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該当件数 : 153件
Provision may be made by rules for the Registrar to inform the proprietor of a registered trade mark, before the expiry of the registration, of the date of expiry and the manner in which the registration may be renewed.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The rights of the owner of an industrial design extinguish upon expiry of the registration pursuant to § 56 of this Act.発音を聞く - 特許庁
An action specified in subsection (1) of this section may be filed also after the expiry of the registration or surrender of the industrial design.発音を聞く - 特許庁
If the submitter proves the legal interest, the cancellation in the Register may be executed even after it has become extinct.発音を聞く - 特許庁
Besides, the usage deadlines of the music data registered on the individual music site are sequentially confirmed, and then the registration of music data that satisfies deletion conditions is deleted. - 特許庁
When acquisition of registered information is required from the information user 30, attributes of the information user is retrieved from the user database, while the usage limitation of the registered information is retrieved from the storage means 14, and on condition that the attributes of the information user 30 fulfill the usage limitation of the registered information, the registered information is provided to the information user 30. - 特許庁
2 更新登録の出願は、防護標章登録に基づく権利の存続期間の満了前六月から満了の日までの間にしなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) An application for registration of renewal shall be filed during the period from six months prior to the expiration of the duration of the right based on defensive mark registration to the date of expiration thereof.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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該当件数 : 153件
有効なライセンス許諾契約又は意匠登録に基づくその他の権利に関する情報が登録簿に含まれている場合は, 意匠は, 実施権者又は前記の権利の取得人の書面による同意に基づいてのみ, 登録の有効期間満了前に登録簿から抹消することができる。例文帳に追加
If information regarding a valid licensing agreement or other rights based on the registration of a design has been included in the Register, the design may be cancelled from the Register before the expiration of the term of validity of the registration only pursuant to the written consent of the licensee or the acquirer of the referred to rights. - 特許庁
(2) 記録申請は,出願人又は場合に応じて登録所有者及び意匠の出願又は登録に利害を有するとして登録簿に登録されているその他の者にも送達するものとし,かつ,送達の証拠を登録官に満足の行くように提示するものとする。例文帳に追加
(2) The application for recording shall be served also on the applicant or the registered proprietor, as the case may be, and on any other person recorded in the register as having an interest in the design application or registration, and proof of service shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the registrar. - 特許庁
The application shall be served on the registered proprietor and any other person recorded in the register as having an interest in the trade mark, and proof of service shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Registrar. ? - 特許庁
(2) Any registered user may, subject to prescribed conditions, be registered, if- (a) the requirements of sub-section (1) have been complied with, and (b) the use of trademark in respect of goods or services by the proposed registered user would be against public interest.発音を聞く - 特許庁
119.4回路配置登録者に付与する権利 -回路配置登録の権利者は次の権利を享有する。 (1)集積回路,又は登録回路配置の全部又は一部を利用するために複製する行為。ただし,独創性の要件を満たさない部分の複製はこの限りではない。 (2)商業上目的のために,登録回路配置,又は登録回路配置を含んだ物または集積回路を販売又は配布する行為例文帳に追加
119.4. Rights Conferred to the Owner of a Layout-Design Registration. - The owner of a layout-design registration shall enjoy the following rights: (1) to reproduce, whether by incorporation in an integrated circuit or otherwise, the registered layout-design in its entirety or any part thereof, except the act of reproducing any part that does not comply with the requirement of originality; and (2) to sell or otherwise distribute for commercial purposes the registered layout design, an article or an integrated circuit in which the registered layout-design is incorporated. - 特許庁
The character Shinemon NINAGAWA, samurai under Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA in the cartoon Ikkyusan, is believed to be modeled on Chikamoto's father Chikamasa NINAGAWA.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In this case, the negotiations' director on the side of the court was Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, who occupied the position of "seii taishogun" (literally, 'great general who subdues the barbarians') in Muromachi bakufu and also the position of "Gon Dainagon" (Provisional Major Counselor) in court.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
An action specified in subsections (3) and (4) of this section may be filed also after the expiry of the registration or surrender of the industrial design.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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