




該当件数 : 1182

If a purer distillate is desired, a reflux still is the most common solution.
lso wrongly suggested that many of the people desired a royal governor and would pay 500 pounds a y
e factor depending of the level of confidence desired; a margin of one standard error gives a 68% c
ced, on her drawing a curtain as she would be desired, a skeleton, grinning horribly, was precipita
site despite protests by Chamorro leaders who desired a traditional burial.
ful on a timely and international scale, Core desired a major partner and selected Control Data Cor
ike Ferdinand and his Francophile circle, who desired a Romanian alliance with the Entente for the
al conservatives, primarily from Ontario, who desired a more conservative Progressive Conservative
cusations that he and his supporters secretly desired a German victory in World War I. Van Lear was
dom of Hanover (1866) the Hanoveran Lutherans desired a representative body separate from Prussian
A Swiss railway commission desired a continuation of the line into Basel and con
ts, and because it was no secret that Calvert desired a charter for a portion of the land that the
In particular, he desired a spectacular exhibition hall to rival The Cr
Each reserve would get a school when they desired a teacher.
ey had lost control of their morning slot and desired a more Chicago-oriented show that blended bet
If maximal energy recovery is desired, a single anaerobic process will be always su
Budd desired a Railroad Commission substantially less infl
independence did not suit the politicians who desired a collector who could be more easily controll
Until detonation is desired, a nuclear weapon must be kept subcritical.
In 2001, members of AB who desired a stronger link to Southern Basques left to f
If the desired acceleration of the spacecraft is known (gene
The filmmakers desired access to Patton's diaries, as well as input
Repeat step 2 until the desired accuracy is achieved.
same time the landing gear is lowered, not a desired action and one that probably will aggravate t
cles must be inhibited while muscles with the desired action are excited.
tracts, based on their ability to produce the desired activity profile.
communities which already possessed railroads desired additional lines to promote competitive rates
a random non-existent address as well as the desired address (if the test succeeds, further verifi
love for her, though he failed to achieve the desired affect.
ith grain spirits until the drink reaches the desired alcohol content.
it breaks down immediately to the produce the desired alkene (5).
On attaining the desired altitude she found that she could not detach
To deliver the desired amount of energy, the fuel cells can be combi
site, the fraction of which is reduced to the desired amount during tempering.
is also used in Automotive industries where a desired amount of friction is required between two co
the microphone allows the user to control the desired amount of low-frequency rolloff .
hich can be added to hot water to produce the desired amount.
w dose and gradually increase the dose to the desired amount.
When a miniemulsion is desired, an extremely hydrophobic compound is added t
money from a small number of contributors who desired an anime convention in the area.
Jane Roe), a pregnant woman who desired an abortion, in the precedent-setting United
Like moderate Anglicans, they desired an educated ministry and an orderly church, b
es the time series of interest, fine-tune the desired analysis options and specify the location on
omplex interaction (mixed-mode) can provide a desired analytical result.
deep feelings for the lady leaves much to be desired, and the situation does not improve when a tr
ours, or whatever unlimited amount of time is desired and be able to extrapolate new things out of
however achieved, was as complete as Austria desired, and his rewards were many, the Grand Crosses
A fully navalized design was desired, and Consolidated developed a dedicated long-
ight find the narrative more provocative than desired, and because it also contained some "objectio
Picasso and Hieronymus Bosch leave much to be desired, and things did not get better when Commons w
the reaction frequently leads to a mixture of desired and undesired products.
en of primary importance in understanding the desired and undesired distortions that a particular f
cations in which data exchange using XML were desired, and studied a best solution in which XML-bas
o is measured, the input signal levels of the desired and image frequencies must be equal for the m
events lead off to Abel finding what he most desired, and a lesson that preaches: freak or no, we'
The flash can be turned off if not desired and can be manually selected in Manual mode.
f the Portuguese army in 1815 left much to be desired and were a shadow of their former self with m
r cost function is the difference between the desired and the estimated signal
However, that book's index leaves much to be desired, and doesn't mention "Biding My Time" at all.
xpress, but this was not a position Pickering desired, and he left in 1964 to become editorial dire
y this I mean the absolute necessity of being desired and the fact that in the interplay of desires
to come out of hiding, join the Union Army if desired, and care for their families, who were now pr
After setting up the desired angle, the director asks the actors to hold p
e kinds of Prarabdha karma: Ichha (personally desired), Anichha (without desire) and Parechha (due
Only the (S)-(+) enantiomer has the desired antidepressant effect.
s to gain Israeli concessions on land, Israel desired arms to secure the land it refused to give up
le the barley can still absorb the particular desired aromas of the peat - lasting for approximatel
This made him to be a highly desired artisan amongst the courts of different dynas
d, "it was not the class of political life he desired, as it interfered too much with his leisure."
lly quite bright like the algae, and is often desired as aquarium decoration.
it a low-cost program that generates and, if desired, assists in solving, unlimited Sudoku puzzles
arify the difference between the "resistance" desired at the end of a West Coast Swing Pattern, and
cessary to build the type of facility that is desired at that location.
