Flash and a few other select technologies take quite a long time to load. And between the time that the animation, videos or images take to load, there’s a specific time and area where the user is “stuck” waiting for these elements to load. If there isn’t anything in place to inform the user how long they have until everything loads, or if nothing’s there to keep the user entertained, then more than likely the user will become bored and exit your website or application.
This is where pre-loaders come in, they are an important and integral part of any website or web application that requires a specific amount of loading time.
Below we’ve managed to compile a list of 36 Interesting Pre-Loader Designs for your inspiration.
1.) Playing with Numbers
Pretty Loaded
Web Lounge
Xixi no Banho
Comcast Town
Coke Lato
Rescue the Puppets
The Egg Republic
Matt Wiggins
Dial: Get Magnetic
2.) Great Animation
Zzz Drinkzzz
Max Shaman
Cheese and Burger
Harry Potter
Coca Cola
Sir Patroclo
Odd Design
Section Seven
Coke Zero
Dave Werner
Food of Food
Guitar Hero
Orange Unlimited
Oops Design
Cuban Moon Creative
3.) Typography
Bernstein Rein
Fifa Street
Purex Saves Green
Typography Kick Ass
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