自然科学の分野における学術用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 ライフサイエンス統合データベースセンター URL http://lifesciencedb.jp/ |
学術用語英和対訳集 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- O
- OA
- OB
- OC
- OD
- OE
- OF
- OG
- OH
- OI
- OJ
- OK
- OL
- OM
- ON
- OO
- OP
- OQ
- OR
- OS
- OT
- OU
- OV
- OW
- OX
- OY
- OZ
- O(50音)
- O(タイ文字)
- O(数字)
- O(記号)
- organic pesticide
- organic phosphorus
- organic phosphorus compounds
- organic pigment
- organic psychosis
- organic reagent
- organic sensation
- organic sense
- organic soil
- organic solvent
- organicism
- organism
- organization
- organization center
- organization character
- organization effect
- organization potency
- organizer
- organo-mineral complex
- organoarsenic pesticide
- organochlorinated substance
- organochlorine pesticide
- organocopper compound
- organofluorine pesticide
- organogenesis
- organography
- organoleptic property
- organoleptic test
- organoleptics
- organolithium compound
- organology
- organomercury
- organometallic compound
- organophosphorus pesticide
- organosilane
- organosol
- organotin compound
- organotroph
- organum
- organzine
- orgasm
- orientaion flight
- oriental bezoar
- oriental cherry-laurel leaf
- oriental drug
- oriental medicine
- Oriental region
- Oriental Region
- orientation
- orientation behavior
- orientation disturbance
- orientation flight
- orientation movement
- oriented facial photograph
- oriented meiotic division
- orienting reflex
- orienting response
- orifice
- orifice meter
- orifice of root canal
- orifice of spinneret
- origin
- origin of life
- origin of species
- origin or history of discovery
- origin or history of discovery of drug
- original breed
- original cell
- original coal
- original color
- original container
- original description
- original mold
- original seed
- original seed farm
- original strain
- original vegetation
- orixate phyllotaxis
- orizanol
- ornamental flower
- ornamental foliage plant
- ornamental plant
- ornamentation
- ornate
- ornithine
- ornithine cycle
- ornithology
- ornithophilous
- ornithophilous flower
- ornithophily
- ornithosis
- oroantral fistula
- oroantral perforation
- orofaciodigital syndrome
- oronasal membrane
- oronasal perforation
- oropharyngeal airway
- oropharyngeal intubation
- oropharyngeal pack
- oropharynx