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an approximately programmer-shaped person

I was recently interviewed by Manu for his People and Blogs series! It was a great honor to be suggested by Piper for that, and I had a blast responding to all of Manu’s questions.

The December Adventure is in full swing. There are so many fun adventure logs this year. I’ve been mostly focusing on building toys with Decker and lil. Of course, there have been nearly daily dalliances and sidetracklings to other things, like uiua and scheme.

My reading list for the year hit 40 books — I’m tempted to grab another book, but, 40 is such a nice number…and if I did one more I’d wanna do two more, and it’d be a whole thing…and I’m not technically done with a couple of the books, yet.

I’m just about finished with the last book in the Shattered Earth trilogy, by N.K. Jemisin. I found that they started to lull for me around the middle of the 3rd book, but then, right near the end, boy howdy! I’m back in. Emotions. BIG emotions.

The Hermit of Eyton Forest by Ellis Peters was a totally random pick — I’d never heard of it, the paperback just landed in my hands and I began to read it. It is slow, and plodding, and lovely. Sort of like what if Crusader Kings met Murder, She Wrote?

I recently had a follow up brain thing (technically a cerebral angiogram, but don’t look that up), now that we’re over a year out from my last repair procedure. Things are looking good! I have another follow up, but, so far, so good! I’m wildly thankful that this medical saga is presumably coming to a close. It has been a nutso ride.

A reminder that the government of Israel is still perpetrating a genocide, and that there are some amazing aid organizations doing the best they can to help.