There are thousands of organic or green logo designs nowadays. In today’s green conscious consumer world, it is important for businesses to show that they care about the environment. The use of these themes is a growing trend, which is surely beneficial, as many companies change their strategies and philosophy with more responsible ones, gaining more trust and with that more clients.
But there is a downside of that; there are so many organic logos around there that everything has already been said. It is hard to come up with an original idea in this area and it is even harder to stand out from the crowd. In order to do that, your identity has to be indeed very good. It is not enough to use a leaf and a curvy font and it is quite difficult to find an idea that hasn’t been used already.
The green logo style is so widely spread that even companies that are not related to anything eco use the green theme. This is mainly because their philosophy can be more easily described with the help of a green symbol or process (for example Seedcamp) and why not, they will get a good impression from the costumers in the first two seconds. That’s why I would like to extend the term organic to whatever logo uses a plant motive or any other organic-like elements. The collection I’ve created here refers not only to strictly ecological food related logos, but also to those logos that use any other type of organic image in their concept. I hope you will find it inspiring!
Here I share 40 organic logo designs, varies from the most famous ones to the most creative, for your inspiration: