企業の人事・総務関連の業務で用いられる人事労務関連の用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 人事・労務 URL http://www.jinji-roumu.com/ |
人事労務和英辞典 のさくいん |
- safe working precedures
- safety and health
- safety and health education
- safety management
- safety slogan
- salaried employee
- salary
- salary administration
- salary scale
- sales amount
- sales office
- sales office manager
- satellite office
- scabbing
- Scanlon plan
- scarcity of labor supply
- scheduled hours worked
- scheduled working hours
- seaman: mariner
- Seamen’s Insurance Scheme
- seasonal unemployment
- seasonal worker
- secondary industry
- secondary job
- secretary
- section chief
- security person
- selected employee
- self expression
- self-actualization
- self-assertion
- self-development
- self-development syndrome
- self-evaluation
- self-fulfillment
- self-help efforts
- senior adviser
- senior corporate adviser
- senior executive managing director
- seniority allowance
- seniority-based promotion
- seniority-based wage system
- seniority-linked wages
- sense of belonging
- sense of identity with one’s organization
- sense of middle class
- sense of self-support
- sensitivity training
- separation
- separation rate
- service industry
- severity rate
- sex discrimination
- sexual harassment
- shareholder
- shift schedule
- shift towards service economy
- shift towards service industry
- shift work
- shipmaster
- short-time working
- shorter workweek
- sick leave
- sidetracked employees, ordinarily being close to retirement
- single rate
- single rate for each job category
- sister company
- sit-down strike
- skill test
- skill testing
- skilled worker
- small and medium-sized enterprise
- small business
- small group activity
- small lot production of many products
- Smaller Enterprise Retirement Allowance Mutural Aid Law
- social benefits
- social expenses
- Social Insurance Scheme
- social responsibility of an enterprise
- social security program
- social welfare
- social worker
- society emphasizing titles to integrate people
- society-managed
- society-managed insurance
- software
- solatium
- special paid leave
- specialist
- split-up
- spouse allowance
- spring offensive
- spring wage negotiation
- spring wage raise
- springtime wage-increase
- ST