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Each allied unit also has a class, which defines a set of abilities for that unit and determin
CLIA defines a clinical laboratory as any facility which p
The WSRP specification defines a web service interface for interacting with
The Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification defines a set of lightweight APIs that an object cont
United States Environmental Protection Agency defines a fuel line as "all hoses or tubing designed
Thus, its partition function defines a non-perturbative sum over all simplicial to
literally meaning "Iron Horse Seeks Bridge," defines a person who is able to finally use his high
a chain V that is a subset of S upon which ≤ defines a total order such that V has no least elemen
As far as what defines a good article, I'm afraid it is indeed inten
SSL) (also known as Sea Level Standard (SLS)) defines a set of conditions for physical calculations
ed through years of research and study, which defines a fallacy as a violation of one of the five c
The ASTM standard E84 defines a standard test method for surface flame spre
This article defines a major mountain peak as a summit with at lea
technically a distinction can be made if one defines a true vertical shaper as a machine whose sli
Elements of Programming defines a value to be a sequence of bits, called datu
n law, the term "Montefalco Sagrantino Secco" defines a wine obtained exclusively from Sagrantino g
Stability - Axis2 defines a set of published interfaces which change re
The LAFCO also defines a subset of the Sphere as an 'Urban Service A
The CCG formalism defines a number of combinators (application, composi
ive and sequential composition operators, ACP defines a basic process algebra which satisfies the a
The DWARF debugging format defines a variant called LEB128 (or ULEB128 for unsig
jMaki also defines a widget.json
ement, the International System of Units (SI) defines a scale and unit for the thermodynamic temper
River Road is a street that defines a border between Green Island Hills and other
thmic space), and for Savitch's theorem which defines a relationship between the NSPACE and DSPACE
The second line defines a 10 byte hexadecimal field with a length equ
The second looks at what defines a building's beauty, drawing parallels with t
ble functions, the process of differentiation defines a linear operator since
ustry Standard Metadata (PRISM) specification defines a set of XML metadata vocabularies for syndic
A soft knee in the power vs. current curve defines a transition between a regime dominated by sp
ng language specification is an artifact that defines a programming language so that users and impl
IMPS defines a system architecture, syntax, and semantics
The Java Portlet Specification defines a contract between the portlet container and
dom, each define the exact parameters of what defines a rare breed.
Operation: Defines a computation that needs to be executed.
which defines a domain of resumptions [Gordon Plotkin 1976]
WS-Resource defines a WS-Resource as the composition of a resourc
encapsulation and modularization; each class defines a namespace and controls how and which defini
HyTime defines a set of hypertext-oriented element types tha
he hydrogen bonding pattern in the other form defines a sheet-like structure.
rstand the importance of WSI-BP, note that it defines a much narrower set of valid services than th
The European Brewery Convention defines a large number of beer and malt related analy
defines a type, referred to as struct account.
Thus e.g. a utility function defines a preference relation.
tum of a system is not a location, but rather defines a particular inertial frame (a velocity and a
defines a class of perfect cochromatic graphs, analog
Perl's keyword "my" defines a statically scoped local variable, while the
Bang measure - Defines a function metric based on twelve primitive (
This defines a preorder <~ on W(X), so we can define an eq
The following XML declaration defines a style named textfield and binds it to all t
Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) defines a standard API for Java platform applications
This defines a direct role for Bax in mitochondrial outer
EN ISO 15706 defines a WPS as "A document that has been qualified
The Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) defines a minimal set of implementation constraints t
IUPAC defines a "mesogen" according to its physico-chemical
defines a rendezvous port that can pass messages of t
WS-Eventing defines a protocol for web services to subscribe to a
Verse 8 defines a "day of rest", or sabbath, on the seventh d
To ease transition, XPath 2.0 defines a mode of execution in which the semantics ar
hOCR is an open standard which defines a data format for representation of OCR outpu
The Wales Spatial Plan defines a region known as "Central Wales" which cover
Tefkat defines a mapping from a set of source metamodels to
This article defines a significant summit as a summit with at leas
cience, aeronautics, and space technology and defines a long-term goal for human spaceflight to exp
ion for the Protection of National Minorities defines a national minority implicitly to include min
element, renamed to <interface> in WSDL 2.0, defines a Web service, the operations that can be per
m with marker interfaces is that an interface defines a contract for implementing classes, and that
ndations, the 4 foot (1.2 m) high marble base defines a platform, 43 feet 5 inches (13.2 m) in diam
Canada defines a Blunt Wrap as "a sheet or tube made of toba
ook entitled The Psychic Vampire Codex, which defines a psychic vampire as a person, who, from limi
The SIP Servlet API defines a high-level servlet extension for SIP server
He defines a Hamlet as a servlet extension that reads XH
It defines a clear distribution of roles: the do clause
", while the Federal Constitution of Malaysia defines a Malay as someone who is a Muslim, speaks Ma
ts Service component architecture (SCA) which defines a flexible, service-based model for construct
side the typical Wikipedia arguing about what defines a London Railway Station, the table is of Lon
rrace block yields a separate FLIC curve that defines a unique df.
