統計などで用いられる商品の分類名の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 政府統計の総合窓口(e-Stat) URL http://www.e-stat.go.jp/ |
和英日本標準商品分類 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- Q
- QA
- QB
- QC
- QD
- QE
- QF
- QG
- QH
- QI
- QJ
- QK
- QL
- QM
- QN
- QO
- QP
- QR
- QS
- QT
- QU
- QV
- QW
- QX
- QY
- QZ
- Q(50音)
- Q(タイ文字)
- Q(数字)
- Q(記号)
- Q meters
- Qleander shrubs
- Quadrupole mass spectrometers
- Quail eggs
- Quality sorting equipment
- Quarantine boats
- Quartered boards
- Quarterly
- Quarts crystal filters
- Quartz crystal resonators and oscillators
- Quartz glass basic products
- Quartz, cut pieces optical and piezo-electric
- Quaternary ammonium; methanthelin bromide, etc.
- Quaternaty ammonium compounds
- Quebracho
- Quebracho extract
- Quenching cranes
- Quenching furnaces
- Quenching oils
- Quentiability testing machines
- Quereur phillyraeoides trees
- Quick action fuses and quick action fuse units
- Quick change holders
- Quick change tool posts
- Quick release front hubs
- Quick release hubs
- Quick release rear hubs
- Quill type
- Quilt covers
- Quilt covers, and bed sheets
- Quilting machines
- Quince plants
- Quinces
- Quinidine and preparations
- Quinine and preparations
- Quinoline
- Quinolone, derivatives and preparations
- Quivers
- Qメータ