offflix-1.2.5 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build:
A simple application to auto manage series on your local storage.
- Resume watching
- Play next episode
- Auto increment season
- Play random episode
- Multithreaded image loading
The creator of this application does not by any means promote piracy of online content. Where the users of this application get their content from is not a liabilty of the creator of this library. Please use the application at your own caution.
The application depends on libmpv, so you need to install it first.
git clone
export MPV_SOURCE=$(pwd)/mpv
cargo install offflix
Media player controls
- 'Space' to pause/resume
- 'Ctrl+Left' to go back 10 seconds
- 'Ctrl+Right' to go forward 10 seconds
- 'Shift+Left' to go back 1 second
- 'Shift+Right' to go forward 1 second
- 'Left' to go back 5 seconds
- 'Right' to go forward 5 seconds
- 'Up' increase volume
- 'Down' decrease volume
- 'F' to toggle fullscreen
- 'Esc' to quit
- 'A' to cycle audio tracks forward
- 'Shift+A' to cycle audio tracks backward
- 'Ctrl+A' to toggle audio
- 'V' to cycle video tracks forward
- 'Shift+V' to cycle video tracks backward
- 'S' to cycle subtitle tracks forward
- 'Shift+S' to cycle subtitle tracks backward
- 'Ctrl+S' to toggle subtitles