




該当件数 : 152

nister John Major said that "society needs to condemn a little more, and understand a little less".
is not necessary to be an abolitionist... to condemn a practice so repugnant to Catholic feeling."
elves have made it absolutely clear that they condemn acts of violence, intimidation and threats.
Pope Gutless Bastard I" due to his refusal to condemn Adolf Hitler.
"We should not condemn Ahmed Wali Karzai or damage our critical rela
cs of Mannar and I, together with my priests, condemn all forms violence and earnestly request the
Eymerich was among the first to condemn all forms of demonic conjuration as heresy.
o India Richard Stagg said in a statement "We condemn all forms of terrorism.
Resolution 540 went on to condemn all acts in violation of the Geneva Conventio
f hope for humanity, on the other refusing to condemn alleged intimidatory tactics during later NUM
continuing situation in Angola and went on to condemn and place international sanctions on UNITA.
earlier attempt by the town of Smithfield to condemn and demolish the building because it is perce
Public opinion should severely condemn any other similar campaigns."
The prevalent Sunni Muslim opinion is to condemn any depictions of Muhammad, whom Muslims rega
I do not condemn anybody.
If you immediately condemn anyone who doesn't quite believe the same as
a parable of its own, in which vengeful lambs condemn birds of prey as evil; the birds of prey, rat
is, before later using the expression to also condemn China's Three Worlds Theory.
d like to take this opportunity to say that I condemn drugs...
il, and Palladius be called upon to defend or condemn each heretical proposition that disputed Cath
the Steadfastness and Confrontation Front to condemn Egyptian attempts to reach a separate peace w
ed up with heresies that the Protestants also condemn emphatically."
In an interview in 2008 he openly refused to condemn Franco's dictatorship.
three members of the tribunal who refused to condemn Galileo.
adoub votes to acquit, but the others vote to condemn Gauvain to be executed.
Easy to condemn, harder to work with," he said.
g on her dormant powers, which she fears will condemn her soul for eternity....
in the hide-bound rule of modern society will condemn her."
ible, to the world it would have been easy to condemn him for this, especially since these crimes i
These books caused the church and state to condemn him and call him a dangerous revolutionary.
ited energy source, and that using it up will condemn him to eternal torment in Hell.
out too late that the twins used the power to condemn him to a permanent time-loop of his attempt t
he scales against the views of historians who condemn him for his inhumanity to the Acadians."
e from his own employer and then conveniently condemn himself by secreting the jewel-box under his
nominated Dioscorus to sign a retraction and condemn his memory: the document was subsequently des
l, humanitarian and cultural affairs voted to condemn human rights violations made by Iran.
We also condemn in the strongest terms the terrorist shooting
es - Secretary of State Colin Powell said "We condemn in the strongest terms the horrific terrorist
all parties and governments in the region to condemn incitement to violence, violations of human r
Adams had maintained a policy of refusing to condemn IRA or their splinter groups' actions.
cerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that condemn Israel without also condemning terrorist grou
which it had abstained in that it refused to condemn Israel and ignored efforts by an Arab countri
ay of life, but I'm not gonna sit up here and condemn it and to vote for a constitutional amendment
I condemn it without any equivocation whatsoever."
It is unacceptable and I would condemn it in the strongest terms possible,” Karugara
condemned it in the past and, today, again we condemn it and we will continue to condemn it as long
f cowardice perpetuated by terrorists, and we condemn it in the strongest terms," adding "Terrorism
mbings have been extremely unfortunate and we condemn it.
Orthodox teaching, and encouraged measures to condemn it.
the first Eastern Bloc country to officially condemn its communist regime.
Jewish elders ask Pontius Pilate to judge and condemn Jesus - accusing him of claiming to be the Ki
Medina used the pulpit to indirectly condemn Madonna's "performances", stating that they e
The New Grove editors condemn Mason's introduction of European models for A
In 1954, when the Senate was threatening to condemn McCarthy, Senator John Kennedy faced a dilemm
Condename (1992) ( Condemn Me)
der of the Opposition, Tony Abbott refused to condemn Mirabella, instead terming the comparison col
moss as desirable, and that the intent was to condemn mobility as unprofitable.
icle says: "The day after the Senate voted to condemn MoveOn.org
in silent and he began to praise Ali (ra) and condemn Muaweyah.
rfecto's final words were to bless Christ and condemn Muhammad and his Qur'an.
hurch took a stand, stating that they did not condemn or prohibit interracial marriages.
According to one account, Bercharius did not condemn or complain about the injury he received, but
antinople (543) was a local synod convened to condemn Origen and his views, which was accompanied b
abortion-related violence, stating, "I don't condemn people who use force to try to protect babies
f terminal sedation, are inconsistent if they condemn physician-assisted suicide.
a speaker at a meeting in Chicago that was to condemn policy action in Chicago during the Democrati
In 2009, he sought to publicly condemn Pope Benedict XVI for having argued that cond
(This result helped condemn Portsmouth to relegation to Division 2.)
A Regional Mobility Authority can acquire or condemn property for projects, enter into public priv
and by Labour MP George Galloway, refused to condemn protesters calling the events a "police riot"
ng to stick their heads above the parapet and condemn racism".
ng conservatives and even the NAACP itself to condemn Sherrod's words and actions. 
sponsored and Communist-dominated WSG did not condemn similar Soviet actions in Hungary, Afghanista
ruled the PWA lacked eminent domain power to condemn slums, so the Wagner-Steagall bill, the Housi
some affairs of the Church in Ireland and to condemn some abuses, bringing the Church more into al
jurymen to agree to do what they want to do, condemn somebody as infamous as Uspak, and get paid i
return the shield and costume to Tony Stark, condemn Stark for his role in the Civil War, and go h
