

Desplazados internos rastreados

Movimientos de desplazamiento

IDMC 2023

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Tendencia de la población de desplazados internos

  • División administrativa con número disponible de personas desplazadas
  • Sitio evaluado por DTM
  • Data not available
Impacto en la movilidad debido a COVID-19 en Kenya

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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Kenya – Demographic and Displacement Calculator in Wajir Round #4 (December 2024)

Through the generous support of the Directorate-General of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations, DTM Kenya conducted a Demographic and Displacement Calculator (DDC) household-level survey during December 2024 to quantify the number of displaced persons in Wajir County Kenya,

Kenya – Demographic and Displacement Calculator in Mandera County Round #4 (December 2024)

With support from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) IOM’s Data and Research Unit (DRU) carried out a Household Level Survey with Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) households, returning IDP households and non-displaced resident househo

Kenya – Transhumance Tracking in Garissa County Round #1 (September 2024)

The US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration project "Addressing Climate and Environment-Induced Mobility in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) in Kenya ” aims to sustainably enhance the liveli

Kenya – Flow Monitoring Dashboard (Aug-Sept 24)

Between 16 August and 16 September 2024, 354 migratory movements were tracked through IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) at four flow monitoring points in and around Nairobi: Eastleigh, Kangemi, the Roysombu-Thika road and Athi River.

Kenya –Demographic and Displacement Calculator Turkana Round #1 (September-October 2024)

The US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration project "Addressing Climate and Environment-Induced Mobility in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) in Kenya ” aims to sustainably enhance the livelihoods of, and respond to basic nee

Kenya – Transhumance Tracking in Turkana County Round #1 (September 2024)

The US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration project "Addressing Climate and Environment-Induced Mobility in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) in Kenya” aims to sustainably enhance the livelihoods of, and respond to basic needs of,

Kenya — Demographic and Displacement Calculator, Garissa County #1 (September 2024)

IOM Kenya’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted a round of Mobility Tracking (MT) in May 2024 in Turkana and Garissa counties.

Kenya – Mobility Tracking in Garissa Round 2# (May 2023) Infographic

In May 2023, Mobility Tracking was conducted in Garissa County, Kenya.  KEY FINDINGS

Kenya – Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Wajr Round #2 (May 2023)

Mobility Tracking and Multi Sectoral Location Assessment Data was collected in Wajir County between 1 and 19 November 2023. KEY FINDINGS

Kenya – Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Garissa Round # 2 (01May23)

Mobility Tracking is a DTM methodology which aims to quantify the presence of population categories as well as the populations’ reasons for displacement, length of displacement and needs.

Kenya – Mobility Tracking Round 2 in Turkana_Infographic (24 May)

Based on findings from Mobility Tracking Round 2 conducted in Turkana, the infographic presents "key findings,"- those most surprising, concerning or informative form the overall assessment findings.

Kenya – Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Turkana Round #2

To assess drought-induced mobility and identify the most urgent sectoral needs experienced by the community, the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Mobility Tracking and Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment (MSLA) baseline assessment

Kenya – Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Samburu County Round 1

Samburu County is the tenth largest county in Kenya covering 21,000 square kilometers (km)2, located in the upper Northern region of Kenya and is among the 29 counties identified as ASAL area. The county has three sub-counties with headquarters located at Maralal Town.

Kenya – Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Marsabit County Round 1 (21 November – 1 December 2022)

Marsabit County is the second largest county in Kenya covering 70,961.2 square kilometers(km)2, located in the upper Northern region of Kenya. It has an international boundary with Ethiopia to the north,

Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Isiolo County (December 2022)

To assess the drought-induced mobility and identify the most urgent sectoral needs experienced by drought-affected communities, the IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)-Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment (MSLA) has been rolled out in Isiolo County.

Kenya — Mobility Monitoring in Turkana County — Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment Round 1 (17 October - 12 November 2022)

To better understand drought induced mobility and identify the most urgent sectoral needs experienced by the community, the IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment (MSLA) has been rolled out in Turkana County, with the support of Lotus Ken

Kenya — Report on Human Mobility in Garissa County (September 2022)

Over the past two years, the drought situation in northeastern Kenya has been deteriorating, resulting in approximately 4.4 million people living in the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya facing acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 and above).1 This is the worst drought in over 40 years2; these seve

Kenya – Flow Monitoring Dashboard (December 2020)

This dashboard provides an analysis of trends in population mobility observed at four (4) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) at official border points along the Kenya-Uganda border (at Malaba and Busia) as well as the Kenyan border with the United Republic of Tanzania (at Namanga and Lunga Lunga).

Kenya – Flow Monitoring Dashboard (November 2020)

This dashboard provides an analysis of trends in population mobility observed at four (4) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) at official border points along the Kenya-Uganda border (at Malaba and Busia) as well as the Kenyan border with the United Republic of Tanzania (at Namanga and Lunga Lunga).

Kenya – Flow Monitoring Dashboard (October 2020)

This dashboard provides an analysis of trends in population mobility observed at four(4) flow monitoring points (FMP) at official border points along with Kenya and UgandaBorder (at Malaba and Busia) as well as Kenya and United Republic of Tanzania border

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Kenya — Transhumance Tracking Tool — Round 1

<p>DTM Kenya's Transhumance Tracking Tool was launched in July of 2024 in two of Kenya's Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) Counties, namely Turkana and Garissa. Enumerators were placed at ten pastoral mobility tracking points per County and interviewed a mix of Elders,&…

Mobility Tracking, Transhumance Tracking Tool
DTM Kenya – Mobility Tracking Turkana, Garissa, Marsabit and Isiolo Round #3 (May 2024)

<p>Dataset from Round 3 of DTM Kenya's Mobility Tracking. Mobility Tracking is a DTM methodology that aims to quantify the presence of population categories of interest, reasons for displacement, length of displacement and needs within defined geographical areas and locations, with a…

Mobility Tracking
Kenya — Baseline Assessment / Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Samburu County — Round 1

During this round, the data collection was conducted in 3 sub-counties of Samburu county in 16 wards across 110 sub-locations covering 686 settlements. From 16 to 28 January 2023, the DTM team in Kenya has identified 7,879 returnees households, 9,736 arrival households, 4,772 returnee households…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment, Baseline Assessment
Kenya — Baseline Assessment / Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Isiolo County — Round 1

The data collection was conducted across the entire three sub-counties of Isiolo County in 10 Wards, 88 sub-locations and 566 settlements.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment, Baseline Assessment
Kenya — Baseline Assessment / Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Marsabit County — Round 1

The data collection was conducted across the entire nine sub-counties of Marsabit County in 19 Wards, 134 sub-locations and 1,045 settlements.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment, Baseline Assessment
Kenya — Baseline Assessment / Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Turkana County — Round 1

The assessment was conducted across the entire Turkana County by enumerators in 30 Wards, 174 sublocations and 1,867 settlements. A total of 53 enumerators and five team leaders who are familiar with the local and administrative contexts were locally engaged from each sub-location, through the…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment, Baseline Assessment
Kenya — Baseline Assessment - Garissa County — Round 1

DTM’s mobility tracking baseline area assessment was conducted in coordination with Garissa County Government, County Commissioner’s office, and NDMA from 5 to 19 September 2022 in Garissa. The assessment was conducted at two levels – ward level and settlement level, using key informant interviews…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Site Assessment Round 1

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment

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