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The standard author abbreviation A. Dietr. is used to indicate this individu
long name posed a practical problem, so the abbreviation A. G. de los Reyes was often used.
The standard author abbreviation A.B.Jacks. is used to indicate this individ
The standard author abbreviation A.Berger is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation A.Camus is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation A.Chev. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation A.Cleve is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation A.Gibson is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation A.Heller is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation A.J.Hend. is used to indicate this individu
The standard author abbreviation A.L.Sm. is used to indicate this individual
Hence, the Coptic year is identified by the abbreviation A.M. (for Anno Martyrum or "Year of the Mar
The standard author abbreviation A.R.Bean is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation A.R.Mast is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation A.Roem. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation A.Schimp. is used to indicate this individu
lter Formation (Dutch: Formatie van Aalter, abbreviation: Aa; named after the town of Aalter in East
Wakeman Howe (sometimes referred to by the abbreviation ABWH) was a project of four progressive roc
The standard author abbreviation Adams is used to indicate this individual a
An audio frequency ( abbreviation: AF) or audible frequency is characterized
The standard author abbreviation Airy Shaw is used to indicate this individu
William Aiton is denoted by the author abbreviation Aiton when citing a botanical name.
The abbreviation AKO stands for its founder and sponsor, a c
The standard author abbreviation All. is used to indicate this individual as
This botanist is denoted by the author abbreviation Alston when citing a botanical name.
table, the legend below explains what each abbreviation and color coded box represents in the perfo
The name is an abbreviation and alteration from the Native American nam
l warned the Great Anatolia Party about the abbreviation and logo issues.
The standard author abbreviation Antinori is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation Antoine is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Arnoldi is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Art.
The standard author abbreviation Arthur is used to indicate this individual
e entries below, along with the appropriate abbreviation as outlined above.
olus Linnaeus the Younger's standard author abbreviation) as the author of the genus, but the Austra
The standard author abbreviation Ashby is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Aucher is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation B.D.Jacks. is used to indicate this individ
This botanist is denoted by the author abbreviation B.L.Burtt when citing a botanical name.
The standard author abbreviation B.M.Forst. is used to indicate this individ
The standard author abbreviation B.Mey. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Bab. is used to indicate this individual as
The standard author abbreviation Babc. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Bach.Pyl. is used to indicate this individu
The standard author abbreviation Backeb. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Backh.f. is used to indicate this individua
This botanist is denoted by the author abbreviation Baill.
The standard author abbreviation Baker is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Balf. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Bals.-Criv. is used to indicate this indivi
The standard author abbreviation Bargh. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Bartal. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Barthlott is used to indicate this individu
The standard author abbreviation Bartl. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Batalin is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Bateman is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Batt. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Baumg. is used to indicate this individual
Oil barrel, ( abbreviation bbl): 42 US gallons (34.9723 imp gal; 158.9
The abbreviation BBW can often found used in personal ads (a
Band or the abbreviation Bd. is the German word meaning the volume n
soul', and is usually accompanied with the abbreviation BDN (Black Disciple Nation).
The standard author abbreviation Bean is used to indicate this individual as
The standard author abbreviation Beauverd is used to indicate this individua
This botanist is denoted by the author abbreviation Becc.
The standard author abbreviation Beetle is used to indicate this individual
military style title ("Commodore") and its abbreviation before their name (e.g., Commodore Jane Jon
The standard author abbreviation Benn. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Benth. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Bergey is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Berggr. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Berk. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Beyr. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Bigelow is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Binn. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Bjerk. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Blakelock is used to indicate this individu
The standard author abbreviation Boehm. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Boiss. is used to indicate this individual
nk of Oklahoma started to transition to the abbreviation BOK.
The standard author abbreviation Bolle is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Bong. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Bonnaterre is used to indicate this individ
The standard author abbreviation Bornet is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Bos is used to indicate this individual as
Botanisk Tidsskrift (standard abbreviation Bot.
The standard author abbreviation Botschantz. is used to indicate this indivi
The standard author abbreviation Bowles is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Bradley is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Brandis is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Breda is used to indicate this individual a
This botanist is denoted by the author abbreviation Brenan when citing a botanical name.
The standard author abbreviation Briq. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Brunet is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Buchenau is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation Buckley is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Buddle is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Bull. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Buller is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Bunge is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Bureau is used to indicate Bureau when citi
The standard author abbreviation Burm.f. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Burnat is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Burret is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Bury is used to indicate this individual as
The standard author abbreviation Buxb. is used to indicate this individual a
g originally came from the Netherlands (the abbreviation BVN at first standing for het Beste Van Ned
sang scholars and in editions simply by the abbreviation C, introduced by Karl Lachmann, who used A
The standard author abbreviation C.Agardh is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation C.B.Clarke is used to indicate this individ
The standard author abbreviation C.B.Niel is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation C.Barbosa is used to indicate this individu
The standard author abbreviation C.Bauhin is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation C.DC. is used to indicate this individual a
He is indicated by the author abbreviation C.E.Hubb.
