意味 | 例文 (66件) |
該当件数 : 66件
This abstract information re-forming device (5, 7) capable of re-forming abstract information defined by abstract expressions and the values indicating the degrees of the abstract expressions comprises an acquisition means 15, a coding axis conversion means 17, an abstract information re-forming means 19, and an abstract information expression means 21. - 特許庁
The high abstraction degree simulation means 7 and the repetition type optimization means 3 optimize a parameter of a high degree of abstraction, to achieve an expected operation. - 特許庁
To provide a life monitoring device for disclosing information abstracted with such an extent of precision that a person to be monitored desires by abstracting information from a sensor in accordance with a prescribed abstraction level. - 特許庁
The job generation processing section 11 selects, based on the load state of the job queue 12 and the load state of the job drawing section 2, one of first and second abstraction degrees of the job data, and generates the job data corresponding to the selected abstraction degree. - 特許庁
The information related to the workflow model includes the abstraction degree information of the model, too. - 特許庁
To flexibly cope with an abstraction degree change in a simulation stage to reduce a design period. - 特許庁
To provide an accumulated error in simulation time for a simulation model different in level of abstraction. - 特許庁
To provide an image abstraction method adopting multi-resolution feature extraction. - 特許庁
Thus, the document 29 of an abstraction degree according to a purpose is generated. - 特許庁
The mapping means 8 replaces a value of the parameter of a high degree of abstraction with a device design parameter set for an attainable low degree of abstraction, and the optimization operation is again performed as fine tuning. - 特許庁
To provide a circuit optimization method which reduces optimization time of automatic optimization for electronic circuit design, by concentrating optimization approach from a higher rank abstraction degree to a lower rank abstraction degree. - 特許庁
The database to be retrieved is structured so that data in a lower hierarchy of abstraction are sandwiched between pieces of data in higher hierarchies of abstraction. - 特許庁
A simulation result of the simulation models different in level of abstraction is analyzed and, on the basis of the analyzed simulation result, an accumulated error of the simulation time for the simulation model different in level of abstraction is displayed. - 特許庁
sendmailのバージョン 8 は設定ファイルを m4(1) プリプロセッサから生成します。 これにより、高度に抽象化された設定を行うことができます。例文帳に追加
sendmail version 8 generates config files via m4(1) preprocessing, where the actual configuration occurs on a higher abstraction level. - FreeBSD
As a result, 'Kyo-Yuzen' of which strong point is highly abstract patterns as well as painting-like 'Kaga Yuzen' were created. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To enhance the usability, a mechanism for accumulating programs as abstract codes and translating them to each language when using is provided. - 特許庁
To convert a model of a logic circuit block described detailedly on an RT level into a model having a high abstract degree with no time concept included. - 特許庁
By using the high level abstraction model source code early created, the coverage is measured without waiting for the completion of the actual logic of the RTL. - 特許庁
The circuit optimization method uses a simulation means 2, a repetition type optimization means 3, a high abstraction degree simulation means 7, and a mapping means 8. - 特許庁
To quickly obtain the optimal circuit under the consideration of the final layout of a chip from an operation level whose design abstraction level is much higher. - 特許庁
To reduce the setting load on a network equipment setter and to improve the abstract degree of expanding the scale of a network or configuring a closed logic area network. - 特許庁
To facilitate a design with consideration to clocks to be used in a circuit and shorten a design period even in a language of a high degree of abstraction without time concept. - 特許庁
An operation synthesizing apparatus for generating a circuit description of a low abstraction level out of a circuit description of an operation level describing the operation of the semiconductor integrated circuit device performs a scheduling and binding process when generating a circuit description of a low abstraction level in such a way as to determine restrictions on the numbers of read and write ports of the register and to meet the restrictions. - 特許庁
The circuit design support device 10 comprises a description information analysis part 211 which generates a second description 232 with low abstraction based on a first description 231 with high abstraction for the circuit to be designed; and a line delay information generation part 213 which associates a line number in the first description 213 with a resource in the second description 232. - 特許庁
The answer text generation block 4 generates the answer sentence on which the reliability of the answer is reflected, varies the abstraction degree of the expression of the corresponding answer sentence according to the accuracy of the retrieved data, and also varies the abstraction degree of the answer sentence at a request for accuracy estimated from input information and a history of a history management block 9. - 特許庁
