意味 | 例文 (12件) |
該当件数 : 12件
No one could have doubts as to his success. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
Some people have reservations about the creation of the "Dankyo" - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The following are examples in which the examiners should have a reasonable doubt that the cited inventions are prima facie identical. - 特許庁
He who dwelleth in peace is suspicious of none, - Thomas a Kempis『キリストにならいて』
In such cases, the examiner has a reason to suspect that new matter beyond the original text may exist in the description, etc. corrected by the written correction of mistranslation. - 特許庁
In a case when an examiner notifies the ground for rejection of a parameter invention, the examiner has to concretely describe the ground of reasonable doubt, and if necessary, the examiner can propose a way to dissolve the reasonable doubt. - 特許庁
In such cases, the examiner checks the information or the argument and may have a suspicion that matters beyond the foreign language document are described in the description, etc. - 特許庁
In such a case, the examiner is to suspect that matters beyond the foreign language document may be described in the description, etc. as there have been mistranslations. - 特許庁
The following are examples of this case in which the examiners have a reasonable doubt that the products in the claimed invention and cited inventions are prima facie identical in respect to the claims providing numerical ranges or numerical formulae, including inequalities, which define the products by "working, functions, or characteristics." - 特許庁
If the examiner is informed by a third party that matters beyond the foreign language document have been added to the description, etc., and if such information is deemed reasonable, the examiner is to be suspicious that matters beyond the foreign language document are described in the description, etc. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (12件) |
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原題:”The Imitation of Christ” 邦題:『キリストにならいて』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. 本翻訳はパブリックドメインに置かれている。 http://www.hyuki.com/ http://www.hyuki.com/imit/imit1.html |
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