病名や症状、身体、薬、治療法など、医学に関連する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 出典 北里大学医療衛生学部 医療情報学研究室編集 医学用語集 URL http://bme.ahs.kitasato-u.ac.jp:808 0/docs/take/html/yg/index.htm |
英和医学用語集 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- F
- FA
- FB
- FC
- FD
- FE
- FF
- FG
- FH
- FI
- FJ
- FK
- FL
- FM
- FN
- FO
- FP
- FQ
- FR
- FS
- FT
- FU
- FV
- FW
- FX
- FY
- FZ
- F(50音)
- F(タイ文字)
- F(数字)
- F(記号)
- flagellata
- flagellation
- flagellous movement
- flail
- flail chest
- flail joint
- flail knee
- flame
- flame photometer
- flame reaction
- flammability
- flank
- flap
- flap amputation
- flapping tremor
- flash-back
- flask
- flat
- flat chest
- flat condyloma
- flat foot
- flat hand
- flat pelvis
- flat worm
- flathand
- flatulence
- flatus
- flavin adenine dinucleotide
- flavor
- flavoring
- flecainide
- flesh blood
- flexibility
- flexible
- flexible fiberscope
- flexion
- flexion contracture
- flexion fracture
- flexion reflex
- flexor
- flexor reflex
- flexura
- flexura of colon
- flicker
- flicker fusion frequency
- flicker value
- flight
- flight of ideas
- flight reflex
- flip angle
- floating
- floating kidney
- floating liver
- floating rib
- floating spleen
- flocculation
- flocculation reaction
- flocculent precipitation
- flocculus
- flontar bone
- floppy disk
- floppy infant
- flora
- florid
- flow
- flow mapping
- flow profile
- flow rate
- flow velocity
- flow velocity curve
- flow-volume curve
- flower spray ending
- flowmeter
- flu
- fluctuation
- fluid
- fluid balance
- fluid electrode
- fluid extract
- fluid intake
- fluid mosaic theory
- fluid replacement
- fluid therapy
- fluke
- fluke intestinal
- fluminant hepatitis
- fluor
- fluor activated cell sorter
- fluor alubus
- fluorescein fundus photography
- fluorescence
- fluorescence immunoassay
- fluorescence microscope
- fluorescent
- fluorescent antibody
- fluorescent antibody metod
- fluorescent imaging
- fluorescent X-ray
- fluorescento scan
- fluoride