Furthermore each mutation defines a set of specific Y chromosomes called a hapl
It defines a list as essentially a more flexible version
A programming domain defines a specific kind of use for a programming lang
Defines a postcondition for when a given Exception is
In HTML and XHTML, the blockquote element defines a block quotation within the text.
It defines a Heliospheric mission for ICE consisting of
ed branching, since its recursive application defines a tree structure (the search tree) whose node
This defines a partial order on decision rules; the maxima
ion 569.070 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, defines a catastrophe as "death or serious physical i
Employment Act 1989, which defines a new regime for the training and employment
The same standard defines a Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQ
XML defines a simplified subset of SGML that focuses on p
called essential if its fundamental class [M] defines a nonzero element in the homology of its fund
It defines a geo-specific extension to XACML Version 2.0
on and the even G-parity sector of the theory defines a stable string theory.
The new Act defines a system of Additional Support Needs (ASN).
Defines a "Born alive infant" as "Person, human being
ed by the DBMS implementations.. SQL/Schemata defines a number of features, some of which are manda
tersections of the edges (5 in this case) and defines a new concave decagon (10-pointed polygon) fo
FA defines abstinence as weighed and measured meals with
ewed actors as analytical concepts, Alexander defines action as the movement of concrete, living, b
The Algol W Language Description defines Algol W in an affix grammar that resembles BN
ly concrete expression of that potential that defines all women".
ations set by the Turkish constitution, which defines all citizens of the Republic of Turkey as Tur
Philosopher C. D. Broad defines altruism as "the doctrine that each of us has
This defines an ellipse of constant bistatic range, called
rm which appears in the album title and which defines an artistic "work that would be played contin
orollary of the theorem is that if a language defines an infinite set of equivalence classes, it is
If L is any subset of Σ*, one defines an equivalence relation ~ (called the syntact
DPWS defines an architecture in which devices run two type
ITIL defines an incident as "any event which is not part o
The United States Census Bureau defines an urban cluster for Romancoke, but not a cen
The CeO12 core defines an icosahedron.
ion Knowledge Discovery Metamodel (KDM) which defines an ontology for software assets and their rel
corresponding to the normal fan of P, then P defines an ample line bundle on X, and the Ehrhart po
The user defines an initial surface in a datafile.
Each edge of a polygon defines an interior half-plane, informally defined as
The World Health Organization defines an emergency situation by a malnutrition rate
JDM defines an object model and Java API for data mining
DASL defines an application as a domain model with one or
IUPAC defines an element to exist if its lifetime is longer
The Salt River Valley defines an extensive valley on the Salt River in cent
It defines an investment company as being either registe
ity for Java is a specification for Java that defines an API for annotating fields, methods, and cl
er section 2 of the Canadian Patent Act which defines an invention as any new and useful improvemen
which defines an array named array to hold 100 values of th
nternational Infrastructure Management Manual defines an Asset Management Plan as; "a plan develope
representations of graphs, Jeremy P. Spinrad defines an implicit representation of an n-vertex gra
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines analyte specific reagents (ASRs) in 21 CFR 86
significant contributions to RFC 1123, which defines and discusses the requirements for Internet h
The first, Free Trade Area of the Americas, defines and demystifies issues of free trade and priv
RTC - Real-Time Control: defines and simulates real-time control schemes for u
It further defines and catalogues the main substances of the Jai
The platform defines and establishes a congregational polity-meani
It defines and characterizes Symbolism as a style whose
The book defines and explains 60 of the most commonly committe
The work lists, defines, and provides examples for nearly 250 Yeshivi
The AIP defines and measures the quality, complexity, and siz
It defines annotations for customizing Java program elem
onry is Anticlerical often depends on how one defines Anticlericalism and what branch of Freemasonr
Cioran defines aphorisms
tches between prose and poetry in a way Olrik defines as typically Anglo-Saxon.
