We have successfully moved to new location and mirrors.dotsrc.org should be up and running. Please write us on [email protected] if you do not think this is the case and we will take a look :)
Note that one of our virtualization servers still is down at the time of writing, see this post.
Thanks to Aalborg University for supplying us with one more server, assistance, and still accomodating us.
Below are some pictures of the move, we will spare you the details.
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dotsrc are moving to a new location
The time has come for dotsrc to move our servers from our current server room at Aalborg University to a new one. The old locations had been decommissioned and were no longer maintained. Without adequate cooling, the servers have begun to behave rather strangely. Thus the relocation has been expedited.
We hope that all services are up and running again during Thursday afternoon.
Hard disk failure resulted downtime
After a hard disk failure on one of our virtualization servers, the following services have been down since 2021-05-02 10:20:07:
- Website
- Tor relay
- LineageOS build server
- OpenStreetMap tile server
As a temporary measure the website has been moved to Gitlab pages until the issues have been resolved.
The New Website is Live
If You See This on dotsrc.org
We finally migrated away from the old unmaintained PHP CMS. As you can see in the footer, we are now using Hugo to generate static pages.
What is New for Visitors? RSS Thanks to Hugo and our theme, you can now get news via RSS. The icon in the footer links to the feed!
Theme We are trying keep the spirit of the old site intact, but it seems none of us are super interested in frontend development.
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