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November 05, 2014

The IT Talent Shortage Debate

Tech employers say good people are hard to find. Job hunters see a broken hiring process. Both sides need to shake their frustration and find new ways to connect.

October 28, 2014

Agile Certifications Are Actively Destructive

Is it even possible to assess competence in agile development with a test?

October 14, 2014

Ada Lovelace Day: Celebrate Yourself

Honoring women in STEM


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Dr. Dobb's Archive

On this site is archived all the content from Dr. Dobb's that was published on the Web through December 31, 2014.

Dr. Dobb's Archive

On this site is archived all the content from Dr. Dobb's that was published on the Web through December 31, 2014.

Farewell, Dr. Dobb's

After 38 years of glory, the long run of Dr. Dobb's has come to an end.

Thriving Among the APIs

You're about to start work on designing and publishing your product's API. Now what?

The Long Death of Project Hosting Sites

Last month, Microsoft and Google bypassed their own code hosts to post major code projects on GitHub. The once-favored hosts have begun a long, familiar decline.

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Design News RSS

Parasoft DevTest Shifts To Continuous

Parasoft DTP 5.1 includes smarter Process Intelligence Engine (PIE)

Unlimited LaPTaaSS Testing: What's Not To Like?

BlazeMeter 3.0 sports Selenium testing, multi-cloud support, and multi-instance tests

CoderGears CppDepend 5.0 Arrives

Analyze a codebase and automate code reviews

CodinGame Video-Gamifies Programming

Visual video game puzzles can be solved in 20 different programming languages

JetBrains PhpStorm 8 Supports PHP 5.6

Deepest-ever code understanding plus support for Drupal 8 and WordPress

MapR Hadoop Now More Operational

Apache Drill, Apache Spark, Apache HBase, and YARN upgrades available

MonkeyLearn Artificial Intelligence For Text-Mining

Create and incorporate text-mining capabilities into applications and websites

Watson Discovery Advisor Cloud Service

IBM's Watson Discovery Advisor is being used by researchers to rapidly analyze and test hypotheses using data in millions of scientific papers.

Free Nvidia CUDA 6.5 Packs ARM64 Support

Developer productivity key to new release mechanics

Google Smart Lens Licensed

Google is testing a prototype for a smart contact lens that was built to continuously measure glucose in tears using a wireless chip and miniaturized glucose sensor.

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Events of Interest

December 11-12. Washington, D.C. ModevCon

March 2-6, 2015 London, UK. QCon London

March 5-8, 2015. Recife, Brazil. Tropical Ruby

March 17-19, 2015. Boston, MA. O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference

March 23-24, 2015. Palo Alto, CA. Evans Data's 11th Annual Developer Relations Conference

April 8-16, 2015. Montreal, Canada. PyCon 2015

April 27-30, 2015. Baltimore, MD. 11th Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference

May 4-8, 2015. Chicago, IL. Microsoft Ignite Conference

May 12-14, 2015. Zaragoza, Spain.Protocols Plugfest Europe 2015

Videos of Past Events

September 2014. Atlassian Summit 2014

September 2013. JavaOne

June 2013. JAXConf 2013

May 2013. Google I/O

October 2012. JAXLondon 2012

September 2012. Strangeloop

July 2012. Java Language Summit

June 2012. Google I/O 2012

May 2012. Atlassian Summit

May 2012 (paid). Fluent Conference

March 2012. Multicore World

July 2011. JVM Language Summit

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