Department Resources and Services

BIO3 Seminar Series

The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, the Biodiversity Institute, and the Kansas Biological Survey jointly present the BIO3 Seminar Series.  The seminars provide opportunities to learn about current research in all three units, research at other institutions, and are a key component of the graduate curriculum and student professional development in the department.

The EEB department’s seminars are held from 3:45 - 5:00 pm, on Tuesdays. Due to the pandemic, the casual 15-minute coffee-tea-cookie-social prior to the seminar has been postponed until further notice as has the EEB student’s baked goods and drinks sale to benefit the EEB Graduate Student Organization. 

Arrangements for all EEB seminars (including presentations by visiting scientists as well as KU faculty and graduate students) must be coordinated with the EEB Program Assistant. To make arrangements for a seminar, please visit the EEB office (2041 Haworth). EEB office staff posts fliers and sends email reminders one week prior to the seminar and again on the day of the seminar.

KU faculty, staff, or students, or invited speakers from other institutions present at seminars hosted by the Biodiversity Institute and the Kansas Biological Survey.  BI and KBS seminars are an excellent opportunity to practice presentations prior to formal meetings. KBS seminars (12:00 noon Fridays, Higuchi Hall) are also posted on the EEB website.

Biology Teaching Resource Center

The Biology Teaching Resource Center (BTRC) located in 1004 Haworth, provides audiovisual equipment (data projectors, laptops, slide projectors, scanners, etc.) for use in the center or for checkout. The BTRC offers choice from a collection of videos and slide/sound sets that can be reserved for classes or venues outside KU.  In addition, the Center houses a computer lab, slide/sound sets, videos, and filmstrips for use by biology students who are completing assignments or who require information. The position of the BTRC Media/Audio Technician is currently being filled. For the time being, please contact Matt Ochs at [email protected].


Office supplies, lab supplies, chemicals, media, bottled gases, liquid nitrogen, and enzymes can be purchased through the BioStore located in 3027 Haworth. Purchases must be charged to a grant or a cost center, cash or personal purchases are not allowed. The BioStore also serves as the center for Federal Express and UPS shipping and deliveries. Please visit the Biostore for more information.

Building Maintenance

Reporting of Routine Maintenance Needs:

  • light bulb replacement, repair of climate control systems or plumbing, etc.

  • contact Kandi (White) Proudfoot at [email protected], in the Undergraduate Biology office (room 2045), or at 785-864-5882.

Contact Teri Chambers at [email protected], or at 785-864-4540; or contact Jaime Keeler at [email protected] or at 785-864-4540. You can also visit the BI office at 602 Dyche.

Contact Scott Campbell at [email protected], in the office (152 Higuchi Hall), or at 785-864-1502.

Building Security

Building Security

Open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, entrance is possible using the Omni Lock doors by swiping the KU card. KU card registration requires faculty permission and can be set up by Kandi (White) Proudfoot. Contact the Undergraduate Biology Office (2045 Haworth). Undergraduate Biology staff issue office and lab keys with proof of faculty adviser authorization and a $20.00 deposit per key. The deposit will be refunded when keys are returned.

Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or by appointment. Students who do not have building keys should use the third floor entrance on Mondays as the Museum is closed to the public and main doors are locked. After-hours access requires authorization from a staff member and a refundable $10.00 deposit for each key issued. Requests can be made to Teri Chambers at [email protected], in the office (602 Dyche), or at 785-864-4540. Some divisions in Dyche Hall are only accessible by swiping the KU card in the Omni Lock doors. KU card registration requires staff permission and can be set up by Teri Chambers in room 602.

Open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (closed from noon-1pm) daily. Keys are issued by Scott Campbell. Contact Scott Campbell at [email protected], in the office (room 105), or at 785-864-1502. Faculty approval is required.

Computer and Internet Access

Direct any problems regarding access or computer-related concerns to the appropriate technology staff listed below:

Computer and Internet Access

Contact Tyler Conrad, EEB IT support, 6024 & 6026 Haworth, [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] 785-864-1220

Contact IT support at [email protected] or contact Rick Evanhoe at [email protected], in Spooner Hall, or at 785-864-8122.

Contact KBS IT support at [email protected] or at 785-864-8010 or Contact Jeremy McLeod, KU Information Technology liaison, or at [email protected], at 785-864-1352 in Higuchi Hall room 118.

Department Meetings

Graduate students are encouraged to attend EEB department meetings to stay current on department business. The meetings are held on Thursdays at 3:45 p.m. The department chair notifies the department of the date and location of the meeting. A number of votes equal to 25% of the number of faculty members present will be accepted from the graduate students, except in personnel matters, on which graduate students may not vote.