He desired autarky in food production for all countries,
he entrance canopy aligns the approach on the desired axis to the Cathedral Group and provides shel
Given a desired backbone conformation, side chain packing can
Players can aim at the desired ball and have to judge the shot at the right
et khan; soon after Qazaghan's death Abdullah desired Bayan Quli's wife and had him executed.
They were desired because of wool's ability to hold heat even w
Translucent backgrounds are desired because the user can read text behind the ter
mall, sell from £600k to over £1 mil, and are desired because they retain their Victorian character
teachers use repetition and rewards to teach desired behavior.
d allowed to cool under pressure, forming the desired bond.
that the final strained diameter is the final desired bore.
video game rocket ship might accelerate when desired brainwaves are produced (positive feedback),
tack at Jaslowiec on 4 June 1916 produced the desired breakthrough.
n high nobility of royal ancestry who was the desired bride of the Prince who later became Wilhelm
was able to achieve the crossover appeal she desired, building a fan base among Hispanics as well
s of the Amsterdam Chamber left nothing to be desired; Burgh, Godyn, Blommaert, and van Rensselaer,
attery situations where restoring from ram is desired but can't be relied on as the battery may fai
could extend its road within the District as desired, but that this discrimination must cease and
which must be used when tissue destruction is desired, but is sometimes used for imaging also).
t of the first national flag of Bangladesh as desired by the then NUCLEUS (Shadhin Bangla Biplobi P
Other products desired by the Europeans produced other components of
ls likely to result from delaying the divorce desired by the King; and, again in 1536, he signed th
Kyoji, a popular jock at their school who is desired by the school's sports teams and girls.
ependence from Canada for British Columbia if desired by the public.
The possession of Tongaland was strongly desired by the Boers since it furnished them an outle
In 1970, as desired by the U.S. but after much hesitation and wit
endments was not respected, a reform strongly desired by Charles de Gaulle.
should be taken up in earnest, a matter much desired by Charles V, and by which it was hoped to wi
he value at the limit can be made as small as desired by reducing the distance (δ) to the limit poi
am Municipality and retain in the same way as desired by its founder- Maharaja Rajarishi.
nry of Guise and Catherine of Cleves, who was desired by Henry IV.
s depicting Elsie the Cow and her family were desired by many but sold to a Pennsylvania toy dealer
ny division of Germany which is not genuinely desired by the people concerned.
This version is highly desired by collectors.
They did not counsel war, as desired by Willem Kieft.
riginal and correct Singer pistols are highly desired by collectors.
en, is the daughter of Amlawdd Wledig, and is desired by Cilydd, who marries her.
According to Abdel Aziz, the election was desired by 90% of the population.
s resented by his studious female class head, desired by a girl with mysterious powers, and guarded
la and the Finnish Petsamo region, which were desired by the Quisling regime.
riage was famous, as Frances Stewart had been desired by Richmond's cousin, King Charles II, as a m
g to approve an increase in military spending desired by King Wilhelm I, the king appointed Bismarc
a general crackdown on students, as had been desired by Reichskommissar Josef Terboven for some ti
lage College will offer the AQA Baccalaureate desired by many Russell Group universities which requ
a warring world, the American Empire so long desired by the Wall Street money lords."
The nymph Echo is loved by Narcisse, but also desired by Apollo.
Historically, they have been highly desired by butterfly collectors; three species in par
ted with ammonium nitrate in order to achieve desired C/S ratio.
The keyboard was then used to place the desired call, using touch tone frequencies specific f
t was discovered that another station had the desired callsign (WLSU).
After a desired carbon and temperature level have been reache
an NHS-activated acid is to mix NHS with the desired carboxylic acid and a small amount of an orga
Medical doctor became his desired career when his father and three of his sibli
p program to decide if they want to go in the desired career path they had chosen.
added to any article where it's relevant and desired, case closed.
The pattern is a model of the desired casting.
With a salt bridge, the desired cation (Positive atom/s) is isolated in one v
dressing the problem but does not produce the desired change in behavior.
