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Perhaps a small mention elsewhere in the article, may
They built the original manor house and perhaps a few dwellings or small farms, but for the n
y born into Ancient Egyptian nobility and was perhaps a follower of Akhenaten, an ancient Egyptian
visaya (Coladesa) of the Kingdom of Srinatha, perhaps a vassal of Amoghavarsha, in the city of Vira
Is there perhaps a better/more flattering image?--Karl franz j
s a genus of mesoeucrocodylian crocodyliform, perhaps a notosuchian.
een Sleeves was a promiscuous young woman and perhaps a prostitute.
r the priesthood', and so in some cases it is perhaps a nickname for someone who had been destined
Some commentators have noted that this is perhaps a consequence of its length (around 100 minut
Perhaps a simpler approach to building/designing DNA
ttable as Jordin's pageant-winner trifle, and perhaps a little more tiring to get through, too."
single entity, others to a multiple version, perhaps a triad.
At its peak there were perhaps a dozen families involved, but as these were
respectable and decent fellow, although he is perhaps a little thick headed."
thought to be an attack on the music industry perhaps a response to the lack of success that Bejar'
Perhaps a book report or summary or something equally
os; afterwards their number grew rapidly, and perhaps a total of 6000 participated at one time or a
Perhaps a workable definition might be: the Place Sai
e oblong, consisting of the Nave and Chancel, perhaps a tower.
Perhaps a broader scope article should be created whe
It is a very basic ash cone perhaps a hundred metres high, and the base of the cr
ill try to sell into this price at a minimum, perhaps a few ticks lower, expecting that there are s
) over 20,000 Southern Sudanese in Australia, perhaps a third of these Nuer.
in the second half of the book are themselves perhaps a small act of subversion: while the reaction
Perhaps a new discussion on merge is in order...--Chi
rthumbria, which would make him a brother, or perhaps a half-brother, of Osred.
hich can be seen a strange transparent stone, perhaps a meteorite, containing what some believe to
Perhaps a more likley explanation is that it is someh
ich is prefaced by "or simply", implying that perhaps a really detailed attempt at finding the word
at each lump arose from a single marrow cell: perhaps a stem cell.
The obscure phrase is perhaps a Cathar or Gnostic name for Jesus Christ, bu
of moderation," whose "evident Irishness was perhaps a help" and who wrote extensively about the i
aken to that used in An Unearthly Child - and perhaps a reference to The Empty Child.
pedition was embarked upon by the young king, perhaps a very unlikely project in the circumstances.
songs, they do use the theme of the song, or perhaps a few lines from the chorus, as their subject
e seen in the night sky by several observers, perhaps a confirmation of UFOetry's cosmic purpose an
"It's a good question, and each country is perhaps a little bit different. 
A monk of this name, or Astleby ( perhaps a surname taken from a location) is mentioned
nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!"
If it cannot be connected, perhaps a 'see also' link is more appropriate.--Sabre
lomat accidentally meets an old acquaintance, perhaps a former lover.
have suggested that he was himself a Jew, or perhaps a pagan native who had come under the influen
I believe he remained under your care for perhaps a year."
on album is entitled Of Hobbits and Pipeweed; perhaps a homage to J. R. R. Tolkien and his books Th
ier, but seems to have held a lower position, perhaps a comes rei militaris or a tribunus (cavalry
consistent with the other capital cities, or perhaps a new article called History of Perth.
Calf Crag and Helm Crag the ridge narrows to perhaps a hundred yards in width, gradually curving t
Since your school life and perhaps a great deal of your future depends on how we
bias in what you wrote and how you wrote it, perhaps a blog is a better place for you than Wikiped
ia Cavalry has its place in American history, perhaps a regrettable one, as the Confederate unit th
regarding the "US civil flag" is unwarranted, perhaps a section on this article would do?
of Duncan's reign was apparently uneventful, perhaps a consequence of his youth.
This indicates that it is perhaps a third the potency of LSD which is in accord
more romantic or amply filled career; never, perhaps, a stranger or more apparently contradictory
ow, Cope was a thoroughly sound scholar, with perhaps a tendency to over-minuteness.
At that time, a relative of his, perhaps a grandson, took over control of the Schlos S
Grierson was perhaps a member of the family of Grierson of Lag in
d actually represents Ua Conchobair, and "was perhaps a tribute to his benefactions".
nter summit requires little equipment besides perhaps a hiking stick and a comfortable pair of boot
t have resulted in a less devastating war and perhaps a prevention of the Holocaust.
