Weblio英和和英辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- D
- DA
- DB
- DC
- DD
- DE
- DF
- DG
- DH
- DI
- DJ
- DK
- DL
- DM
- DN
- DO
- DP
- DQ
- DR
- DS
- DT
- DU
- DV
- DW
- DX
- DY
- DZ
- D(50音)
- D(タイ文字)
- D(数字)
- D(記号)
- deep
- deep adaptation
- deep admiration
- Deep admiration
- deep and narrow
- deep anterior cervical lymph nodes
- Deep anterior cervical lymph nodes
- deep antonym
- deep application of fertilizer
- Deep artery of arm
- deep artery of clitoris
- Deep artery of clitoris
- deep artery of penis
- Deep artery of penis
- deep artery of thigh
- Deep artery of thigh
- deep artery of tongue
- deep auricular artery
- Deep auricular artery
- deep beam
- deep bed drying
- deep binding
- deep bite
- deep black
- deep blue
- Deep blue
- Deep Blue
- deep blue sea
- Deep Blue Sea
- deep borehole observation
- deep brachial artery
- Deep brachial artery
- deep brain stimulation
- Deep brain stimulation
- Deep Brain Stimulation
- deep brain stimulation therapy
- deep brain temperature
- deep branch
- Deep branch of lateral plantar nerve
- Deep branch of medial circumflex femoral artery
- Deep branch of medial plantar artery
- deep branch of radial nerve
- Deep branch of radial nerve
- Deep branch of superior gluteal artery
- Deep branch of transverse cervical artery
- deep branch of ulnar nerve
- Deep branch of ulnar nerve
- deep breath
- Deep Breath
- deep breathing
- deep brown
- deep cardiac plexus
- deep case
- deep cases
- deep cell
- deep cerebellar nuclei
- Deep cerebellar nuclei
- deep cerebral veins
- Deep cerebral veins
- deep cervical artery
- Deep cervical artery
- deep cervical lymph nodes
- Deep cervical lymph nodes
- deep cervical vein
- Deep cervical vein
- deep circumflex iliac artery
- Deep circumflex iliac artery
- deep circumflex iliac vein
- Deep circumflex iliac vein
- deep clean
- deep color
- deep color dyeing
- deep colored
- deep coma
- deep consideration
- Deep consultation
- deep convection
- Deep convection
- deep conversation
- deep copy
- deep corneal dystrophy
- Deep cortex
- deep cover
- Deep Cover
- deep cover operation
- deep cultivation
- deep culture
- deep current
- deep cut
- deep cuts
- deep cutting
- deep deliberation
- deep dermal burn
- deep design
- deep digging work
- Deep direction
- deep discount bond
- deep dish
- Deep Dish
- deep distress
- Deep distress
- deep dive
- deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament
- deep dorsal vein of clitoris
- Deep dorsal vein of clitoris
- deep dorsal vein of penis
- Deep dorsal vein of penis
- deep dose equivalent index
- deep dose-equivalent index
- deep down
- Deep down between us, I think I'm the one who is a nerd
- Deep down, I don't think it's necessary to be so fastidious about eliminating/suppressing bacteria
- deep draught vessel light
- deep draw
- deep draw work
- deep drawability
- deep drawability test
- deep drawing
- Deep drawing
- deep drawing method
- deep drawing steel
- deep drawing steel sheet
- Deep drawing testing machines
- deep drilling project
- deep drinker
- deep drinking
- deep drow forming
- deep earthquake
- deep earthquake zone
- deep earthquakes
- deep ecology
- Deep ecology
- deep emotion
- Deep emotion
- deep end
- Deep End
- deep etching
- deep external pudendal artery
- Deep external pudendal artery
- deep facial vein
- Deep facial vein
- deep fascia
- Deep fascia
- Deep fascia of leg
- deep fascia of penis
- Deep fascia of penis
- deep fat fryer
- deep femoral artery
- deep fibular nerve
- Deep fibular nerve
- deep fillet welding
- deep flexion
- deep flooding
- deep floor
- deep focus earthquake
- deep fording
- deep foundation
- deep foundations
- Deep Foundations Institute
- deep frame
- deep freeze
- deep freezer
- deep freezing
- deep fried
- deep fried calamari ring
- Deep fried foods
- Deep fried rice cakes
- deep fry
- Deep fryers, electric
- Deep fryers, non-electric
- deep gaming
- deep gate body
- deep geological disposal
- deep geothermal resource
- deep geothermal resources
- deep gratitude
- Deep gray layer of superior colliculus
- deep green
- Deep green
- Deep grey layer of superior colliculus
- deep groove
- deep groove ball bearing
- deep groove ball bearings
- deep grooves
- deep groundwater
- deep head of flexor pollicis brevis
- Deep head of flexor pollicis brevis
- Deep head of triceps brachii muscle
- deep history
- deep hole boring
- deep hole drilling
- deep hole drilling machine
- Deep hole drilling machine
- Deep hole drilling machines
- deep hole machining
- deep hole tap
- deep holes
- deep house
- Deep house
- deep hypothermia
- deep impression
- deep in
- deep in thought
- deep inelastic collisions
- deep inelastic scattering
- deep infection
- deep infrapatellar bursa
- Deep infrapatellar bursa
- deep inguinal lymph nodes
- Deep inguinal lymph nodes
- Deep inguinal nodes
- deep inguinal ring
- Deep inguinal ring
- deep inside
- Deep investing fascia of abdomen
- deep keratitis
- deep kiss
- deep knowledge
- Deep knowledge
- deep lamellar keratoplasty
- deep lamentation
- Deep lamentation
- deep layer
- Deep layer
- Deep layer of cervical fascia
- Deep layer of levator palpebrae superioris
- deep layer of temporal fascia
- Deep layer of temporal fascia
- deep learning
- Deep learning
- deep level
- deep level transient spectroscopy
- deep levels
- deep lingual artery
- Deep lingual artery
- deep lingual vein
- Deep lingual vein
- deep linking
- Deep linking
- deep love
- Deep love
- Deep lymph nodes of upper limb
- Deep lymph vessel
- deep meaning
- Deep melancholy
- deep middle cerebral vein
- Deep middle cerebral vein
- deep mixing barge
- deep mixing method
- deep mourning