Church Marketing is a controversial subject. Some Christians believe that they do not need to market or promote the church, while some does. I don’t want to debate on that. If we look at the broad definition, marketing is the process associated with promotion for sale goods or services (profit oriented) or the process associated with influence of what is believed (non profit oriented).
In this perspective, at the end, whatever the terminology that you use, a church (as non profit organization) needs to promote and outreach of what they believe as good news (Jesus is the only savior). World Vision or Red Cross need to promote what they do and how people can help to help others.
This blog post is not to debate about Church Marketing concept but at least it provides a clarity of the concept itself, plus some really creative designs for your inspiration. There are some important concepts to correctly understand about Church Marketing:
1. Marketer & Target Market Concept
Marketer is the subject (business or non profit organization). Target Market is the object (consumers or people).
2. Promotion and Advertising Concept
Promotion is to communicate of what marketer’s want to sell, influence or achieve. How can people know you that have a good news or Easter service if you don’t tell them?
3. Market Place Concept
In Marketing, there is a concept of “Market Place”. Market Place is where the MARKETER fulfil the NEEDS of the TARGET MARKET. Market Place is anywhere on the earth.
4. Creativity Concept
MARKETER hires GRAPHIC DESIGNER to develop a creative (appealing & non-boring) design to communicate the message to TARGET MARKET.
There are some further discussion about Church Marketing concept here and here. There are heaps of Church Marketing design collections at Flickr Group of Church Marketing.
Today I would like to share 52 creative design inspiration of Church Marketing. What is your thought about a creative Church Marketing?