k in a section on literary enigmata, which he defines as darkened or obscured allegories.
of act, or it may be general, and whatever it defines as its scope is what a court will enforce as
hat is based on “Planetary Geometry” which it defines as “geometric patterns made by drawing connec
scribed as "brownfield," which the government defines as property for which the expansion, redevelo
for being too strict and too vague on what it defines as aggressive panhandling.
sts in North Cardiff which lists the areas it defines as North Cardiff.
otection Agency as a sterilant, which the EPA defines as "a substance that destroys or eliminates a
is that of service, which the Reference Model defines as follows: A mechanism to enable access to o
een the Son and Holy Spirit that the document defines as 'signifying the communication of the consu
ools for Hardware and Software Engineers” and defines as a “quixotic attempt to overcome engineers'
n promoting Wikipedia is altruistic, which he defines as “sacrificing your own values for others”,
ect management, crafted in a way that clearly defines authority and responsibility .
The Oxford English Dictionary defines baby mama as "the mother of a man's child, wh
The expression language defines basic functions and expressions used as terms
The Code of Alabama defines beer as being fermented malt liquor containin
of Statewide Health Planning and Development defines Biggs-Gridley Memorial Hospital as a General
Hammonds defines black woman's sexuality as having so much sex
ut thanks to her hard work, the building that defines Brewster lives on.
The policy defines bullying and cyberbullying.
The board policy 249 Bullying/Cyberbullying defines bullying and cyberbullying.
A policy approved in March defines bullying and cyberbullying - Policy 249.
bridge University official colour style guide defines Cambridge Blue as Pantone 557; the nearest eq
Unlike some other market anarchists, Carson defines capitalism in historical terms, emphasizing t
sify this object as a centaur because the MPC defines centaurs as having a semi-major axis of less
The DES defines centaurs as nonresonant objects whose osculat
The Deep Ecliptic Survey (DES) defines centaurs using a dynamical classification sch
f Ulster was established, an event that still defines certain political allegiances in the north of
SO/IEC 10646 (Unicode) International Standard defines character, or abstract character as "a member
ctionaries was frustrating; the Kangxi Zidian defines characters but not phrases, the Peiwen Yunfu
M A354 is an ASTM International standard that defines chemical and mechanical properties for alloy
Service Act, as amended by Public Law 102-321 defines children with a serious emotional disturbance
That's what defines Chris Britton.
Leo Rosten in The Joys of Yiddish defines chutzpah as "gall, brazen nerve, effrontery,
Article 10 of the same constitution defines citoyen d'origine as : "anyone belonging to t
A package is divided into two parts: one that defines classes and another that defines rules.
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivis
This extension defines common interfacing components (structures and
ment and Verification Protocol (IPMVP), which defines common terminology and the key steps in imple
The Polyamory society defines compersion to be "the feeling of taking joy i
PolyOz defines compersion as "the positive feelings one gets
WA further defines compulsive working as a progressive, addictiv
and Manners of all true Christians (1582) -- defines congretional autonomy
Section 273.1 (1) defines consent, section 273.1 (2) outlines certain c
CDD defines conserved domains as recurring units in molec
n unit, beginning with the keyword INTERFACE, defines constants, types, variables, exceptions, and
Defines controlled terminology for SDTM and CDASH, pr
"umble", since the Oxford English Dictionary defines crow (sb3) as meaning "intestine or mesentery
In "From Cruelty and Goodness" he defines cruelty by what it depends upon to exist.
workflow features include Pelt mapping, which defines custom seams and enables users to unfold UVs

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