



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > syllabicの意味・解説 > syllabicに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 32

ic is written with the Latin alphabet and the syllabic alphabet is not used.
The syllabic alphabet is attested from 6th century CE to +
e simple melody, and one is a freely composed syllabic and neumatic melody consisting of only one or
nts, logograms plus syllables, or in a purely syllabic combination.
The syllabic consonant m and ng are pronounced as in Canto
ties, /r/ can be the syllable nucleus (i.e. a syllabic consonant) in an unstressed syllable followin
n-palatal fricatives, and are pronounced like syllabic consonants.
Often with syllabic content.
ningful, intelligible phrases, and mantra for syllabic formulae which are not meant to be understood
There is also syllabic m and ng.
Breaking the boundaries of the syllabic meter, he changed his form and preferred writ
of poetry (Divan), as well as those based on syllabic meters identified with folk music and poetry.
the Hellenic character of the dialect and the syllabic nature of the script.
vowels, the nucleus of each syllable being a syllabic r, a common feature amongst many Slavic langu
oem to be written with rhythm and rhyme, with syllabic rhythm of 4, 5, and 8 syllables in three line
folk Festival in June 1918, featuring a fluid syllabic setting of a poem by John Hall Ingram.
Both are fairly simple; strophic, with syllabic settings of light texts.
Boyd's syllabic shorthand is a system of shorthand invented b
hs, in which a combination of logographic and syllabic signs (graphemes) are used.
ript's corpus of graphemes features a core of syllabic signs which reflect the phonology of the Clas
Dodoitsu poems consist of four lines with the syllabic structure 7-7-7-5 and no rhyme or metre.
The text is consistently set in a syllabic style, save for the beautiful melismatic Amen
The syllabic system in fact appears to be based on Devanag
Modern Syrian chant is much more rhythmic and syllabic than Gregorian chant.
de and with altered tempo), which generates a syllabic though not textual signifier, and a quotation
red by a jaguar-pelt represents the way, with syllabic wa and ya elements attached to the main sign
passages with occasional polyphony, generally syllabic word setting, satirical and ribald subjects,
The basic principles of Canadian syllabic writing are outlined in the article for Canad
have been interpreted as suggesting use of a syllabic writing system by Ottawas earlier in the nine
Canadian Aboriginal syllabic writing, or simply syllabics, is a family of
tation of the Phaistos Disc as Homeric Greek, syllabic writing.
a, particularly in their use of homophony and syllabic writing; however, what distinguishes them fro

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