Crate booru

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An async Booru client for Rust.

Note: This project has been forked from booru-rs since September of 2023, but a lot has changed.


The client currently supports:

  • Gelbooru
  • Safebooru
  • Danbooru
  • Rule 34


Remember to bring the Client trait into scope with use booru::client::Client;.

use booru::{
        client::{gelbooru::GelbooruClient, generic::*, Client},

async fn main() {
    let posts = GelbooruClient::builder()
        .expect("There was an error retrieving posts from the API");

§Customizing http client

If you want to customize http client, you can use builder_with_http_client:

use booru::{
        client::{gelbooru::GelbooruClient, generic::*, Client},
use reqwest;
use std::time::Duration;

async fn main() {
    let http_client_builder = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new()

    let posts = GelbooruClient::builder_with_http_client(http_client_builder)
        .expect("There was an error retrieving posts from the API");

§Get by page

use booru::{danbooru::DanbooruClient, Client};

async fn main() {
    let posts = DanbooruClient::builder()
        .expect("There was an error retrieving posts from the API");

    println!("{:?}", posts);
use booru::{danbooru::DanbooruClient, Client};

async fn main() {
    let posts = DanbooruClient::builder()
        .expect("There was an error retrieving posts from the API");

    println!("{:?}", posts);

§Get Autocomplete

use booru::{danbooru::DanbooruClient, Client};
use tracing::Level;
use tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber;

async fn main() {
    let subscriber = FmtSubscriber::builder()
        // all spans/events with a level higher than TRACE (e.g, debug, info, warn, etc.)
        // will be written to stdout.
        // completes the builder.

    tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).expect("setting default subscriber failed");

    let posts = DanbooruClient::builder()
        .expect("There was an error retrieving posts from the API");

    println!("{:?}", posts);