Fax Machines

Fax Machines

A fax machine is available in the department office (room 2041) and is operated by the receptionist. The fax number for the EEB office is (785) 864-5860.

A fax machine is available in the mailroom (room 604). The fax number is (785) 864-5335.

Students may use the fax machine located in room 106. The fax numbers is (785) 864-1534.

Graduate Student Organization

The EEB Graduate Student Organization (GSO) ensures that graduate students are heard by department and university committees. All EEB graduate students are GSO members.

Current co-presidents:

Vice President:



Grievance Procedure

A graduate student who believes that they have been unfairly or unlawfully treated in an academic matter may present a grievance to the department chair. Refer to section 5.03 of the EEB by-laws for details. Additionally, students may consult the department’s Graduate Program Committee Chair or Graduate Studies Director both positions currently held by Andrew Short. To voice a concern, please email Andrew Short at [email protected] or contact him at 785-864-2323. Alternatively, students may contact the University Ombuds Office at [email protected] or at 785-864-7261.


EEB letterhead is available in paper or electronic formats from the EEB office staff in 2041 Haworth. For Biodiversity Institute letterhead, contact Jaime Keeler at [email protected], in Dyche Hall room 602, or at 785-864-4540. Students in the Kansas Biological Survey should see their advisers for KBS letterhead. Department business should always be conducted on department, museum, or survey letterhead, however, do not use departmental letterhead for personal business.


Closed During Pandemic The EEB office (Haworth room 2041) houses a small lounge where department members are welcome to relax. Typically open between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., the department lounge has access to Wi-Fi, seating for four, a refrigerator, and a coffee maker.

Mail Service

Check with building managers about changes to US and campus mail due to the pandemic.

Mail Service

Incoming U.S. and campus mail is delivered and distributed daily. Graduate students housed in Haworth can find student mail organized by the first letter of their last name in the mailroom in the top row mail slots (room 2042). Outgoing mail with postage can be deposited in either the U.S. mailbox located in the mailroom or the campus mail bin in the Undergraduate Biology office (room 2045). Postage stamps for EEB outgoing US mail are available from office staff in 2041 Haworth. Postage for personal use is not available for purchase. Outgoing U.S. mail is picked up between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on weekdays. FedEx and UPS service is available through the BioStore (room 3027).

U.S. and campus mail is processed daily in the mailroom (room 604), which also houses boxes for outgoing federal and campus mail. Mail for BI units not located in Dyche is collected in the drop box (room 604) and delivered to the respective units by courier on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For all general Federal Express and United Parcel Service and for any hazardous materials or shipping specimens internationally please contact Teri Chambers at [email protected], in room 602, or at 785-864-4540.

The mailroom is located in room 106 where all incoming and outgoing mail is processed. U.S. mail is picked up and delivered daily between noon and 1 p.m. Federal Express and United Parcel Service are also available here.

Microscopy and Analytical Imaging Laboratory (MAI)

The Microscopy and Analytical Imaging Laboratory, with locations in 1045 Haworth and the Integrated Science Building, contains microscopy and other imaging instrumentation and provides services to assist with scientific research. Services available include various types of light, electron and scanning probe microscopy, computer-assisted imaging, flow cytometry, and 2D gel and animal section imaging. A variety of sample preparation equipment is available. Fees are charged for instrument use. A tutorial on how to use the equipment may be required prior to use. For more information or to set up a tutorial contact the lab at 785-864-4380 or visit the M.A.I. website.

Office Space

For graduate students located in Haworth Hall, campus office space assignments are made by the faculty mentor in conjunction with the Chair of the department and the Graduate Program Coordinator. The directors of the BI and of KBS will arrange office space for students located in Dyche Hall and Higuchi Hall. Students in the Public Safety Building should talk to their advisers about office space assignments.

Office Supplies

Purchases must be charged to a course, a grant, or a faculty member. Personal funds may not be used.

Units and persons who assist with the purchase of office supplies:

  • Visit the BioStore


  • Office supplies can be purchased in the administrative office (room 108).



Photocopies can be made in the mail room (room 2042). A PIN code is required to operate the photocopiers and can be obtained if you contact Carrie Venezia at [email protected] or in room 2045 after an account has been set up. Accounts are to be charged to a course, a grant, or a faculty member. No cash transactions are allowed. When requesting large numbers of copies, submit a work order form along with the documents to be copied to Carrie. Please allow ample time for her to complete the task.

