病名や症状、身体、薬、治療法など、医学に関連する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 出典 北里大学医療衛生学部 医療情報学研究室編集 医学用語集 URL http://bme.ahs.kitasato-u.ac.jp:808 0/docs/take/html/yg/index.htm |
- 絞込み
- N
- NA
- NB
- NC
- ND
- NE
- NF
- NG
- NH
- NI
- NJ
- NK
- NL
- NM
- NN
- NO
- NP
- NQ
- NR
- NS
- NT
- NU
- NV
- NW
- NX
- NY
- NZ
- N(50音)
- N(タイ文字)
- N(数字)
- N(記号)
- nasopharyngeal catheter
- nasopharyngitis
- nasoscope
- nasotracheal intubation
- national
- National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
- national health insurance
- national health survey
- national hospital
- National Institute of Health
- National Institute of Nutrition
- National Institute of Preventive Medicine
- National Institute of Public Health
- native
- native coronary artery
- Natori's fiber
- natriuresis
- natriuretic
- natriuretic factor
- natriuretic hormone
- natural
- natural amputation
- natural antibody
- natural birth
- natural child birth
- natural convection
- natural course
- natural dead
- natural death
- natural healing
- natural history
- natural immunity
- natural killer cell
- natural mutation
- natural resistance
- natural selection
- nausea
- nausea and vomiting
- navel
- navicular abdomen
- NB
- NBT test
- NBT試験
- near far accommodation
- near point
- near reflex
- nebecula
- nebulization
- nebulous urine
- Necator americanus
- necessitatis empyema
- neck
- neck pain
- neck-righting reflex
- necrobiosis
- necropsy
- necrosis
- necrotizing
- necrotizing angiitis
- necrotizing angitis
- necrotizing arteritis
- necrotizing encephalitis
- necrotizing enteritis
- necrotizing pneumonia
- needle
- needle biopsy
- needle electrode
- needle of injection
- needle puncture
- negative
- negative acceleration
- negative after potential
- negative after-image
- negative after-potential
- negative balance
- negative conditioned reflex
- negative contrast medium
- negative feedback
- negative G
- negative medium contrast
- negative P
- negative P wave
- negative phase
- negative predictive value
- negative resistance
- negative T
- negative T wave
- negative U
- negative work
- negativism
- neglect syndrome
- Negri body
- neighboring organ
- Neisseria
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Neisseria meningilidis
- Nelaton's catheter