According to the accuracy required for the simulation, the accurate simulation step or the abstraction simulation step is selected and performed. - 特許庁
To provide means which improves lowering of a processing speed resulting from abstraction by automotive software, using an algorithm specialized in dedicated hardware and automotive software. - 特許庁
The title, Genjo, was the name for biwa (Japanese lute) which was regularly used by Emperor Murakami who plays it repeatedly in the song; however, music is abstracted on the stage and instruments are not actually played except in special renditions. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When the user inputs a search keyword via an input device, a retrieval processing part refers to a dictionary database to identify abstractness of the search keyword. - 特許庁
To efficiently verify an integrated circuit device as the entire system even when models with different degrees of abstraction are included in designing data in designing of the integrated circuit device. - 特許庁
To provide a semiconductor integrated circuit design device for efficiently designing a semiconductor integrated circuit while considering power saving in a highly abstract design stage. - 特許庁
To provide a semiconductor integrated circuit capable of checking the operation of an inside of a verification target circuit in respective abstraction level designing steps from an RT level up to a final ASIC. - 特許庁
The digital records, for example, photographs are received from a user (502), attribute values and abstraction degrees of many attributes of the photographs are received (504), and they are stored in a repository (506). - 特許庁
To give a high level of satisfaction to a user by selecting and executing a realization means optimum to each user from a plurality of means for realizing abstract requests existing in a home network. - 特許庁
Then, the retrieval processing part calculates the number of displays of retrieval images associated with the search keyword and the number of displays of related images associated with related terms. - 特許庁
A simulation processing time using the high level abstraction model source code is shorter than a simulation time using the actual logic of the RTL. - 特許庁
To provide a circuit analysis apparatus capable of more accurately analyzing the signal transmission delay of a circuit at an RT level where abstractness is higher than at a gate level. - 特許庁
Multidimensional process data 100 are abstracted at least in three dimensions, two-dimensional correlation is visualized with a 2D map 110, and a linear quantity scale is visualized with a 1D map 120. - 特許庁
To provide a simulation device capable of performing performance verification retaining a possible abstraction degree of cache analysis on a single verification platform without requiring an ISS (instruction set simulator). - 特許庁
An event in which determination of a bus state, determination of bus speed and transmission/reception of data in a USB device controller and a USB host controller comprised of actual hardware are abstracted is generated. - 特許庁
To detect an accurate pattern position in a short computation time period without preparing an abstraction pattern by determining the feature quantity of an image, in the pattern position detection of image data. - 特許庁
The high level abstraction model source code simplified as compared to the description by the RTL can be created without waiting for completion of actual logic of the RTL, in other words, in parallel with creation of the actual logic of the RTL. - 特許庁
The user controls what photograph is displayed and how the photograph is displayed, etc. (516) by specifying noticing attributes, slide attributes, etc., setting and changing their attribute values, abstraction degrees (514). - 特許庁
C 言語などを用いた高抽象度でのシステム設計において、設計詳細化を経ても、満たすべきプロパティが確実に、かつ設計者に負担を強いずとも満たされることを可能とする。例文帳に追加
To surely satisfy a property to be satisfied without forcing a burden on a designer even through design is made detailed in a system design of a high abstraction degree using C language or the like. - 特許庁
To provide the power analyzing system of an integrated circuit device capable of much easily and precisely executing power analysis even in a large- scale integrated circuit device whose integration is progressive, or in an upstream design process whose abstraction property is high. - 特許庁
A judging part 10 evaluates the importance of the class/member candidate of an extracting object from program analysis information 23 obtained from a program analyzing part 18 and role information 21 obtained from a role information analyzing part 16 to select a candidate to extract according to inputted abstraction degree 27. - 特許庁
To relate musical objects differing in abstractness to the nature, to realize retrieval and judgment of similarity in accordance with intuition of a human being and also generality, and automatically create music also in accordance with user's intention and consistent in the whole music. - 特許庁
Ontology describing the concept system of information managed by a database as tree structure by arraying the nodes N1 to N9 of information concepts from a higher degree of abstraction to a lower degree of abstraction and a database selection menu for specifying the concept of information required to be retrieved by a user is dynamically generated by presenting concepts registered in the ontology stepwise from the higher degree of abstraction to the lower degree of abstraction. - 特許庁
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