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Damage is done to the leaves when America Shirohitori consumes them, and sometimes the vitality of the tree is reduced, particularly in the case of an old tree. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a pest controlling device capable of easily controlling pest living at a high place such as larva of fall webworm, developing little risk of fire and scald, safe to human and surrounding articles and friendly to the environment. - 特許庁
Because America Shirohitori grow as a group in the nest net, which is on the back of the leaves, until they reach their final form as worms, they are removed directly by cutting off the affected branches and leaves before they grow up to be imagoes, or are exterminated by spraying an appropriate amount of insecticide such as fenitrothion or emulsion of acephate. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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