該当件数 : 19件
type genus of Cyperaceae - 日本語WordNet
a sedge of the genus Eleocharis - 日本語WordNet
cylindrical-stemmed sedge - 日本語WordNet
European sedge having small edible nutlike tubers - 日本語WordNet
small dry membranous bract found in inflorescences of Gramineae and Cyperaceae - 日本語WordNet
a widely distributed perennial sedge having small edible nutlike tubers - 日本語WordNet
sedge of eastern North America having numerous clustered woolly spikelets - 日本語WordNet
sedgelike spring-flowering herb having clustered flowers covered with woolly hairs - 日本語WordNet
African sedge widely cultivated as an ornamental water plant for its terminal umbrellalike cluster of slender grasslike leaves - 日本語WordNet
In addition, a method of controlling selectively poaceae, cyperaceae and broadleaf weeds by using the sulfonylurea compound is disclosed. - 特許庁
The black arrowhead tuber (Kuro Kuwai or Karasu-imo) used in Chinese cooking is a big black arrowhead in the Cyperaceae family and is a different variety of plant from the Japanese arrowhead, and is available in cans as water-boiled arrowhead, however there is evidence that this has also been used as a food from ancient times in Japan and has been unearthed from Jomon Period remains in Kameoka, Aomori Prefecture. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ナス科(Solanaceae)植物の Physalis divaricata 、キク科(Compositae)植物の Senecio chrysanthemoides 、シソ科(Labiatae)植物の Rabdosia coetsa 、カヤツリグサ科(Cyperaceae)植物の Cyperus sp.(ネパール現地名 Namiramjan)、キク科(Compositae)植物の Leontopodium jacotianum 、リンドウ科(Gentianaceae)植物の Swertia alata 、キク科(Compositae)植物の Artemisia roxburghiana 、フトモモ科(Myrtaceae)植物の Callistemon lanceolatus からなる群より選択される1種又は2種以上の植物の抽出物を含むものとする。例文帳に追加
The bleaching agent contains an extract of one or more kinds of plants selected from the group consisting of Physalis divaricata of Solanaceae, Senecio chrysanthemoides of Compositae, Rabdosia coetsa of Labiatae, Cyperus sp. of Cyperaceae (local name in Nepal: Namiramjan), Leontopodium jacotianum of Compositae, Swertia alata of Gentianaceae, Artemisia roxburghiana of Compositae and Callistemon lanceolatus of Myrtaceae. - 特許庁
To provide an herbicide composition controlling annual and biennial wide leaf weeds and the perennate weeds of Cyperaceae growing in a lawn in a good efficiency and also in a little component amount, and further reducing the appearance risk of ineffective weeds or refractory weeds caused by the single use of a sulfonylurea-based herbicide. - 特許庁
The herbicide comprises 4-aminopicolinic acids having tri- and tetra-substituted aryl substituents in the 6-position, and their amine and acid derivatives, particularly [1,3,2]-dioxaborinane derivatives, phenyl boronic acid derivatives, and trimethyl stannane derivatives have a wide spectrum of weed controllability against undesirable vegetation in tree crops, grass weed and sedge weed and broadleaf weeds and a superior crop selectivity. - 特許庁
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