low-pricedとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 安価、値安、安い、安価な、値の安い、低廉な
low-pricedの学習レベル | レベル:20 |
該当件数 : 408件
a low-priced prostitute called {'kendon-joro'}発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
慳貪女郎という,下級の遊女 - EDR日英対訳辞書
I am looking for low-priced stocks as an investment of excess cash.例文帳に追加
余裕資金の投資先として低位株を物色している。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
the state or quality of being comparatively low-priced given the quantity and quality発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
質と量に比べて値段の安いこと - EDR日英対訳辞書
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Wiktionary英語版での「low-priced」の意味 |
low-priced (comparative lower-priced または lower priced, superlative lowest-priced または lowest priced)
- low-priced at OneLook Dictionary Search
lowpriced (comparative more lowpriced, superlative most lowpriced)
- Rare spelling of low-priced.
- 1916, Peter W. Dykema, "The Spread of the Community Music Idea", The Annals of the American Academy, page 219.
Free concerts by bands and orchestras during the summer season; free or lowpriced concerts by bands and orchestras, popular priced opera, free organ recitals during the winter; lectures on music with copious illustrations, concerts by school organizations, open demonstrations of the wonderful possibilities of mechanical music producers; the use of these same instruments in countless homes—these are all indications of the tremendous development of opportunities for even the lowliest to hear all the music he desires.
- 1966 August, Ronald E. Frank, "Use of Transformations", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, page 251.
Car ownership was characterized by a multichotomous classification that started with a 1 for no ownership, 2 for households owning a lowpriced car, etc.
- 1972, F.A. Gibson, "Export and Import of Shellfish 1961 - 1970.", Fishery Leaflet No. 38., An Roinn Talmhaiochta Agus Iascaigh (Department of Agriculture かつ Fisheries), page 3.
- 1916, Peter W. Dykema, "The Spread of the Community Music Idea", The Annals of the American Academy, page 219.
該当件数 : 408件
the degree to which something is comparatively low-priced given the quantity and quality発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
品質や分量に比べ割安である程度 - EDR日英対訳辞書
tariffs that prevent import of unreasonably low priced goods発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
法外な安置輸出を防止するための関税 - EDR日英対訳辞書
of a product, to be comparatively low-priced for its quantity and quality発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
質と量に比べて値段の安いさま - EDR日英対訳辞書
To obtain a communication apparatus which reduces power consumption and is low-priced.例文帳に追加
低消費電力かつ安価な通信装置を得ること。 - 特許庁
We can still use low priced ingredients for good ramen.例文帳に追加
安くても いい食材 使って うまい ラーメン 作れば - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The biological sample analysis chip 100 can be manufactured by a general joint technique using a low-priced resin, thereby manufacturing a low-priced biological sample analysis chip 100.例文帳に追加
安価な樹脂を用いた一般的な接合技術により製造できるので、安価な生体試料分析チップ100を製造することができる。 - 特許庁
To provide the temperature sensing method of a small-sized and low-priced semiconductor apparatus and a small-sized and low-priced power converter.例文帳に追加
小型で低価格の半導体素子の温度検出方法と、小型で低価格の電力変換装置を提供すること。 - 特許庁
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