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英訳・英語 charges for extending the deadline
該当件数 : 18件
For every 15 minutes of extra time taken, a fee of 100 yen will be charged.発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
追加料金をいただければ、ご利用期間を延長することが可能となっております。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加
We can extend your period of use if you pay an additional fee.発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
Then, after a prescribed period of time elapses, an extension charge is imposed based on the elapsed time (C2). - 特許庁
Meanwhile, the store side can collect an unstable extension charge in advance by selling the coupon ticket 1 to expect an increase in sales. - 特許庁
(3) 所定の追加料金の納付を条件として,未納の延長手数料の納付期限日から 6月の猶予期間が延長手数料の納付のために付与されるものとする。例文帳に追加
(3) A period of grace of six months from the date on which any unpaidextension fee was due shall be granted for the payment of such extensionfee, subject to the payment of such surcharge as may be prescribed. - 特許庁
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Weblio例文辞書での「延長料金」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 18件
To provide a service server which can be operated by more realistic rate structure by extending storage period, reducing recording rate for information with high utility factor and increasing the recording rate for information with low utility factor among pieces of information which are stored by the service server. - 特許庁
Information relevant to the calculated usage charge is sent to the terminal device from the central management device (step S75), and permission information for permitting an extension in execution of the software is sent to the terminal device from the central management device on condition of payment of the usage charge (step S78). - 特許庁
When the remaining time of a photographing time limit becomes short while the user performs photographing, the photographing time limit is extended by collecting additional charges from the user. - 特許庁
Similarly, when the remaining time of an editing time limit becomes short while the user performs editing, the editing time limit is extended by collecting additional charges from the user. - 特許庁
To provide a method for paying and settling account of the utility charge related to the use of a portable phone and a portable terminal by which both an enterprise and a user have merits, where the enterprise can eliminate an unpaid utility charge and various cost increase and the user can take advantage of extension of the utility charge per unit time and suppress unnecessary utility charges. - 特許庁
(5) 更新手数料の所定の納付期間((4)の規定に基づく期間の延長を含む)は,当該所定の納付期間より局長宛ての請求に記載されたものまで,6月を越えぬようにして延長されるものとする。ただし,前記のとおり記載された期間の満了前に当該請求がされ,かつ,更新手数料及び所定の割増料金が納付されることを条件とする。例文帳に追加
(5) The period prescribed for the payment of any renewal fee (including any extension of the period under subsection (4) of this section) shall be extended to such period, not being more than 6 months longer than the prescribed period, as may be specified in a request made to the Commissioner if the request is made and the renewal fee and the prescribed additional fee are paid before the expiration of the period so specified. - 特許庁
(1) 意匠登録の失効公告の官報掲載日から 1年以内に,所有者又はその権原承継人は,次に掲げることを行うことにより,意匠登録の回復を申請することができる。 (a) 所定の様式による回復請求の提出(b) 未納の延長手数料及び回復のための所定の追加料金の納付,及び(c) 意匠登録の延長懈怠に至った事情を説明する陳述書の提出例文帳に追加
(1) Within one year from the date on which the notice of lapse of theregistration of an industrial design was published in the Gazette, theowner or his successor in-title may apply for the restoration of the registration of the industrial design by –(a) filing a request for restoration in the prescribed form;(b) payment of any outstanding extension fee and a prescribed surchargefor restoration; and(c) filing a statement setting out the circumstances that led to the failureto extend the registration of the industrial design. - 特許庁
When an IC card is inserted into the laundry device 1 and the extension charge is paid, the information (including the information on the device) and the identification data of the IC card are transmitted to the server 4 (C10), and the server 4 determines whether the transmitted information is right or wrong. - 特許庁
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