Perhaps a current logo would be informative and relev
In the background, a raised platform ( perhaps a stage) displays the finished tapestries.
the methods of snuff preparation; other than perhaps a very, very brief synopsis, this really does
966 edition has a new forward by Ken Rose and perhaps a few sentences were changed; essentially ide
In perhaps a futile attempt to emulate him, the boy remo
e bitterest moment of Jakubowski's career was perhaps a Cup Winners' Cup tie against western neighb
Perhaps a copy edit or peer review would be the next
Paul Clough is perhaps a victim of St Helens success with their Treb
nds as tax havens and flags of convenience is perhaps a hundred years old, and data havens claim to
s the end of Dyfnwal's reign sometime before, perhaps a long time before, this year.\\
Acme is also perhaps a descendant of the small single-step infecto
Perhaps a candidate less closely connected to Speaker
e ballad writer was satirically celebrated is perhaps a correct indication of the date of his death
A mask covers the head with a wig and perhaps a hat to complete the look.
Perhaps a quick read through Wikipedia.com's
It is perhaps a citation of the Brera Altarpiece by Signore
e a wagon road would at least be possible and perhaps a success.
Perhaps a cooment about his "limited tackling ability
The Indians, feeling they were perhaps a better-hitting, veteran catcher away from c
Perhaps a very brief factual statement about other se
hey discussed the idea of starting a band and perhaps a recording label.
y Joel, An Evening of Questions & Answers and Perhaps a Few Songs
I don't know the titles of Beresford but perhaps a reference to his Portuguese title would be
Perhaps a list page of its own would be more appropri
There is perhaps a distinction between malizia as the characte
Perhaps a link is in order?
He was perhaps a bit of a surprise package when signed by Do
Colony of Hipposideros lankadiva [or perhaps a mixture of Rhinolophus rouxii and Hipposide
host of C. johnstoni was most likely a bird, perhaps a rail or shorebird.
we see only a character's reaction shot and, perhaps, a looming shadow - the creature, at this poi
Perhaps a clause like "also released in XXX as 75th"
y of Bartlett's residence, a liquor store and perhaps a saw mill.
Perhaps a fuller explanation here would help.
It would be good to add some sources, and perhaps a note as to how they are related to the boro
This is perhaps a the [sic] key reason why the Royal Navy sel
s built in the period, and is now one of only perhaps a hundred still extant.
The previous album, Feed Us A Fetus, was perhaps a little less graphic, with a depiction of a
Demme shows perhaps a finer understanding of lower-middle-class l
s being assertive, straightforward, cheerful, perhaps a bit mercantile, (cf.
The difference is due to dark matter or perhaps a modification of the law of gravity.
actually based upon the 2006 film Cinta, with perhaps a 10% similarity to its predecessor, and 90%
to have provided more than 2,500 weapons and perhaps a million rounds of ammunition to the IRA.
e student life part probably needs to go, and perhaps a section on the closure of the (former) PPH
had to subdue another claimant to the throne, perhaps a Rashtrakuta princes or a son of Dantidurga.
However this is perhaps a product of the name "Socinian" being applie
So perhaps a section called 'Location' or something simi
The demo of "I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps a Cowboy King" is a "version that most people
Perhaps a fairer title would be the "world's oldest i
Another son, Caspar, a pious young man, perhaps a monk, in the convent of Santo Domingo, Mexi
The author was probably a Platonist, or perhaps a Neopythagorean.
e effect is at once seductive and distancing, perhaps a bit like Robert Benchley, whose humor often
ication for a less acculturated commissioner, perhaps a private family.
the manuscript is due to an early German Jew, perhaps a rabbi or physician, recording a lullaby he
pes range in size from a few square meters to perhaps a 1⁄2-mile (800 m) in length.
o Central and Wan Chai), or Gateway District ( perhaps a reference to the location where the British
sion could simply omit the extra features, or perhaps a transition period would be used, where old
Zappa was a Pomona College student for perhaps a year, studying under award-winning ASCAP co
re seems no right way to design a play, only, perhaps, a right approach.
rte classique", filled with whipped cream and perhaps a little chocolate in soft sponge cake.
cloud collapsing into a relativistic star of perhaps a hundred thousand solar masses or larger.
ng" but state that principles of grouping "is perhaps a more appropriate description".
s was restricted to only a few craftsmen, and perhaps a single person.
In light of this common reality, perhaps a mutual transformation does not yet begin, b
Perhaps a mention should be made of the other Cedar C
nomen Artor, which may be of Etruscan origin ( perhaps a Latinization of the Etruscan name Arnthur).
