digital Marketing

Measure your marketing goals, strategy, conversion and more. Spot trends, understand your churn rate and gain real insight into the content that resonates and persuades.


Learn how customers interact with your product and service, visualize your customer journey, enhance your operations and overwhelm expectations.

Human Resources

Streamline your search for premium talent, harmonize communications and create a robust, emotionally intelligent workforce.

Health and Wellness

Stay in front of your competition and elevate your capacity to deliver personalized customer experiences that are led by emotional awareness.

Discover Emaww

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How it Works

The Most Advanced and Least Intrusive Emotion AI

Non-Intrusive Emotion Recognition

Emaww does not require access to AV sensory yields to operate. We analyze only gestures to accurately detect emotions and understand user experience.

Easy to Implement

Installing Emaww is easy; sign up, receive a code, apply it to your website URL and start capturing emotions. Got two minutes? Try emaww today!

Highly Accurate Predictions

Our algorithm detects emotion with +95% accuracy. We collect data regularly to further improve our accuracy rating. A study of our research is available via the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Meet our valued partners

These companies use Emaww to drive their website performance


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