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mentioned, within the Hebrew Bible, as having borne a child.
So that it would not appear that his wife had borne a child out of wedlock, Genebald had her visit
If the person was a woman who had borne a Cherokee child and was married to a Cherokee
ften hidden among the leaves rather than being borne above.
r (Ceylon - Now Sri Lanka) by Japanese carrier borne aircraft on 5 April 1942 during the Indian Oce
ss spheres, the lighter of which (c. 75 %) are borne aloft by the combustion process.
If a sound of antique chanting were to be borne along the quiet air-if a procession of white-r
Borne also promoted the replacement of streetcars wi
Maria Comnena had borne Amalric two daughters: Isabella, who would eve
Red Pike to the west are Starling Dodd, Great Borne and the Loweswater Fells.
The disease is seed borne and is first noticed as small water-soaked les
ole of Sedbare, wher the sayd Roger Lupton was borne and bath foundyd a perpetuall chauntry and the
all three parachute brigades with their glider borne anti-tank weapons or two of the parachute brig
where the first members were supposed to have borne arms against the Saracens.
68 the award was extended to all those who had borne arms or who had been under fire, including suc
He had for a time acted at Borne as Lombard's secretary and the primate appoint
The gonads are borne at the radial canals or where these meet the m
Each flower is borne at the end of a peduncle which may be quite lo
less than five millimeters in diameter and are borne at the tip of each stem in single, sharply poi
The strobili borne at the leaf bases are yellow in color and no m
s of five or six leaves, up to 40 cm long, are borne at the end of branchlets.
The flowers are borne at the tops of leafy stems that are up to 1.5
, funnel-shaped flowers 5-6 cm diameter may be borne at the tubercle tips.
dense, flat-topped cluster of up to 35 flowers borne atop a mostly naked, hairy, glandular stalk.
t organization, which revealed plans for a sea borne attack.
Such a cross may be borne before him in liturgical processions.
as employed to write the Device of the Pageant borne before Woolston Dixie, and in 1591 he devised
After the release of World 1 Borne began freelancing, but stated in an interview
d system on the lower southern slopes of Great Borne below the crags and scree.
opened in 1988 at a cost of £34,000, which was borne by the county, district and local parish counc
The high price that has to be borne by the parents while marrying a daughter has l
Compared be set up, the costs of which was to borne by Provident and the other large operators.
114 million would be borne by the local government.
ed in the publication of his works was usually borne by him, and he presented gratuitous copies to
Government while the cost of the building was borne by the Singapore government.
cooperative effort, with all profits and costs borne by the seven band members and three members of
itself derives from the personal name Arwystl, borne by a disciple of Dubricius.
alous Wife.' Similar testimony to his skill is borne by all the best dramatic critics of the time.
The flag was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen eit
landic litur), which means "colour", is a name borne by a dwarf and a giant.
II-IV set the ratio between reparations to be borne by the Austrian government and those to be bor
ranged from $1.05 to $1.25 million, which was borne by the taxpayers of the 4th District.
This device, borne by Sir John de Tany of Essex during the reign
ificant share of these costs would probably be borne by the state General Fund.
controversy over the exact number of children borne by her mother.
the dukedom and after his death, the title was borne by the families of Goth and of Pardaillan.
Miervaldis is a Latvian masculine given name, borne by some 600 men in Latvia.
zing the attendance of fire service members be borne by the Federal Government.
The flag was borne by a sportsperson, from that country, chosen e
-shaped birthmark on his thigh, which was also borne by his descendants.
The title of 'marquis of Los Balbases', still borne by his representatives in Spain, was all that
ar name for amusement parks of the time, being borne by parks in Springfield (Missouri), Atlanta, C
Red Knight is a title borne by several characters in Arthurian legend.
Other names borne by this goddess are Nin-Karrak, Nin Ezen, Ga-t
They are like those borne by the similar stork's bill Erodium botrys.