A photocopier is available in room 604. Contact Teri Chambers at [email protected], in room 602, or at 785-864-4540 for a code to operate the photocopier. Copies are either charged to a division, grant, or academic department (if copies are for an academic class).

Students may use the photocopier located in room 106. Copies need to be charged to a specific grant. Contact Brandy Hildreth Baranski at [email protected], in the administrative office (room 108), or at 785-864-1503 to obtain an access code.

Room Scheduling

Be sure to comply with KU pandemic regulations.

Room Scheduling

The department’s two conference rooms (2041D and 8024) are available for exams, review sessions, committee meetings etc. and are scheduled through the departmental staff (room 2041; 785-864-5887) on a first come first served basis. Both rooms are equipped with data projectors. Additional rooms (rooms 3012 and 4015) can be reserved through the Undergraduate Biology staff (room 2045). If the above-mentioned rooms are not available or do not suit your needs, ask a departmental staff member to assist with making room reservation through the registrar’s office.

The BI conference room can be reserved through Teri Chambers. To reserve the room, please send a reservation email request to [email protected], visit room 602, or call 785-864-4540.

Use the scheduling book in the mailroom (room 106) to reserve the conference room. To ask a question about reserving a room, contact Brandy Hildreth Baransky at [email protected], by visiting room 108, or by calling 785-864-1503.


The University of Kansas transitioned from traditional phones to a Skype for Business phone system, which uses KU computers and a headphone with mic to make phone calls. Skype phones, which look like regular phones, are present in some labs and offices maybe used for business calls or emergencies, providing the student has the owner’s permission. Visit KU’s Information Technology website for more information about Skype phone service.

Travel Funds

Graduate students may apply for departmental funds to assist with the costs of attending a professional meeting. More information is also provided under the "travel funds" heading in the graduate regulations section of the handbook. To be considered for funding the student must submit a request in writing and make an oral or poster presentation at the meeting. The maximum award from the department rarely exceeds $300. In addition, the student must have previously applied or concurrently apply for the Graduate Scholarly Presentation Travel Fund available from Graduate Studies or COGA.

Submit travel fund applications to the department chair three weeks before the meeting and include the following: (1) a letter or e-mail request that includes information about previous or concurrent Graduate Studies funding, the location of the conference, the dates of travel, a budget listing all expenses and any other sources of funding, (2) a brief letter or e-mail of endorsement from the student’s adviser, and (3) the title and abstract of the presentation. For more information, visit the EEB office (2041 Haworth).

Tutor List

The Undergraduate Biology Program (KUUB) maintains a list of students who are interested in tutoring undergraduates. Arrangements for tutoring are made between the tutor and the student. Contact Carrie Venezia at [email protected], in the office (2045 Haworth), or at 785-864-5885 to have your name added to the list of tutors.


Use must comply with KU’s pandemic rules.

Vehicle Rental & Reservation

Vehicles, including vans and sedans, are available for use by KU employees. The EEB department office, Biodiversity Institute, and Kansas Biological Survey all maintain vehicles that may be used by graduate students in the respective facilities. For additional car/van rental the university partners with Enterprise Rent-A-Car or National Car Rental. For information and instructions to use this service visit the vehicle rental page of the Procurement Services site.

The EEB van can be reserved through the departmental staff (room 2041; 785-864-5887). Vehicles are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and should be reserved well in advance of the date. Users must complete the mileage log kept in the vehicle so that van usage can be charged appropriately. Contact the EEB Program Assistant to arrange key pick-up and return. Vehicles are expected to be returned in the same condition in which they were received. A cleaning charge will be added when necessary.

The Vertebrate Paleontology division maintains and schedules the use of its own vehicle. The BI’s courier vehicle can be reserved for brief errands on campus and in Lawrence. To make a reservation, contact Teri Chambers at [email protected], in the office (room 602), or at 785-864-4540. Users must complete the mileage log kept in each vehicle so that the mileage can be charged to the appropriate division.

Use the vehicle check-out calendar in the mailroom (room 106) to reserve a vehicle or direct any questions about the process to Brandy Hildreth Baransky at [email protected], at the office (room 108), or at 785-864-1500. Alternatively, contact Scott Campbell at [email protected], in room 152, or at 785-864-1502 to report any vehicle maintenance/repair issues.


Particular sections of note on the website may include:

  • Profiles of EEB graduate students: Provides students with the opportunity to list their educational background, research interests, publications, etc. To request updates to existing graduate student profiles contact the Graduate Program Coordinator.
  • Graduate student funding opportunities
  • KU Calendar announcements for EEB seminars as well as thesis and dissertation defenses