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Egyptian Streets

Independent Media


Privacy Policy

Egyptian Streets takes your privacy seriously. Egyptian Streets is a media organisation based in Cairo, Egypt and is operated by ES Media Tech.

Egyptian Streets may modify this policy from time to time by publishing it on our website. We encourage you to check this page periodically to ensure you are aware of Egyptian Streets’ current privacy policy.

Information We Collect

Egyptian Streets collects your personal information when you subscribe to our newsletter.

Generally, the type of personal information collected is the following:

– the name you enter in the email subscription box;

– your email address; and

– the date and time of your subscription.

This personal information is only used for the purposes of sending you regular newsletters by email, which you may subscribe from at any time by contacting Egyptian Streets at [email protected] or clicking “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the newsletter you receive.

The newsletter service is provided by Mail Chimp (mailchimp.com). You may read Mail Chimp’s Privacy Policy by clicking here.

Information Collected Visiting Our Website

Egyptian Streets is hosted on WordPress (wordpress.org).

As such, when visiting this website, information such as the pages our users access, the files they download, links from other sites they click or follow to reach our website, and the type of browser you use is collected. However, all of this information is anonymous and is only used for statistical and analytical purposes.

Using and Disclosing Your Information

Egyptian Streets may use your information, including personal information, to provide or market our services to you with your consent or where we are otherwise authorized by law.

For example, we only use your personal information to provide you with a newsletter upon your consent. Additionally, if you contact us by email, your email message may be stored on a server that is located in a different jurisdiction.

Please note, any personal information or other identifying information posted on our website (such as in a comment) is posted at your own risk.


Egyptian Streets employs very limited use of cookies. We may, from time to time, use cookies to measure your usage sessions and to evaluate which sections of the website attract increased traffic. However, no personal information is used or disclosed and all information used for these purposes if anonymous.


Egyptian Streets uses a variety of physical and electronic security measures to ensure its databases are secure from any potential misuse, interference, loss, or unauthorized disclosure.

Egyptian Streets’ website may, from time to time, contain links to other websites. For example, an article may hyperlink to another news website. Egyptian Streets is not responsible for the privacy or cyber security practices of such other websites.

Access and Accuracy

All users have a right to access personal information Egyptian Streets holds about them.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to request access to your information, if you would like to submit a complaint concerning your privacy, or if you believe personal information we hold about you may be inaccurate.

Any complaint or request will be addressed promptly and within at least 14 business days.


If you would like any more information concerning how we handle your information, please contact [email protected].

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