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該当件数 : 8件
A double crucible 3 made of carbon is provided in the inner part of a quartz tube 2. - 特許庁
Day after day had passed in vague uneasiness, but now we approached the Barrier at Shirakawa, and, for the first time, I felt that our journey had truly begun.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A linear semiconductor material 30 having a circular section is formed with the use of a double crucible. - 特許庁
Further, a mold nozzle 8 is provided at the lower part of the double crucible 3, and its inner part is communicated with the inner part of the inner cylinder 5. - 特許庁
A round cylindrical outer cylinder 4 is provided in the double crucible 3, and a round cylindrical inner cylinder 5 is provided in the inner part of the outer cylinder 4. - 特許庁
A mesh webbing 34 passes through between a tapered face 40a, the outer periphery of a connecting hardware 40 and a tapered face 42a, the inner periphery of the tapered ring 42, and is folded from the tip side of the tapered ring 42 so as to overlap on the outer periphery of the tapered ring 42. - 特許庁
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