The standard author abbreviation C.F.Baker is used to indicate this individu
The standard author abbreviation C.K.Schneid.
The standard author abbreviation C.M.Rick is used to indicate this individua
This botanist is denoted by the author abbreviation C.Morren when citing a botanical name.
The standard author abbreviation C.V.Morton is used to indicate this individ
The standard author abbreviation Cambess. is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation Cannon is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Carruth. is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation Caum is used to indicate this individual as
The standard author abbreviation Cav. is used to indicate this individual as
The abbreviation CERT of the historic name was picked up by
The standard author abbreviation Ces. is used to indicate this individual as
used the phrase "Cowboys from Hell" (or its abbreviation, CFH) liberally in its image and merchandis
This botanist is denoted by the author abbreviation Cham.
The standard author abbreviation Chamb. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Chapm. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Cheek is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Chiov. is used to indicate this individual
Centre Intercommunal de Glace de Malley ( abbreviation CIG de Malley and CIGM) is an Indoor arena
The standard author abbreviation Collett is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Cortesi is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Coss. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Crantz is used to indicate this individual
The carat ( abbreviation ct or kt) is a measure of the purity of gol
The standard author abbreviation D. Arora is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation D.C. Eaton is used to indicate this individ
The standard author abbreviation D.R.Hunt is used to indicate this individua
sometimes the three-letter abbreviation DAC of Star Trek D·A·C (Deathmatch.
The standard author abbreviation Dahlst. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Danser is used to indicate this individual
The abbreviation, DAT, is most frequently used for the serol
The standard author abbreviation Davies is used to indicate this individual
The standard botanical author abbreviation De Puydt is applied to species he described
The standard author abbreviation De Vis is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Delavay is used to indicate this individual
The word itself is an abbreviation derived from a sloka from Silpasastra(3.4)
The standard author abbreviation Desc. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Desf. is used to indicate this individual a
The abbreviation DF was often applied to this technique, as
The standard author abbreviation Didr. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Dieck is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Diels is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Dill. is applied to species he described.
The abbreviation DLV is sometimes used for computer displays
ngen Formation (Dutch: Formatie van Dongen; abbreviation: DO) is a geologic formation in the subsurf
alk) 20:20, 1 February 2011 (UTC) Using the abbreviation doesn't seem the best choice.
The standard author abbreviation Donati is used to indicate this individual
The standard botanical author abbreviation Donn is applied to plants described by this
The standard author abbreviation Door. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Douin is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Druce is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Dryand. is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Dryg. is used to indicate this individual a
The abbreviation DSSP is only mentioned once in the original
The standard author abbreviation Dugand is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Dujard is applied to species he described.
The standard author abbreviation Duval-Jouve is used to indicate this indivi
For the bacterium with the species abbreviation E. coli, see Escherichia coli.
The standard author abbreviation E.B.Knox is used to indicate this individua
The standard author abbreviation E.Britton is used to indicate this individu
The standard author abbreviation E.C.Nelson is used to indicate this individ
The standard author abbreviation E.H.L.Krause is used to indicate this indiv
The standard author abbreviation E.H.Wilson is used to indicate this individ
The standard author abbreviation E.L.Braun is used to indicate this individu
The standard author abbreviation E.W.Berry is used to indicate this individu
The abbreviation E7 stands for a liquid crystal mixture cons
The standard author abbreviation Earle is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Eckblad is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Ehrh. is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Eichler is used to indicate this individual
Party" was reinstalled, however keeping the abbreviation EMEP.
occasionally used for this period (but the abbreviation EMHG is generally used for Early Middle Hig
The standard author abbreviation Endert is used to indicate this individual
The abbreviation Enum.
The standard botanical author abbreviation Ettingsh.
The standard author abbreviation Ewart is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation F.E.Boynton is used to indicate this indivi
The standard author abbreviation F.W.Schultz is used to indicate this indivi
The standard author abbreviation F.Wilms is used to indicate this individual
The standard author abbreviation Fawc. is used to indicate this individual a
Farster Bauernschaft (common abbreviation: FB)
The Far East University ( abbreviation FEU), formerly the Far East Junior College
The standard author abbreviation Fitch is used to indicate this individual a
The standard author abbreviation Flot. is used to indicate this individual a
tlement Police, he founded the FOSH (Hebrew abbreviation, FO'SH, for Plugot Sadeh, lit.

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