![]() ![]() 電気技術や電気制御技術の分野に関する専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 安藤設計事務所 URL http://www17.plala.or.jp/elecon/ |
- 絞込み
- L
- LA
- LB
- LC
- LD
- LE
- LF
- LG
- LH
- LI
- LJ
- LK
- LL
- LM
- LN
- LO
- LP
- LQ
- LR
- LS
- LT
- LU
- LV
- LW
- LX
- LY
- LZ
- L(50音)
- L(タイ文字)
- L(数字)
- L(記号)
- logistic curve
- logistic system
- logistics
- logistics strategies
- logmean temperature difference
- logoff request
- logon message
- logon procedure
- logon request
- long distance
- long dozen
- long period seismograph
- long range
- long roller bearing
- long term power development plan
- long waves
- long-distance call
- long-line current
- long-range navigation
- long-range radar
- long-rod insulator
- long-term pressure test
- long-time loading
- long-wave radio
- long-wire antenna
- longer direction
- longer rail
- longitude line
- longitudinal acceleration
- longitudinal current
- longitudinal extension
- longitudinal force
- longitudinal sectional view
- longitudinal vibration
- loom state
- looming machinery
- loop analysis
- loop antenna
- loop connector
- loop construct
- loop control
- loop coupling
- loop gain
- loop screw terminal
- loop transmission control
- loop-control variable
- loose coupling
- loose parts monitor assembly
- loose wire
- loose-leaf binder
- loran navigation
- loran station
- Lorentz theory of light source
- loss and gain
- loss compensation
- loss compliance
- loss in dielectric strength
- loss in strength
- loss of field relay
- loss of signal
- loss spring-constant
- loss stiffness
- loss tangent
- loud speaker
- loudness analyzer
- loudness control
- loudness of sound
- Louis' law
- louver ventilator
- louvered ceiling
- louvered cover
- low energy
- low enriched uranium
- low frequency
- low tension
- low tension circuit
- low voltage
- low voltage house wiring
- low-dip wire
- low-oil circuit breaker
- lower limit
- Loyd's List and Shipping Gazette
- lubricating oil
- Lucas pendulum
- lug
- lug terminal
- lug washer
- lumber industry
- lumen method
- luminaire efficiency
- luminaire flux pattern
- luminaire for explosive atmosphere
- luminaire type
- luminal art
- luminance coefficient
- luminance distribution
- luminance gain
- luminance meter
- luminescence threshold
- luminescent material