tition League, but controversially refused to condemn T. J. Campbell leaving the Parliament to beco
cate jihad via acts of terrorism, or may even condemn terrorism wholly, the fact remains that this
derstand why people are angry and we will not condemn that anger."
No, I wouldn't condemn that person".
Zelaya stated in response, "I condemn that kind of racism and discrimination.
Democrat and Labour parties on the council to condemn the policies of both the BNP and National Fro
pe and the Orthodox Patriarch" for failing to condemn the "deliberate massacre of men, women and ch
y some Bahraini students studying in India to condemn the "oppressive regimes" in Bahrain and Yemen
ntinople, first protested that to sign was to condemn the Council of Chalcedon, and then yielded, a
s of those killed and wounded, and resolutely condemn the latest bloody terrorist atrocities", addi
blasts in a statement saying "I unreservedly condemn the cowardly terrorist attacks in Ahmedabad,
rism" for, among other things, her refusal to condemn the lynching of two Israeli soldiers who made
uncil Resolution 134 and while it does indeed condemn the actions of the Government of the Union of
used as "baby factories", but also refused to condemn the parents of the child (cf moral theology o
selves truly and sincerely to profess Christ, condemn the Pope, addict ourselves to the true Philos
ia and called upon Kosovo Albanian leaders to condemn the violence.
"I condemn the murder of Sinnathamby Sivamaharajah",
Pyongyang will almost certainly ignore or condemn the plan.
Rights groups have urged ASEAN to condemn the election preparations and refuse to recog
Julia Gillard stated, “I absolutely condemn the placement of this information on the Wiki
Amazon.com most (if not all) reviews condemn the game as the worst Larry ever produced.
Its primary purpose was to condemn the Priscillian heresy and uphold the Nicene
Security Council held an official meeting to condemn the attacks.
In public, they condemn the bombings and again request the assistance
ed Nations Security Council met to officially condemn the terrorist attacks.
o force Russia and Serbia to alliance-make to condemn the assassination.
Rights groups condemn the violence inflicted on two men who appear
If someone used force against him, would I condemn the person for stopping Mengele from all the
esign his ambassadorship after his refusal to condemn the 1991 August Coup against Mikhail Gorbache
Asked if he could condemn the massacre he replied: "Perhaps the tourist
ordination he opposed Justinian's efforts to condemn the "Three Chapters" in order to reconcile th
Afrocentrists particularly condemn the alleged dividing of African peoples into
eral elections on 25 January 2006, refused to condemn the attack, and instead described the attack
ess would mean "an acceptance of a colony and condemn the people to a perpetual condition of second
a statement on behalf of Mr Powell saying: “I condemn the vicious killing of over 20 persons in Jam
ivist Bertrand Russell used Griffin's show to condemn the war in Vietnam, Griffin was criticized fo
Boleyn, whose correspondence was used to help condemn the queen for adultery.
tate, was alarmed of his alleged intention to condemn the country's officials for allowing antisemi
er, except among Protestants who employ it to condemn the practices of traditional Christians.
only Traditional Catholic Society publicly to condemn the SSPX Bishop Williamson for his deplorable
of Electrical Engineers of Turkey stated: "We condemn the attack of Israel in which one of our memb
right of armed resistance to occupation, but condemn the targeting of Iraqis and the taking of hos
od in history, the State legislature voted to condemn the land and turn the spot into a state park.
protest rally at the site, and a proposal to condemn the site, CVS opened its store in 2003.
heodore planned the Lateran Council of 649 to condemn the Ecthesis, but died before he could conven
, though with three limitations: he would not condemn the Articles of Perth, though agreeing for th
including Noam Chomsky have asked Gillard to condemn the calls for physical harm to Assange and to
manifested itself in a refusal to explicitly condemn the German invasion of Poland.
ublished an open letter, exhorting Muslims to condemn the attacks and the attackers, and not to "hi
nually to remember the murdered activists and condemn the current colonial status.
Later Western references, which condemn the work, such as Jerome and Decretum Gelasia
Hidalgo's Grito did not condemn the notion of monarchy or criticize the curre
The Council went on to condemn the military invention of Israel in Lebanon a
among the speakers at a May 14, 1894 rally to condemn the renomination of Congressman William Campb
istrict Court for the District of Nebraska to condemn the plant of the Kimball Laundry Company in O
ten in Renaissance style - the author did not condemn the pagan beliefs and rituals, which was impr
d the police version of events and refused to condemn their actions; Evelyn was horrified by this a
girders for such purposes, Brunel refused to condemn them when cross-examined as an expert witness
nterpretation of the Law and then proceeds to condemn them for it.
s manuscript and presented only as a means to condemn them.
Minister Massimo D'Alema said, "I absolutely condemn this barbaric act of violence which, in strik
We demand nothing less as we concertedly condemn this most uncalled for interference.
Don't you know that our kings condemn this Christ and sentence to death those who w
ves from their evil, radical counterparts, to condemn those who want to destroy our civilization an
declare a state of emergency and they were to condemn to death all captured saboteurs.
f Oxford was invited, on 13 February 1845, to condemn Tract 90, to censure the Ideal, and to depriv
program to say that his denomination does not condemn tranvestities but offers "its sympathy, its h
"You can condemn us to death today, but you cannot deprive us
itself), proverbs that recommend virtues and condemn vices, proverbs that express a system of valu
eaders elsewhere were called upon to publicly condemn violence and ethnic hatred.
Members of the European Parliament condemn violent protests in Europe concerning the Jyl
Katherine Heigl would condemn Washington for his remarks and this would lea
ts accused of sexual abuse, and once said, "I condemn what's been done to victims with all my heart
According to Tsvangirai the ZEC has failed to condemn whisperings among Zanu-PF officials that pres
I condemn with great indignation the blind rage of terr

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