He brought Manitoba into the modern era, with desired changes in education, hospital finance, roads
eford have used other cattle breeds to import desired characteristics, and this has led to changes
avoured to oppose George Monck's schemes, and desired Charles Fleetwood to forestall him and make t
schedules for possible matches for the user's desired city pairs and travel dates.
ch applied energy could hamper or prevent the desired clinical outcome from transpiring.
ough the process several times to achieve the desired coating thickness.
tion and another gradient pulse refocuses the desired coherences remaining during the acquisition p
eted by the incoherent ASE rather than by the desired coherent laser radiation.
ushima and other compounds depending upon the desired color for the jihada.
nstructive interference in order to boost the desired color while destructive interference eliminat
In addition to the ability to perform the desired command, an Action may have an associated ico
p presidential events designed to deliver the desired communications, political, and public diploma
designed to assist students in achieving the desired competencies and to provide all students with
lfur or similar additions are titrated to the desired compliance performance definition of the medi
ld, is circulated in cold finger to allow the desired compound to be deposited.
nitrile may be removed in vacuo to obtain the desired compound.
with potassium hexafluorophosphate gives the desired compound; the tetrafluoroborate may be prepar
ated, often as many as three times, until the desired compression level is reached, producing a com
arious shapes that will mold the metal to the desired configuration.
Wharf and thus completely failed to give the desired connection between the Northern line and the
m the common model objects thus providing the desired consistency and re-usability while ensuring d
Lesage did not achieve his desired constitutional amendment as premier.
ommunication led to her taking on clients who desired contact with deceased animals, and Anderson b
The desired contents are then injected into the desired s
Menelik had desired control of the city of Harar for some time.
o gain residency in the country in which they desired copyright protection.
, and a greater success rate of achieving the desired correction.
user can present the password, characters and desired counter value to a local calculator to genera
t fails to gain entrance to a University or a desired course in his first attempt, he has 2 more op
Players are able to preview the desired course prior to selecting it.
lege of Agriculture (BCA), which provides the desired courses for them along with transport to and
er all-male R&B group called AFD (All Females Desired) covered this song in the 90's, but the most
within a text corpus can be set according to desired criteria.
n because the river banks are very low at the desired crossing point (a few miles south of the city
the crucible is cooled in order to cause the desired crystal to precipitate.
sonal values, current culture values, and the desired cultural values of a statistically valid samp
as argon, krypton, or xenon (depending on the desired cutoff point), the PDD can function as a spec
itional filters permit easy filtering for the desired data
les can be multi-valued and values can be any desired data type and any length via LOBs.
fet's idea, while Buffet affirmed that he now desired death.
lumber anchored at the Pivot point until the desired Degree marking is met on the same side of the
time was that they could be designed for any desired degree of stop band rejection or steepness of
nstead, the creole mixture is simmered to its desired degree of thickness.
racteristics of the network and receivers and desired delivery reliability, and thus the fountain c
The cylinder is dropped at the desired depth, the trap door below is opened to let t
s excavated to bring the cylinder down to the desired depth.
rce code is written correctly, implements the desired design, and does not violate any security req
Kitchener was Oreskovich's desired destination to play major junior, as his best
ads or paths should I take in order to get my desired destination?
sed to hold the tube, the tube is expanded to desired diameter by an expansion punch, and then anot
ique allows for creating uniform holes of any desired diameter to allow even a virus to be filtered
This process is designed to achieve the desired dimensional tolerances of the forged parts.
e hydrolysed and decarboxylated to afford the desired dione.
ter, and effect a decarboxylation to give the desired dioxindole 3.
ng and which can calmly direct animals in the desired direction without excessive force or exciteme
entum, then replace that with momentum in the desired direction of motion.
a robot; instead, they are used to signal its desired direction or action, then stimulate the anima
the katamari by pushing only one stick in the desired direction or pushing the sticks in opposite d
flight zone, and the animal will move in the desired direction if the correct side of the flight z
ing the ship to not only collect weapons in a desired direction but also fire in different directio
ship on course and continue to travel in the desired direction while simultaneoulsy shooting in AN
ool understands and gradually steers into the desired direction.
e canal and help keep the fluid moving in the desired direction.
nsfer stimulus control from the prompt to the desired discriminative stimulus.
er the X or Y direction to set the cutter the desired distance from the workpiece's center.
of custom DNA-binding domains that bind to a desired DNA sequence.
can then be pipetted out and will contain the desired DNA with minimal background.

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