Tag: WordPress

11 Tools to Improve your Workflow

How would it feel to make your work 10 times easier? Well now it’s possible using the following efficient and...

/ September 28, 2015

30 Best WordPress Themes by ThemeForest

One of the most popular websites for finding WordPress themes is definitely ThemeForest. It's easy to see why, too, with...

/ November 28, 2013

The Best Clean Responsive WordPress Premium Themes

Minimalism has always been an extremely popular subject. The idea of mobile responsive website layouts has taken minimalism to a...

/ November 11, 2013

Awesome deal: 5,000 WordPress Shortcodes!

New from our friends at MightyDeals, here’s one deal that are sure to rock your socks! You already know that...

/ August 8, 2012

31 Fresh WordPress Themes From Template Monster

Today I would like to share 31 fresh WordPress themes from Template Monster. This post is to inspire you (and...

/ February 1, 2011

10 Most Important WordPress Plugins

In this post, I would like to share a list of some of the best plugins for ANY site that...

/ January 26, 2011

47 Awesome Best WordPress Themes by Themeforest

Wordpress is still considered as one of the most favorite Content Management System (CMS). Themeforest is one of the popular...

/ January 7, 2011

Weekly Best 21 Magazine Style WordPress Themes

Magazine Style WordPress Themes is one of the popular WordPress themes. The structure similar to the Blog style but Magazine...

/ November 12, 2010

12 WordPress Themes Plugins Tuts Combo

Envato yesterday send me an email about a limited time offer of WordPress Combo Pack which contains WordPress themes, premium...

/ October 14, 2010

10 Tips To Optimize WordPress and Make It Faster

Many people get their word press blogs working in very slow manner. More problems are faced when you host it...

/ October 5, 2010

26 Weekly Best WordPress Themes from ThemeForest

Keeping up with the rush, ThemeForest published in the past week an impressive number of new themes for WordPress. Still...

/ September 27, 2010

WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. Which One is The Best?

After so many years, it was expected that the bloggers worldwide would come out with their comparison of the three...

/ September 6, 2010