教育方法や教育施設などの、教育に関連する用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 愛知県総合教育センター URL http://www.apec.aichi-c.ed.jp/ |
和英教育用語辞典 のさくいん |
- National Astronomical Observatory
- National Athletic Festival
- National Center for Science Information System
- National Center for University Entrance Examinations
- National Center Test for University Admissions
- National Children's Center
- National Congress of Parents and Teachers Associations of Japan
- National Council on Educational Reform
- National Culture Festival for Upper Secondary Schools
- National Culture Festival International Exchange Program
- National Education Center
- National Federation of the Prefectural English Teachers' Organization
- National Institute for Educational Research
- National Institute for Japanese Language
- National Institute of Multimedia Education
- National Language Council
- National Museum of Ethnology
- National Olympic Memorial Youth Center
- National Recreation Association of Japan
- National Research Institutes of Cultural Properties
- national treasures
- National Women's Education Center
- national youth education facilities
- nationwide implementation
- nationwide mock exam
- natural living experience
- natural monuments
- naval style uniform
- Navigation
- necessary funding
- Network System
- new class formation
- new concept of scholastic ability
- New Cultural Property Protection Measures
- newly appointed teachers
- newsletter
- no afternoon classes
- non-grade system
- nonprofit organization
- norm-referenced evaluation
- north building
- note the absences
- note to excuse a student from school
- notice
- notice board
- notice of withdrawal from school
- notification
- notify the police
- nuclear families
- number of days of being late
- number of school days
- number of school hours
- nurse teacher
- nurse's office
- nurse's room
- nursery
- nursery education
- nursery facility
- nursery institution
- Nursing
- nursing course
- nursing home
- Nursing Information Processing
- nursing leave
- Nursing of Adult Patients
- Nursing of Mother and Child
- nurturing human beings
- Nutrition