Weblio英和和英辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- P
- PA
- PB
- PC
- PD
- PE
- PF
- PG
- PH
- PI
- PJ
- PK
- PL
- PM
- PN
- PO
- PP
- PQ
- PR
- PS
- PT
- PU
- PV
- PW
- PX
- PY
- PZ
- P(50音)
- P(タイ文字)
- P(数字)
- P(記号)
- prepotency
- prepotent
- prepotential
- prepotentials
- prepped
- prepper
- preppie
- prepping
- preppy
- Preppy
- preprandial
- prepreg
- Prepreg
- prepreg cured thickness
- prepregnancy
- preprepare
- preprepared
- prepress
- prepress service bureau
- prepressure
- prepriming protein
- preprimitive
- preprint
- Preprint
- preprint server
- preprinted
- preprinted form
- preprinted guide line
- preprinted sheet
- preprinting
- preprinting~
- preprintの過去形および過去分詞形
- preprioception
- preprioceptive
- prepro
- prepro-
- prepro-PTH
- preprocedural
- preprocedure
- preprocess
- preprocessed
- preprocessing
- Preprocessing
- preprocessing algorithm
- preprocessor
- Preprocessor
- preprocessor built-in function
- preprocessor do-group
- preprocessor expression
- preprocessor group
- preprocessor procedure
- preprocessor procedure invocation
- preprocessor statement
- preprocessor variable
- preprocessors
- preprocessの過去形および過去分詞形
- preproduct
- preproduction
- preproduction approval
- preproduction sample
- preproduction test board
- preprodynorphin
- Prephenate dehydratase
- preproendothelin-1
- Preprodynorphin
- preproenkephalin
- preprofessional
- preprogastrin
- preprogram
- preprogrammed self-instruction
- preprogramming
- preprohormone
- Preprohormone
- preproinsulin
- prephenate dehydrogenase
- Preproinsulin
- preproliferative diabetic retinopathy
- prepromise
- prepronociceptin
- prepropeptide
- prepropeptides
- preprophase
- preprophase band
- Preprophase band
- preprophase microtubule band
- preproprotein
- preprorelaxin
- preprosomatostatin
- Preprostatic part of urethra
- Preprostatic sphincter
- preprotachykinin
- Preprotachykinin
- preprotachykinin A
- preprotein
- preproteins
- prepro‐PTH
- preps
- prepster
- prepsychotic
- prepubertal
- prepubertally
- prepuberty
- prepubescent
- prepuce
- Prepuce
- prepuce of clitoris
- Prepuce of clitoris
- prepuce of penis
- Prepuce of penis
- prepuceless
- prepuces
- prepulse
- prepulse inhibition
- Prepulse inhibition
- prepulses
- Prepuna
- prepunch
- prepupa
- prepupae
- prepupal
- prepurchase
- prepurge
- preputial
- preputial gland
- Preputial gland
- preputial glands
- Preputial glands
- Preputial irrigators
- preputiotomy
- preputium
- prepyloric
- prepyloric vein
- Prepyloric vein
- Prepyramidal fissure of cerebellum
- prepの過去形、過去分詞形
- prepの現在分詞形
- prepの三人称単数現在形
- prepの複数形
- PRePマシン
- prequadratic
- prequalification
- prequalified
- prequalifyの過去形および過去分詞形
- prequantal
- prequantified
- prequantization
- prequantized
- prequel
- Prequel
- preradicalization
- preran
- Preran
- preraphaelite
- preread
- preread head
- prereading
- prereadの現在分詞形
- prerecord
- prerecorded
- prerecorded data medium
- prerecording
- prerecruitment
- prereduced
- prereduction
- prereduction division
- preregister
- preregistered
- preregulation
- prerehearsal
- prerelax
- prerelease
- prerelease design review
- prerelease version
- prerenal
- prerenal anuria
- prerenal azotemia
- prerenal failure
- prerenal hematuria
- prerenal uremia
- prereplicative
- prerequirement
- prerequirements
- prerequisite
- Prerequisite
- prerequisite calibration
- prerequisites
- preretinal
- preretinal fibrosis
- preretinal hemorrhage
- preretinal macular fibrosis
- preretinal membrane
- preretinal neovascularization
- preretiree
- preretirement lump sum distribution
- preretirement lump-sum distribution
- prerevision
- prerevolution
- prerevolutionary
- preriphlebitis
- prerogative
- prerogative court
- Prerogative court
- prerogative state
- prerogatives
- preroll
- prerotation
- prerun
- Pres
- Pres Young
- pres't
- pres.
- Pres.
- Presacral fascia
- presacral nerve
- Presacral nerve
- presacral neurectomy
- presacral sympathectomy
- presacrals
- presage
- Presage
- presaged
- presagement
- presages
- presaging
- presale
- presales
- Presales
- presatellite
- presaturation
- presburger
- presburger sentence
- presbyacusis
- presbycusis
- Presbycusis
- presbydermia
- presbyope
- presbyophrenia
- presbyopia
- Presbyopia
- Presbyopia spectacles
- presbyopic
- presbyopic eye
- presbyter
- Presbyter
- presbyterian
- Presbyterian
- presbyterian church
- Presbyterian Church
- Presbyterian Church in the United States
- presbyterianism
- Presbyterianism
- presbyters
- presbytery
- Presbytery
- presbytes
- presbytes entellus
- prescale
- Prescale
- prescaled timing extraction
- prescaler
- Prescaler
- prescheduled
- prescheme
- PreScheme
- preschool
- Preschool
- preschool age
- preschool assembly
- preschool child
- preschool children
- preschool education
- preschool graduation ceremony speech
- preschool period
- preschooler
- preschools
- prescience
- prescient
- prescientific
- presciently
- prescind
- prescinded
- prescinding
- prescinds
- prescoring
- Prescot
- prescott
- Prescott
- prescratched
- prescreen
- prescreening
- prescribe
- Prescribe bottles
- prescribed
- prescribed amount
- prescribed drug
- prescribed form
- prescribed in the preceding paragraph
- prescribed industrial disease
- prescribed location or arrangement
- prescribed number of passengers
- prescribed period
- prescribed properties
- prescribed rule
- prescribed text
- prescribed textbook
- prescribed textbooks
- prescribed time