The title borne by the successor of such an archbishop-bishop
The name St Peter's Church has been borne by two Roman Catholic churches in the town of
Duke of Teck was, in medieval times, a title borne by the head of a principality named Teck in th
of Mount Edgcumbe are today the same as those borne by Richard Edgcumbe in 1290 and the earl's mot
on with the seven billets was the coat of arms borne by the former Duchy of Nassau.
bate payments from drug manufacturers would be borne by the state General Fund.
f Aktion T4 was continued in the second phase, borne by "local initiative" rather than central orga
are surnames in the English language, that are borne by both males and females.
to the phonetically similar Caladbolg, a sword borne by several figures from Irish mythology, altho
His surname was borne by persons of humble station at Calverstown, C
andsdalen, the brunt of the fighting had to be borne by British units, even though Norwegian units
The costs were borne by the local community, a situation which was
e all material and construction costs would be borne by Great Britain.
s providing the model for the coat of arms now borne by the town.
er times, Aristaios was a familiar Greek name, borne by several archons of Athens and attested in i
ebuilt in 1875 the cost of £1256 largely being borne by the then rector, the Reverend Samuel Peshal
tale about the responsibilities that should be borne by both creative artists and indeed the male s
orie disliked the Native American Indian names borne by so many United States Navy ships of the pos
hows their current condition and the hardships borne by their families, but also the discrimination
ed to the disproportionate burden of pollution borne by poor people and people of color.
ssi" or "Assa" is derived from "Jose," and was borne by many tannaim and amoraim; hence the confusi
-male and female flowers are separate, but are borne by the same plant.
ile shear forces along the hull were no longer borne by the oakum-packing of the timber planks whic
The brunt of the battle was borne by the Anglo-German units, including the 1/1st
drino", as he was styled-a title that had been borne by Pius V as a cardinal- was sent as legate to
d, an ever-greater share of the costs has been borne by state and local governments.
on for the marriage was that Agnes had already borne children; if she could have four surviving chi
The train borne circuit breaker, which was connected in parall
Air borne conidia have been detected and some colonies o
Batterie de la Borne de Marbre
events - have disappeared following their air borne destruction.
a control room Directorate of National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme in New Delhi to moni
Provides complete protection from water borne diseases called by germs.
ng medical consensus about the causes of water borne diseases that had been controversial just a fe
ovide protection against drought and some soil borne diseases.
ts to ensure that burdens of pollution are not borne disproportionately by communities with low inc
ber the 5th battalion and the brigade's glider borne element arrived.
In addition to Princess Ningyuan, she had borne Emperor Xuan two sons: Chen Shuao, Prince of L
ian spring-summer encephalitis (RSSE) and tick borne encephalitis (TBE).
had passed through its streets with his cross borne erect before him.
r father's life, and when he sees that she has borne Ernesto's child, he starts to think of revenge
segments fused to form a head, which may have borne eyes and antennae.
AAS Long Beach now turned to servicing carrier borne F4Fs, SBDs, FM-2s, F4Us, F6Fs, TBF/TBMs, and S
s also an Anglo-Saxon masculine personal name ( borne for example by Ordgar, Ealdorman of Devon, 10t
ened, and Christ had laid down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men, and that I should take it
Perfect, rose color, borne four to eight together, in fascicles which app
As Giovanna had borne Francesco only one son, Filippo (20 May 1577 -
The hot springs are borne from precipitation on the surrounding Cascade
something like order, and several ladies were borne from the chamber in a fainting condition."
day" respectively) and although they were not borne from Chi, they see her as their natural mother
s though you were riding and hearing his words borne from the front saddle."
cidal seed treatments are used to control soil borne fungal pathogens that cause seed rots, damping
use on ship, then in air and finally satellite borne gravity surveys.
, to Procreate with a Native Male after Having Borne Half-Caste Children to a European or White.
ing been accused of infidelity because she had borne her lord a white child.
They are typically small, yellow-green, and borne high in the tree in April through June.
allen in love with Aladino's daughter, who has borne him a son, and has secretly converted her to C
Nest is thought to have borne him a son, Henry FitzRoy (1103-1158).
critical conflict that would have nonetheless borne him a similar detriment even if having survive
Suleiman's two wives had borne him eight sons, four of whom survived past the
ne had married Cresswell in good faith and had borne him several children but another woman, Miss E
us and of keeping a mistress who seems to have borne him children.
In 1783 his second wife died, having borne him eight or nine children (ib., and Hasted, H
Many a man has borne himself proudly on the scaffold; surely the sa
Since 1972 a French school at Dakar has borne his name.
earch institute of ferrous metallurgy that has borne his name since 1960.
ial for contamination of fresh produce by food borne human pathogens”.
During 2005, a massive vehicle borne IED was driven into Observation Post 2 Alpha,
The small flowers are borne in spikes; they open in summer and unusually f
The flowers are white, borne in summer.
Inflorescences are pedunculate umbels borne in axillae.
