![]() ![]() 機械・工学の分野で用いられる専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL http://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
- 絞込み
- A
- AA
- AB
- AC
- AD
- AE
- AF
- AG
- AH
- AI
- AJ
- AK
- AL
- AM
- AN
- AO
- AP
- AQ
- AR
- AS
- AT
- AU
- AV
- AW
- AX
- AY
- AZ
- A(50音)
- A(タイ文字)
- A(数字)
- A(記号)
- Association Francaise de Calcul
- Association Francaise de Reglage Automatique
- Association Francaise des Normes
- Association General Contractors of America
- Association of American Battery Manufactures
- Association of American Railroads
- Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists
- Association of Casualty and Surety Companies
- Association of College and Research Libraries
- Association of Computer Programmers and Analysts
- Association of Conservation Engineers
- Association of Consulting Chemists & Chemical Engineers
- Association of Data Processing Service Organizations
- Association of Edison Illuminating Companies
- Association of Electronic Manufacturers
- Association of Energy Engineers
- Association of Engineering Geologists
- Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel
- Association of Engineers and Associates
- Association of Environmental Engineering Professors
- Association of Finishing Processes
- Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
- Association of Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturers
- Association of Independent Software Companies
- Association of Iron and Steel Engineers
- Association of Management Consultants
- Association of Maximum Service Telecasters
- Association of National Tourist Office Representatives in Japan
- Association of Neutron Radiographers
- Association of Nuclear Instrument Manufacturers
- Association of Public Health Inspectors
- Association of Public Lighting Engineers
- Association of Research Libraries
- Association of School Business Officials
- Association of Scientists and Professional Engineering Personnel
- Association of Soil and Foundation Engineers
- Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau
- Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers
- Association of Technical Artists
- Association of Voluntary Emergency Radio Teams
- association storing processor
- associative law
- associative memory
- associative memory processor
- associative parallel processor
- associative processor
- associative storage
- associative structure computer
- Associazione Italiana per il Calcolo Automatico
- assortment
- assumed position
- assumed working plane
- assumption
- assured crew return vehicle
- astatic
- astatic control
- astatic galvanometer
- astatic governor
- astatic system
- astatine
- aster block
- asterisk
- asterism
- astern
- astern cam
- astern dummy
- astern exhaust cam
- astern firing
- astern guardian valve
- astern igniter cam
- astern maneuvering valve
- astern nozzle
- astern output
- astern power
- astern stage
- astern test
- astern turbine
- asteroid
- astigmatic difference
- astigmation control
- astigmatism
- astragal front
- astral dome