The finder, perhaps a farm labourer, is entitled to it, but is un
gly canalized, all of the individuals, except perhaps a few at the furthest extreme of the bell cur
interviews, putting the number of sessions at perhaps a half dozen.
humous publication, although "proposals", and perhaps a specimen copy, had been issued at an earlie
of a mess, with too many twists and turns and perhaps a few too many corpses."
eave the spawn area, permanent AI defences or perhaps a timer which kills enemies if they spend too
d usually consists of a few spoken words, and perhaps a joke or humorous reference from Foreman to
f the early Lollard martyrs, was a tailor (or perhaps a blacksmith) in the west Midlands, and was c
"a phenomenon or perhaps a left-over from a remote era of Northern Iri
perhaps a section of Significant Trades would be appr
fer to one of the many fish called 'cappone' ( perhaps a gurnard or red mullet).
as going to be simple, and it's going to take perhaps a generation, two generations really to turn
He says that the 'new Godber' is perhaps a writer like Tim Firth.
as been shown to be an abelisauroid dinosaur, perhaps a noasaurid.
re looking for a Pink Floyd discussion forum, perhaps a Google search would help.
selves Maoist outside China, a large portion, perhaps a majority, still uphold the theories of Zhan
', his name could be translated as 'Nichols', perhaps a reference to actor Jack Nicholson who the c
pirate who was blocking access to an exit (or perhaps a power-up) and kill him with it, thus advanc
an candidate for statewide election, showing, perhaps, a distancing from Democratic partisanship.
or painting showing him in military regalia - perhaps a brightened version could be uploaded.
But perhaps a broken heart is a more loving instrument.
Perhaps a more appropriate character would have been
ts the start of Owen's reign sometime before, perhaps a long time before, this year.
Perhaps a short history of the show, it is the longes
complex, more ambitious and more solemn, but perhaps a less touching, picture."
vence) Willibad may not have been a Frank but perhaps a Burgundian, one of the last representatives
Perhaps a modifier could be used for the phrase "the
ange probably received its name from someone, perhaps a miner, from Sonoma County in California as
Perhaps a better title would be "Baldwin I of Constan
He was likely a native Galwegian or perhaps a native of Annandale.
lliams thought Bendigeit was a late addition, perhaps a replacement for a word that had become obso
demo version of "I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps a Cowboy King".
He was a son of Huoching and perhaps a grandson of the duke Gotfrid, which would m
om Latin camox, borrowed from Gaulish, itself perhaps a borrowing from Iberian or Aquitanian, akin
Roman by birth, the son of Theodemundus, and perhaps a member of the Gabrielli family.
is device a multiplier, though 'addition' was perhaps a more accurate description of its operation,
presence of people they called "Santa Luces", perhaps a name for the Ais derived from "Santa Lucia"
agical helper, here it is merely an incident, perhaps a parody of the more typical plot.
oint out some confusion surrounding Havering, perhaps a small mention in the article would be appre
es it as normal, but also inserts a backdoor ( perhaps a password recognition routine).
It is a Kore ("maiden"), perhaps a votary rather than the maiden Goddess Perse
liberty and the Enlightenment, and even more, perhaps, a sense of joie de vivre in a land where wea
It was perhaps a good thing that Chris died".
Perhaps a section showing similarities/differences wo
, created a sheep in wolf's clothes--or is it perhaps a wolf in sheep's clothes?1
and they believe her death was accidental or perhaps a heart attack.
agazine said a "...A stratospheric price tag, perhaps about $2.8 million..." The car is featured in
doorway, said to be from the 15th century or perhaps about 1500.
ompanion star, giving it an orbital period of perhaps about 1200 years, it is believed to be severa
Perhaps about the turn of the century, the depot was
Candide has been written about voluminously, perhaps above all others.
And perhaps above all, a drastic cut in the number of the
ragmented, disordered, and blackened by fire, perhaps accidentally caused by tomb robbers.
Alberta Premium is only aged for five years - perhaps accounting for some of the comparative feisti
es to the difficulty of editing Looker, which perhaps accounts for why the TV version contains more
Independence was then perhaps achieved after Ecgferths death, until the Eas
A brave and skillful soldier, Clerfayt perhaps achieved more than any other Austrian command
The complex perhaps achieved its greatest fame when London Crusad
and was used to inject an "old" quality, and perhaps acidity to the blend.
2003 was approaching, a battle of words (and perhaps actions) developed between Chairman Powell an
omeone would like to look into this event and perhaps add it to the page?
Can somebody add to what I added and perhaps add a full blown history section or add infor
eally can't think of much more to do, except, perhaps, add a new "ideology" section or something li
nto a continuous reel of tape, thinking about perhaps adding an orchestrated accompaniment to this.
wn leaf turtle are found in Myanmar (Kachin), perhaps adjacent India and Bangladesh.
ck following the IV in two or more different ( perhaps adjacent) sectors is identical.
which appears to be a different house nearby, perhaps adjacent.
ded, at least in children and adolescents and perhaps adults, when G-CSFR isoform IV is overexpress
life for the composition of the Oeconomicus, perhaps after 362 BC.
e "Helen" or "Eleanor" being one possibility, perhaps after Eleanor de Montfort (d.
er house of the Cistercian abbey at Morimond, perhaps after Lord Robert had met the Abbot of Morimo
gly weeping little plant growing 7 ft (2.2 m) perhaps after many years" .
is is assumed to be involved in self-defense, perhaps against herbivores.
tions of artificial selection in this manner, perhaps aided by mutagenesis, the genetic variation c
Perhaps akin to its radiation shielding properties, t
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