「脱原発」の話題で扱われる原発や原子力関連の用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 原子力資料情報室 URL http://cnic.jp/ |
脱原発和英小辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- N
- NA
- NB
- NC
- ND
- NE
- NF
- NG
- NH
- NI
- NJ
- NK
- NL
- NM
- NN
- NO
- NP
- NQ
- NR
- NS
- NT
- NU
- NV
- NW
- NX
- NY
- NZ
- N(50音)
- N(タイ文字)
- N(数字)
- N(記号)
- n-dodecan
- Namibia
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Committee for Nuclear Energy
- National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement
- national genetic dose
- National Geodetic Survey
- National Institute for Research Advancement
- National Institute of Genetics
- National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- National Radiological Protection Board
- National Research Institute for Metals
- National Reserch Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
- natural analogues
- natural barrier
- natural cooling
- natural gas
- natural reactor
- naturally ocurring radioactivity
- negative electron
- negative feedback
- negative ion formation
- negative void coefficient
- neptunium
- net positive suction head
- neutron
- neutron absorber
- neutron absorption
- neutron active
- neutron bomb
- neutron capture
- neutron density
- neutron detector
- neutron emitter
- neutron flux
- neutron leakage
- neutron shielding
- neutron source
- neutron source range
- neutron velocity
- Nevadah
- New Energy Development Organization
- newborn baby mortality
- nil-ductile transition temperature
- nil-ductility transition temperature
- nitric acid
- nitrogen atmosphere
- nitrogen waste gas processing system
- nitrous oxide
- no reprocessing
- no-port-call shipment
- noble gas
- non reflector
- non-breeding
- non-commercial utilization
- non-destructive assay
- non-destructive test
- non-ionizing radiation
- non-leakage
- non-proliferation of nuclear weapons
- non-reheating cycle
- nondestructive examination
- normal bus
- normal operating condition
- normal operation
- not enough work
- notch toughness
- notice
- nozzle separation process
- NPT safeguards
- nucear fuel tax
- nuclear accident
- nuclear arms
- nuclear bomb
- nuclear criticality accident
- nuclear energy
- Nuclear Energy Data Center
- Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association
- nuclear engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- nuclear explosion
- nuclear explosure test
- nuclear facility
- nuclear fission
- nuclear force
- nuclear fuel
- nuclear fuel cycle
- nuclear fuel cycle facilities
- Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd.
- nuclear fuel material
- Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors
- nuclear fuel material handling tax
- nuclear fuel tax