The flowers are blue, borne in spring.
Fruit are borne in clusters of 10-20.
The flowers are pink, borne in fall.
The flowers are purple, borne in summer.
The seeds are borne in cylindrical fruits.
The flowers are white, borne in fall.
The flowers are yellow, borne in summer.
The flowers are white, borne in spring.
The flowers are small, white, borne in dense terminal compound umbels in late autu
The flowers are blue, borne in summer.
The flowers are pink-rayed, yellow centered, borne in spring.
The flowers are yellow, borne in summer through fall.
ross and small greenish white flowers that are borne in clusters.
Flowers are solitary or borne in loose clusters.
The flowers are blue, purple, or white, borne in summer.
The flowers are white, borne in late spring.
The flowers are purple, borne in summer and fall.
It should also be borne in mind that the act of consecration to Mary d
The flowers are pinkish white, borne in spring.
These are borne in abundance during summer, especially after r
The inflorescence may be solitary or borne in clusters.
The flowers are pink, borne in spring through fall.
The flowers are borne in clusters, the individual flowers yellow, so
Flowers are very small, yellow and are borne in Summer.
The flowers are white, borne in summer through fall.
The leaves are borne in opposite pairs or whorls of 3-4, each leaf
The flowers are white, borne in spring and summer.
The tiny flowers are borne in pairs or singly.
The flowers are pink or white, borne in fall.
The flowers are yellow, borne in mid-summer.
The flowers are white with purplish spotting, borne in summer.
flower heads are 1.5-2.5 cm diameter, and are borne in dense, flat-topped clusters; the florets ar
The flowers are white and borne in early spring.
Yellow flowers are borne in heads of two to four.
rescence is a cluster of up to 5 white flowers borne in the leaf axils.
Flowers occur in the leaf axils, each borne in a calyx of sepals with a prominent ridge on
The flowers are typically borne in large heads and are in variable shades of p
ellow flowers, 1-2 in (2.5-5.1 cm) across, are borne in loose clusters.
Male flowers are borne in narrow inflorescences up to 50 centimeters
The flowers are about 2 mm across and white, borne in thick clusters emanating from the leaf axil
The flowers are white, borne in late March and throughout the month of Apri
als and sepaloid bracts with a tubular corolla borne in clusters of 25 to 80 at the ends of stems.
They are borne in terminal racemes or singly in the leaf axil
Flowers are lilac-blue, sometimes pink, borne in early summer, and are fragrant.
The flowers have yellow-green petals and are borne in cymes in the leaf axils.
(usually between 6-12 inches) The leaves are borne in whorls of four, bipinnate, with the numerou
reen leaves are alternately arranged and often borne in clusters.
ch as poplar) both male and female flowers are borne in catkins.
Flowers are yellow, 1 cm long, with a spur, borne in racemes of up to 30 flowers, each on a shor
Pear-shaped buds are borne in clusters of three, formed in the corner of
The small, white, urn-shaped flowers are borne in bunched inflorescences.
The flowers are white, tubular, and borne in spring, followed by purple berries.
It may be somewhat thorny, with white flowers, borne in early spring.
The white flowers are borne in clusters at the end of the branches in spri
he leaves are several centimeters long and are borne in alternately arranged clusters along the ste
The smooth-petaled blue flowers are borne in dense clusters, with the stem and calyces c
The round sori are borne in groups of four to five per fertile segment.
The fruit is a round to oval drupe borne in a loose pendant cluster.
Seeds are borne in a capsule one to two centimeters long.
The flowers, borne in condensed spikes from the leaves, are light
ranched; it has tetrasporangia and bisporangia borne in multiporate conceptacles.
White flowers are borne in large clusters followed by shiny, white ber
h sometimes white, pink, or purple), the heads borne in dense corymbs.
in a safety-related system, then this must be borne in mind at all stages in the software lifecycl
The male and female flowers are generally borne in axillary clusters.
ith intricate brown markings, winged seeds are borne in dry capsules that split like small parachut
The flowers are white with yellow centers, borne in spring through fall.
The triskelion was borne in the arms of the kings of Mann and the Isles
Male flowers are borne in terminal spike inflorescences that emerge f
The leaves are borne in decussate whorls of three, scale-like, 2-5
ernal history of Carthage and this needs to be borne in mind in relation to the Magonids.
The fruit is a tiny bumpy nutlet borne in clusters of 3 or 4.
ers, both male and female types, are generally borne in hard clusters.

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