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Automatically import videos a remote channel or playlist

How to program a new import automation (synchronization)

If the administrator enabled this feature, you can automatically import all videos from a remote channel (from another video platform) into one of your PeerTube channels. This feature is also known as channel synchronization.

To do so, you have to:

  1. go to Channels in the Left Menu;
  2. click on Synchronizations;
  3. click on Add synchronization;
  4. then fill:
    • Remote channel URL: your Youtube / Dailymotion / Vimeo channel (Note: playlists URL are also allowed in this field)
    • Video channel: your PeerTube channel in which you will import videos from the remote channel;
    • Options for existing videos on remote channel: choose to import existing videos on remote channel if you will or to only watch for new publications;
  5. click on Create

Add a new synchronization button

Add a new synchronization form

Once the synchronization is added, you should see the list of synchronizations updated:

List synchronization

Now wait for new publications. Note that by default, the remote channels will be checked each hours for new videos.

Delete a synchronization

In the synchronization list, click on the button and select the Delete option:

Delete synchronization

Update a synchronization

You may just delete the existing synchronization and recreate it using the above procedure. Ensure to check Only watch for new publications while creating the synchronization anew.