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Developer Reference

Learn about DigitalOcean's APIs, CLI, Terraform provider, and open source contributions.

DigitalOcean provides several command-line interfaces (CLIs) and application programming interfaces (APIs) for managing your resources. This section provides the reference materials for these offerings, as well as resources from the open source community.

Manage your DigitalOcean resources from the command line with doctl, our open-source command line interface (CLI).
Programmatically manage your Droplets, Spaces, and other DigitalOcean resources using conventional HTTP requests. Use RESTful APIs to programmatically manage Droplets, Spaces, and other DigitalOcean resources.
Interact with Paperspace resources programmatically using the Paperspace API or CLI, and find documentation for legacy tools.
Deploy and change many resources simultaneously using the open source Terraform tool.
PyDo is DigitalOcean’s official Python client library based on DigitalOcean’s OpenAPIv3 specification.
This is a list of official and community-created client libraries that let you use the DigitalOcean API in a variety of programming languages.
We use and contribute to open source software.
Automate DigitalOcean infrastrucuture and configuration management using the open source Ansible framework.

Latest Updates

Upcoming Changes

  • In April 2025, we are implementing a breaking change to the DigitalOcean API that fixes an incomplete resource authorization issue. You may need to recreate API tokens with additional scopes to retain the same functionality, depending on your use cases.

    Learn more on Breaking Change to Fix DigitalOcean API Incomplete Resource Authorization Issue.

22 April 2024

  • We’ve corrected a bug where image types other than snapshots could be listed using the GET /v2/snapshots endpoint. This behavior was strictly limited to image types that the user was properly authorized to access, such as backups and custom images.

17 April 2024

  • Custom scopes for personal access tokens (PATs) are now generally available.

    Previously, DigitalOcean PATs had only two scopes: read access to all team resources or full (read and write) access to all team resources. Custom scopes introduce more specific permissions, like creating Droplets or updating cloud firewalls, which lets you secure your workflows by granting only the permissions the token needs and restricting access to other resources and actions.

12 April 2024

  • Team members with the biller role can no longer access information about shared resources. Previously, billers could access this information via the API, but not the control panel.

For more information, see the full release notes.

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