



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > falsehoodの意味・解説 > falsehoodに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 22

e dictum is that there is no such thing as a falsehood; a man must either say what is true or say n
e a general license for scandal, calumny and falsehood against individuals, institutions and govern
se, accepted that the disputed content was a falsehood and the book was removed from sale.
ty Industry: The Deliberate Manufacturing of Falsehood and What It Is Doing to Our Lives
ed a ban on the film, accusing it of showing falsehood and indulging in character assassination of
n works are A Satire Upon a Woman Who by Her Falsehood and Scorn Was the Death of My Friend, writte
he judged full of folly, self-contradiction, falsehood, and impiety (Wace); Photius is the only sou
Truth and falsehood cannot be distinguished here.
f the planet Ajuris 4-later revealed to be a falsehood concocted by the Manhunters.
rds around in a sentence while propounding a falsehood, for instance in "The Anniversary" when he a
Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the wors
eside the ruler or judge: if a person told a falsehood in its presence, it would leap forward and i
, the authoress being accused of Jacobinism, falsehood, licentiousness and impiety.
To properly evaluate the truth (or falsehood) of a sentence, one must make reference to a
sations by Butzer, but the latter proved the falsehood of Gropper's allegations.
three-prong method" for testing the truth or falsehood of statements.
ential inaccuracy, or worse still, potential falsehood, of information that is presented as fact, t
Sheqer ( falsehood), on the other hand, is made up of the 19th,
the UCLA edit was made to correct a blatant falsehood that existed in the article.
l of the St. Louis World's Fair, despite the falsehood throughout the film.
Her falsehood was the means of preventing the Duke from ma
gument between Alithia (truth) and Pseustis ( falsehood}, with Phronesis (reason), acting as referee.

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