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第八百四十五条 持分会社の設立の無効又は取消しの訴えに係る請求を認容する判決が確定した場合において、その無効又は取消しの原因が一部の社員のみにあるときは、他の社員の全員の同意によって、当該持分会社を継続することができる。この場合においては、当該原因がある社員は、退社したものとみなす。例文帳に追加
Article 845 In cases where a judgment upholding a claim relating to an action seeking invalidation or rescission of the incorporation of a Membership Company becomes final and binding, if the cause of the invalidation or rescission is attributable only to part of the partners, the Membership Company may continue in existence with the consent of all of the other partners. In such cases, the partners attributable to the cause shall be deemed to have withdrawn.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Meanwhile, the IMF indicates that, "a consensus is forming between experts in America that presume that the fundamental cause of the financial crisis is the global imbalance." - 経済産業省
5 前項各号(第四号を除く。)の規定にかかわらず、第一項の再生手続が小規模個人再生又は給与所得者等再生であるときは、届出があった再生債権の額及び原因並びに担保不足見込額(第二百二十五条の規定により届出をしたものとみなされる再生債権の額及び原因並びに担保不足見込額を含む。)を破産債権の額及び原因並びに破産法第百十一条第二項第二号に掲げる別除権の行使によって弁済を受けることができないと見込まれる債権の額として届出をしたものとみなす。例文帳に追加
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of the items of the preceding paragraph (excluding item (iv)), if the rehabilitation proceedings set forth in paragraph (1) are for rehabilitation for individuals with small-scale debts or rehabilitation for salaried workers, etc., the amount and cause of the filed rehabilitation claim as well as the estimated amount of deficiency (including the amount and cause of the rehabilitation claim as well as the estimated amount of deficiency that shall be deemed to be filed pursuant to the provision of Article 225) shall be deemed to be the amount and cause of the bankruptcy claim as well as the amount of the claim for which payment is not expected to be received by exercising a right of separate satisfaction set forth in Article 111(2)(ii) of the Bankruptcy Act, respectively, in the filing of proof of claim.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Had our education been purely scientific, or had it been sufficiently detached from influences which, however ennobling in another domain, have always proved hindrances and delusions when introduced as factors into the domain of physics, the scientific mind never could have swerved from the search for a law of growth, or allowed itself to accept the anthropomorphism which regarded each successive stratum as a kind of mechanic's bench for the manufacture of new species out of all relation to the old.発音を聞く - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』
(4) 利害関係人は商標が登録された日から 5年間または要求提出日前 5年以内に利用されていない商標登録の取消を特許庁に申し立てることができる。申し立ては、登録証で指定された商品のすべてまたは一部に対して行うことができ、審判委員会によって受理日から 6月以内に審理がされるものとする。 登録された商品またはその包装における商標の使用は、商標利用とみなされるものとする。宣伝広告、発行物、正式社用便箋、標章での商標使用、またはカザフスタン共和国内で開催される展示会での商品展示に関連する商標使用は商標利用であるとみなすことができる。 利用のない商標の登録を取り消すかどうかの決定は、商標利用の不履行は商標権者には制御不能の原因によるものであるということを示す、商標権者の提出した証拠を考慮して行うものとする。例文帳に追加
(4) Any interested party may file with Kazpatent a request for the cancellation of the registration of the trademark where the trademark has not been exploited in the five years following the date of registration thereof or in the five years preceding the filing date of the request. The request may relate to all or a part of goods specified in the certificate and shall be considered by the Board of Appeal within six months following the date of its receipt. The use of a trademark on goods for which it is registered and (or) on the packaging thereof shall be deemed to constitute exploitation of the trademark. The use of the trademark in advertising, in printed publications, on official headed paper, on signs or in connection with the display of goods at exhibitions that take place in the Republic of Kazakhstan may be considered as the exploitation thereof. The decision on whether or not to cancel the registration of the trademark for want of exploitation may be subject to the consideration of proof submitted by the owner to show that the failure to exploit the trademark is due to factors beyond his control. - 特許庁
3 別表第四の規定の一部に適合しない者のうち、その者の経験及び能力を考慮して、航空機に乗り組んでその運航を行うのに支障を生じないと国土交通大臣が認めるものは、同表の規定にかかわらず、身体検査基準に適合するものとみなす。この場合において、国土交通大臣は、必要があると認めるときは、当該者が新たに航空身体検査証明を申請する場合は、当該者に対し、同表の規定の一部に適合しない原因となつた傷病の症状(以下この条において「症状」という。)の検査等を受けるべきこと等を指示することができる。例文帳に追加
(3) If a person does not conform to some of the provisions prescribed in Appended Table 4, if the person is deemed by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism not to cause any detriment to being on board aircraft and to operate it, taking into consideration his/her experience and ability, then that person may be deemed to conform to the medical examination standards notwithstanding the provisions of the Table. In this case, when the applicable person newly applies for aviation medical certification, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may, if he/she deems necessary, able to instruct the person to undergo examinations etc of the conditions of injury or illness which was the cause of non-conformance to some of the provisions of the Table (called "conditions" hereafter in this Article).発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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