Preservation Obscures Pelagic Deep-Sea Fish Diversity: Doubling the Number of Sole-Bearing Opisthoproctids and Resurrection of the Genus Monacoa (Opisthoproctidae, Argentiniformes)
Fig 4
Adult formalin fixed and alcohol preserved specimens of Monacoa spp. (A–F), and juvenile formalin fixed and alcohol preserved specimens of Monacoa spp. (G–I). The following species designations (“cf”) are tentative. A, Monacoa cf. niger, AMS I.25919-001. B, Monacoa cf. griseus, AMS I.21744-001. C, M. cf. griseus, AMS I.16494-030. D, M. cf. griseus, AMS I.21366-001. E, M. cf. griseus, AMS I.16492-025. F, M. cf. griseus, AMS I.24031-002. G, M. cf. niger, juvenile, AMS I.20942-001. H, M. cf. griseus, juvenile, AMS I.19751-022. I, M. cf. griseus, juvenile, AMS I.21748-001.