Community Contributors
The success of any open source program lies with the community contributing its collective energy, knowledge, enthusiasm, and effort. We would like to recognize the groups below who contribute to the DSpace platform and the broader community.
DSpace Committers Group
Leading the DSpace community’s development work is a group of dedicated developers and users called the DSpace Committers. The Committer Group is responsible for applying the various fixes, patches and new functionality to the core DSpace code and organizing the new releases.
Code Contributors
There are many developers within the DSpace community who contribute code to the platform. These contributions include simple bug fixes and patches or may add new enhancements or functionality to the codebase. Active code contributors also consult with the Committer Groups to share ideas and future development plans. See the DSpace wiki for guidelines of how to contribute and help further the DSpace program.
DSpace Community Advisory Team
The primary goals of the DSpace Community Advisory Team (DCAT) are to help review and facilitate community-wide discussions about new feature requests and to provide support to the DSpace Committer group in producing software releases. As a part of this process, DCAT reviews new feature requests and facilitates community-wide discussions on those requests that appear to have the broadest appeal or would have the biggest impact for the community. In addition to soliciting more community feedback on features, the DCAT discussions also hope to bring together program groups or stakeholders that could work on the development of those features. Membership in DCAT is open to anyone within the global DSpace user community. Please visit the wiki for more information.